I find myself watching the current events unfold in almost disbelief.
I'm old enough to remember lots of challenging times economically. Inflation and Interests rates created a world of hurt for my father in the 80's. I graduated in the early nineties when Canada was compared to a Banana republic. Jobs were scarce and my first few months in the workforce i banked my hours and lived with family until the company i worked for lifted a hiring freeze a couple months later. But that sacrifice got me a job.
We started farming in 1999 and 2000-2005 were some ugly years and it took off farm jobs to subsidize the farm. Then 2008 hit. The commodity boom provided the sugar rush Ag needed to make up for decades of meager existence.
Never in my lifetime has a global event with such catastrophic events unfolded this close to home. Its not just the Pandemic... its that together with a general softening that was already happening and then Talk of Great Depression like unemployment that could be as high as 20%. We are all praying that doesn't happen but with everything shutdown i cant see how it cannot be historic levels. Our Government puts on a brave face how they are going to support workers. So say the gov has to support even 5 million workers at $1500 per month costing at least 10 Billion a month by the time you factor in lost tax revenue. For how long? and how many defaults as a result? How can this all be funded?
How does this relate to the farm from the point of view that farm assets could devalue as much as 20%. What are you doing to protect yourself? I personally am not overly worried about commodity prices (maybe i should be). My worry is the availability of credit, and interest rates not in the short term but 12-36 months out. Will short term financing become tight?
We are managing cash flow as far as 12-18 months out without financing Its a challenge to do that and get the best price for grain. I guess personally with the current interest rates we are evaluating long term interest rates. as far as 10 years, and in some cases paying penalties to refinance mortgages that are set for renewal in 2021 and 2023 just so we can lock in until 2030. Do we need to take into consideration the Stability of our financial Institution. Is this and over reaction?
Also looking at doubling up insurance with Crop insurance with private coverage. These insurance and financing measures could cost as much as an additional $15 per acre. It doesn't feel like time is on our side.
Someone please tell me I'm over reacting and shut my spreadsheets down and news feed off. Or what measures others are taking? How are you looking at new crop price coverage?
Finally wishing all my farmer friends good health in this crazy time.
I'm old enough to remember lots of challenging times economically. Inflation and Interests rates created a world of hurt for my father in the 80's. I graduated in the early nineties when Canada was compared to a Banana republic. Jobs were scarce and my first few months in the workforce i banked my hours and lived with family until the company i worked for lifted a hiring freeze a couple months later. But that sacrifice got me a job.
We started farming in 1999 and 2000-2005 were some ugly years and it took off farm jobs to subsidize the farm. Then 2008 hit. The commodity boom provided the sugar rush Ag needed to make up for decades of meager existence.
Never in my lifetime has a global event with such catastrophic events unfolded this close to home. Its not just the Pandemic... its that together with a general softening that was already happening and then Talk of Great Depression like unemployment that could be as high as 20%. We are all praying that doesn't happen but with everything shutdown i cant see how it cannot be historic levels. Our Government puts on a brave face how they are going to support workers. So say the gov has to support even 5 million workers at $1500 per month costing at least 10 Billion a month by the time you factor in lost tax revenue. For how long? and how many defaults as a result? How can this all be funded?
How does this relate to the farm from the point of view that farm assets could devalue as much as 20%. What are you doing to protect yourself? I personally am not overly worried about commodity prices (maybe i should be). My worry is the availability of credit, and interest rates not in the short term but 12-36 months out. Will short term financing become tight?
We are managing cash flow as far as 12-18 months out without financing Its a challenge to do that and get the best price for grain. I guess personally with the current interest rates we are evaluating long term interest rates. as far as 10 years, and in some cases paying penalties to refinance mortgages that are set for renewal in 2021 and 2023 just so we can lock in until 2030. Do we need to take into consideration the Stability of our financial Institution. Is this and over reaction?
Also looking at doubling up insurance with Crop insurance with private coverage. These insurance and financing measures could cost as much as an additional $15 per acre. It doesn't feel like time is on our side.
Someone please tell me I'm over reacting and shut my spreadsheets down and news feed off. Or what measures others are taking? How are you looking at new crop price coverage?
Finally wishing all my farmer friends good health in this crazy time.