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    Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post

    Wide open incoming flights from all over the world would would be devastating even ultra-leftists have realized this. (At least I hope they have....)
    Ultra leftists don't "realize things". That would require an open mind, critical thinking abilities, and the opposite of group think. They can only be indoctrinated with repeated propaganda. See Chuck for an example.


      Originally posted by farming101 View Post
      Read section 2 please

      https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-2019-novel-coronavirus/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-2019-novel-coronavirus/
      Interesting read, thanks


        Originally posted by farming101 View Post
        Read section 2 please

        https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-2019-novel-coronavirus/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-2019-novel-coronavirus/
        Farming101 are you insinuating that Trumps lockdown of China flights had more holes than a sieve dml asks while noting the daily Alitalia flight from Rome to JFK continues.

        No question air travel is way down but there are still lots of flights, not only internationally but from Covid-19 hotspots in the US to cities and states with lower infection rates. It does not have to be an international flight to transport the virus anymore. Do check out www.flightradar24.com www.flightradar24.com to see just how many planes are in the air across the US at any given time of the day. And note to how many are still flying in Canada. Note too that just because they are in Canadian airspace does not mean they are landing in Canada; many are simply overflying Canada on polar routes. Click each jet to see its arrival and departure points. Like 101's post, it is eyeopening


          Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
          Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, it is about US election polls, but as a reluctant Canadian, we have much bigger problems much closer to home, than to need to concern ourselves with the democratic decisions of our neighbor. In case you missed it, we have an immoral traitorous imbecile and a gang of incompetents right here in our own country that requires our full attention, and likely an armed insurrection. Once we get our own problems solved, perhaps then we can move on to solving the US's problems for them
          You have made some over the top outrageous comments in the past but any suggestion of an armed insurrection on a public forum seems out of character.

          Its one thing to strongly disagree with a democratically elected government but to suggest armed violence seems a tad rash don't you think?

          It also puts you in the company of some far right extremist terrorist types and I doubt you would want to be publicly associated with them as it can really crimp your public life and business opportunities.

          You might want to be more careful about what you say on social media.


            https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-forget-2016-this-time-donald-trump-faces-destruction/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-forget-2016-this-time-donald-trump-faces-destruction/

            Forget 2016. This time, Donald Trump faces destruction
            Lawrence Martin
            Lawrence MartinPublic affairs columnist
            Special to The Globe and Mail
            Published April 12, 2020

            Since the 2016 shocker, there’s always been a tendency to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt when talking about his re-election chances.

            When all his negatives are raised, knees invariably start jerking. “Ah, but look what happened last time,” comes the response. He was counted out and still won. When it’s noted that he’s been trailing in the polls virtually every day in the past 3½ years, there’s the same reply: Look what happened last time.

            But it’s finally time to forget what happened then. Chances of it happening again this time are going up in smoke. Mr. Trump is running with a collapsed economy, one of the worst handicaps an incumbent seeking re-election can have. In addition, with the United States having suffered more losses in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic than any other country, he now has a war record to run on, a record of unpreparedness which has cost his country gravely.

            No president can realistically expect to win under such conditions, least of all this one. Mr. Trump had so much other baggage that he was trailing the Democrats even before the pandemic affliction bore down on him. If he was behind when his economy, in his words, was “the greatest ever,” how is he going to do when it’s one of the worst ever?

            If he was behind when, to a large extent, there was peace, how’s he going to fare when it’s seen how other countries succeeded in containing and repulsing the enemy – countries such as South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore – while under his leadership the greatest power in the world was left flailing?

            The Trump Republicans are hopeful that when the lockdown is lifted, the economy will come roaring back. Not by the fall it won’t. The stock market might be back up but the unemployment and GDP numbers will be brutal. The Republicans never win with the economy in the tank.

            They lost in 2008 when George W. Bush left behind a shattered economy. They lost in 1992 when his father was in power and the economy was downward bound. They lost in 1932 when Herbert Hoover faced the country during the Great Depression.

            There will likely be a huge sense of relief when the country starts getting back to work in a month or two as COVID-19 recedes. Mr. Trump might get a boost, a temporary one. But he’s taking a big risk if he reopens the country too early. And there are going to be aftershocks no matter what. Epidemiologists predict a second wave of the virus in the fall.

            To stand any chance, Mr. Trump has to debunk the narrative that he was asleep at the switch when the virus hit. But he isn’t succeeding. The American media is probing deeply what happened in January and February. Revelations of Oval Office inertia keep on coming.

