Excellent thought provoking posts, Macdon and Helmsdale.
As to the idea that commerce will come to a halt because one piece of the supply chain from China is unavailable just goes against historical precedent.
Consider WWII, in any of the allied or axis countries, but the US specifically. Consider how fast they ramped up manufacturing and resource extraction, raised funds, invented entire industries and technologies, all the while the most capable and youthful weren't even available to contribute, being in the military. The obstacles that were overcome are just mind boggling. Germany producing more planes and nearly everything else in the last years of the war with constant bombing of the factories, and the worker's neighborhoods, lack of energy and fuel, a gutted population, and a complete lack of imported materials. USSR moving entire factories 1000's of miles east and starting over production in a barren field without even a building over top.
Yet in 2020, with all of our collective knowledge and technology, we are to believe that we can't make something as simple as face masks because some of the material can only come from China?
All we need is either for the government to get out of the way and allow businesses to do what they do best, fill demand without untold regulations and restrictions, or else treat this as the crisis that many think it is, and actively manage as they did during the war, but this again will require overlooking/overthrowing the myriad costs, regulations and red tape that caused the production to go off shore in the first place.
Never bet against the USA. I still maintain that this will lead to a boom unprecedented in post war history, as industry is repatriated to the US.
As to the idea that commerce will come to a halt because one piece of the supply chain from China is unavailable just goes against historical precedent.
Consider WWII, in any of the allied or axis countries, but the US specifically. Consider how fast they ramped up manufacturing and resource extraction, raised funds, invented entire industries and technologies, all the while the most capable and youthful weren't even available to contribute, being in the military. The obstacles that were overcome are just mind boggling. Germany producing more planes and nearly everything else in the last years of the war with constant bombing of the factories, and the worker's neighborhoods, lack of energy and fuel, a gutted population, and a complete lack of imported materials. USSR moving entire factories 1000's of miles east and starting over production in a barren field without even a building over top.
Yet in 2020, with all of our collective knowledge and technology, we are to believe that we can't make something as simple as face masks because some of the material can only come from China?
All we need is either for the government to get out of the way and allow businesses to do what they do best, fill demand without untold regulations and restrictions, or else treat this as the crisis that many think it is, and actively manage as they did during the war, but this again will require overlooking/overthrowing the myriad costs, regulations and red tape that caused the production to go off shore in the first place.
Never bet against the USA. I still maintain that this will lead to a boom unprecedented in post war history, as industry is repatriated to the US.