A neighbor sent this to me:
"Unfortunately this issue is about climate change not indigenous consultation. We need to develop a real plan to address ¾ of the populations fear that the world will end in ten years if we don’t leave all of Canada’s oil in the ground. Oil from anywhere else is not the problem only Canada’s oil is causing this perceived world disaster. Our Prime Minister’s goal is to turn us over to the UN’s control, making us equal to Somalia. He is not interested in growing Canada’s economy. In fact if Canada’s economy grows it exacerbates the perceived end of the world problem. I don’t have any answers as to how we deal with the issue but until we convince people their not going to die in ten years we’ve got a problem and it makes no difference which party gets elected. The fear amongst ordinary Canadians is criminal.
This is the number one issue going forward. My daughter even mention a couple of days ago, she’s thinking we should sell out to a Hutterite colony and relocate. The problem is where would you go that doesn’t have the same problem."
Farmers in Canada are being held hostage. Russia, Saudi Arabia... and the rest of the developed world... is watching as Canada wanders in our own night mare of a dark haze Global Warming fantacy... [while our climate is cooling massively increases our Agricultural costs]; legalized drugs to dull our minds and dispel Common Sense, Assisted Suicide to kill off old and young people who cannot defend themselves nor make a rational decision, and a federal government that has no leadership... other than to pad their pockets for the impending collapse of Canadian Society; if we choose to believe the Liberal Utopia.
"Unfortunately this issue is about climate change not indigenous consultation. We need to develop a real plan to address ¾ of the populations fear that the world will end in ten years if we don’t leave all of Canada’s oil in the ground. Oil from anywhere else is not the problem only Canada’s oil is causing this perceived world disaster. Our Prime Minister’s goal is to turn us over to the UN’s control, making us equal to Somalia. He is not interested in growing Canada’s economy. In fact if Canada’s economy grows it exacerbates the perceived end of the world problem. I don’t have any answers as to how we deal with the issue but until we convince people their not going to die in ten years we’ve got a problem and it makes no difference which party gets elected. The fear amongst ordinary Canadians is criminal.
This is the number one issue going forward. My daughter even mention a couple of days ago, she’s thinking we should sell out to a Hutterite colony and relocate. The problem is where would you go that doesn’t have the same problem."
Farmers in Canada are being held hostage. Russia, Saudi Arabia... and the rest of the developed world... is watching as Canada wanders in our own night mare of a dark haze Global Warming fantacy... [while our climate is cooling massively increases our Agricultural costs]; legalized drugs to dull our minds and dispel Common Sense, Assisted Suicide to kill off old and young people who cannot defend themselves nor make a rational decision, and a federal government that has no leadership... other than to pad their pockets for the impending collapse of Canadian Society; if we choose to believe the Liberal Utopia.