            Time after time, he was warned of the seriousness of the virus, and time after time, other than placing limited restrictions on travel from China, he failed to respond. While other leaders are gaining popularity for their handling of the crisis, Mr. Trump is not.

            In daily media briefings of one to two hours in duration, he has been trying desperately to rewrite history. But his bluster isn’t working this time.

            His chances of re-election took a turn for the worse when the Democrats quickly corrected course, selecting Joe Biden as their nominee over democratic socialist Bernie Sanders whom the Republicans considered easier prey.

            The 77-year-old Mr. Biden ran a weak campaign, but through great twists of fortune came out on top. Who could have predicted Michael Bloomberg being knocked out cold by Elizabeth Warren, or Pete Buttigieg stunningly dropping out after such strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire and throwing his support to Mr. Biden?

            Because of the coronavirus shutdown, the Biden campaign is next to invisible. When the candidate is visible he is derided as being in cognitive decline. But it likely won’t matter. He’s experienced. He’s normal. Americans will want change.

            Incumbents defeat themselves and this incumbent won’t need much help from the Democrats. In politics there is always the prospect of unforeseen, strange events intervening. Anyone totally writing off Mr. Trump’s chances need bear that caveat in mind.

            But given the extraordinary coupling of economic and pandemic destruction, the Democrats should be able to coast. Convulsive developments in combination with his own ineptitude have conspired to undermine Mr. Trump’s chances of repeating 2016.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              You have made some over the top outrageous comments in the past but any suggestion of an armed insurrection on a public forum seems out of character.

              Its one thing to strongly disagree with a democratically elected government but to suggest armed violence seems a tad rash don't you think?

              It also puts you in the company of some far right extremist terrorist types and I doubt you would want to be publicly associated with them as it can really crimp your public life and business opportunities.

              You might want to be more careful about what you say on social media.
              Postulating about what the future is likely to hold, based on historical precedent, is not in any way the same as suggesting or inciting violence.

              Do you see any other way for this to end? It will never be done at the ballot box, mathematically impossible.


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                Ultra leftists don't "realize things". That would require an open mind, critical thinking abilities, and the opposite of group think. They can only be indoctrinated with repeated propaganda. See Chuck for an example.
                And they all bow down before peer reviewed/so called EXPERTS just because the lies are LEFT/SOCIALIST, therefore infallible! Absolutely never question, reason, think, no wonder Hitler types get control.


                  Even our politicians are too damn dim to demand statisticians that aren’t on the take. The are sitting home charging double-time pumping out BS just like the climate change shysters.


                    Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                    Farming101 are you insinuating that Trumps lockdown of China flights had more holes than a sieve dml asks while noting the daily Alitalia flight from Rome to JFK continues.

                    No question air travel is way down but there are still lots of flights, not only internationally but from Covid-19 hotspots in the US to cities and states with lower infection rates. It does not have to be an international flight to transport the virus anymore. Do check out www.flightradar24.com www.flightradar24.com to see just how many planes are in the air across the US at any given time of the day. And note to how many are still flying in Canada. Note too that just because they are in Canadian airspace does not mean they are landing in Canada; many are simply overflying Canada on polar routes. Click each jet to see its arrival and departure points. Like 101's post, it is eyeopening
                    I wish I could always be crystal clear but I guess sometimes it does seem like insinuation.

                    I try to encourage research and study of all kinds of topics.

                    Regarding the travel proclamation; reading and studying can promote understanding. That's all I was hoping for. It seemed to me that many thought the travel proclamation was a complete and total ban on all travel between the US and China. Clearly that was not true. The New York Times article that has been referenced many many times states that in the two months following the travel ban there had been 40,000 Americans and other authorized individuals that had made the trip to the US. That would be within the wording of the proclamation. Simple math shows that in the first 33 days of the year 390,000 more came to the US, an average of 11,818 per day. Following the travel restrictions the average would be 689 people per day. Roughly a 94% decrease.

                    Regarding planes still flying, for me it is reassuring. What if your parents on the other side of the country need your help. A plane can get you there. There have been quite a few articles published wondering why so many planes are still flying. Many of them have very few passengers aboard.
                    Last edited by farming101; Apr 13, 2020, 18:26.


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      Postulating about what the future is likely to hold, based on historical precedent, is not in any way the same as suggesting or inciting violence.

                      Do you see any other way for this to end? It will never be done at the ballot box, mathematically impossible.
                      its attack the messenger as always , don't lose any sleep


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