Originally posted by Integrity_Farmer
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That inflated figure that has been circulating around for years is not based on reality.
December customs figures indicate wheat exports for all of Canada not including durum came in at $298.65/t.
https://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cimt-cicm/topNCountryCommodities-marchandises?lang=eng&chapterId=10§ionId=2&sec tionLabel=II+-+Vegetable+products&refMonth=12&refYr=2019&freq=6& countryId=999&usaState=0&provId=1&arrayId=9800000& commodityId=100199&commodityName=Wheat+and+meslin% 2C+other+than+durum+wheat%2C+other+than+seed+for+s owing&topNDefault=10&tradeType=1&monthStr=December https://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cimt-cicm/topNCountryCommodities-marchandises?lang=eng&chapterId=10§ionId=2&sec tionLabel=II+-+Vegetable+products&refMonth=12&refYr=2019&freq=6& countryId=999&usaState=0&provId=1&arrayId=9800000& commodityId=100199&commodityName=Wheat+and+meslin% 2C+other+than+durum+wheat%2C+other+than+seed+for+s owing&topNDefault=10&tradeType=1&monthStr=December
About two-thirds give or take of this year's crop is grading a 2 at port. There is a higher than usual amount of 3 and feed. There is also small amounts of other types of wheat in the 298.65 mentioned above.
1CWRS 13.5 has been around $225 with #2 about $7 off that and #3 another $20 below that. Your area may be different. An estimate would indicate that the difference between farm gate pricing and that realized at port is about 85-90 for the majority of the HRS this year, with #3 higher at 90-105. I would think feed is higher yet. I feel sorry for areas with no good local market for feed.
Add up primary elevator charges, administration, rail costs, terminal costs and see if that doesn't seem close.
Here is an old cost workup from years ago under the CWB.