"Plastic bags are back in full effect and reusable bags are being banned in grocery stores."
Cheap, nearly weightless for near zero shipping costs, strong for groceries, take SFA room in landfills, it's just hydrocarbons put back into the ground where they came from.
Saves the trees from paper bags, ZERO disease transmission, gee we had it correct, till OIL hating/Green/ radicals got us indoctrinated that we are DYING in 12-11-10-9 years!
Cheap, nearly weightless for near zero shipping costs, strong for groceries, take SFA room in landfills, it's just hydrocarbons put back into the ground where they came from.
Saves the trees from paper bags, ZERO disease transmission, gee we had it correct, till OIL hating/Green/ radicals got us indoctrinated that we are DYING in 12-11-10-9 years!