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Sorry haters, Trump is more popular than ever.

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    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
    The usual suspects think Trump is great and Trudeau is not.

    The USA is great Canada is not!

    Simple thoughts for simple minds.

    Rex Tillerson former secretary of state and former head of Exxon and an obvious lefty, had it correct about Trump "he is a f..king moron"

    The only people stupider than Trump are those who think he is a great leader!
    Truly stupid people voted Liberal ... the second time ...


      Recall October crisis when Pierre Trudeau was leader and used war measures act to help curb terrorism from FLQ.
      Was unpopular prior to that but was more popular with most Canadians after that. Suspect Trump support is similar.


        But can he keep it going until fall elections?


          https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-popularity-spike-1.5512983 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-popularity-spike-1.5512983

          Trump is more popular than ever, but there's more to the story

          4 takeaways from a mid-crisis polling spike for the U.S. president

          Alexander Panetta · CBC News · Posted: Mar 28, 2020 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: a few seconds ago
          U.S. President Donald Trump, seen here wearing a campaign cap during a meeting to discuss the pandemic at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta earlier this month, is seeing the best polling numbers of his presidency. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via The Associated Press)

          Sorry to the haters, doubters and slack-jawed disbelievers: Donald Trump has the highest approval ratings of his presidency.

          The barrage of criticism he's faced in the media over his handling of the COVID-19 crisis does not erase the fact that he's getting decent marks from the public.

          He's closer than ever to cracking the 50 per cent mark in public approval.

          Trump took a pause Friday from dealing with this deadly, economy-pulverizing pandemic to tweet his thanks to a journalist who pointed out his poll numbers.

          As the president often does, he insisted his real support must be much higher than what's in the media. "Add 10 points!" he tweeted.

          Needless to say, you can't arbitrarily add 10 points to a survey and call it statistically sound. But here are a few things we can definitely glean from the polling so far.
          Trump has more support than ever

          Trump had a 47.3 per cent average approval rating, according to an aggregate of surveys compiled by the website Real Clear Politics. The closest he's ever come to 50 per cent support was right after his inauguration in 2017.

          Some surveys even show him with more public approval than disapproval for the first time, though most don't.

          Yet he's still in political danger

          Still, most polls show his ratings slightly underwater, with the Real Clear Politics average showing two per cent more disapprove of his leadership (49.3 per cent) than approve.

          The other bad news for Trump involves the general election. He's beaten his likely opponent, Joe Biden, just one time in 24 head-to-head national polls listed on the site this year.

          Of course, U.S. elections are fought state by state. What the swing states show is a close race, with some challenges for the incumbent.

          Trump has been a bit behind in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and a bit ahead in Florida. There's less data from Ohio, and it's mixed. An additional challenge for Trump is, entering this crisis, he was trailing Biden in the Republican-leaning states of Arizona and North Carolina.

          There is another important point to be made, since any talk of U.S. presidential polling inevitably draws complaints that pollsters got it wrong in 2016, and Trump himself habitually claims his true support is much higher than published figures.

          It's this: the national polls were not wrong in 2016.

          In fact, they were close to bang-on. The Real Clear Politics average missed the 2016 result by one percentage point. Same for Florida, and to a lesser extent in Pennsylvania.

          But they were wrong where it mattered most in 2016: at the state level, in Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. Surveys in those key states were way off.
          Leaders poll well in a crisis

          Leaders are getting strong public support in this crisis — it's happening throughout the U.S., and in lots of other places.

          Look at the results from one Fox News poll. It asked respondents to rank the performance of various figures in the U.S. Everyone got good marks — and everyone else polled better than Trump.

          Seventy-seven per cent approved of the job done by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Health; local officials got 75 per cent; state governments 74 per cent; Vice-President Mike Pence 55 per cent; and Trump 51 per cent.

          The federal and provincial governments in Canada are getting high marks for their handling of the crisis, with approval ratings mainly in the 60s and, in the case of Quebec Premier François Legault, way higher. One survey showed 93 per cent support for Legault's performance.

          France's unpopular president, Emmanuel Macron, has gotten a bounce, with polls showing him gaining as much as 14 per cent during the crisis. Italy's governing party is polling better, too.

          Warning to all of them: this kind of mid-crisis polling can prove to be the political equivalent of a sugar high.

          History shows that a president can achieve sky-high support in a crisis, and see it crater quickly in a bad economy. These are the approval numbers for George H.W. Bush from the Gallup polling company, which showed a peak after the successful invasion of Iraq and quick collapse that cost him re-election. (Gallup)

          Take George H.W. Bush, who had an approval rating around 90 per cent after winning the first Gulf War in 1991 but lost re-election the following year. A soft economy quickly pulled his Gallup approval down as low as 29 per cent.

          His son, George W. Bush, also reached 90 per cent approval after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and narrowly won re-election three years later.

          The handling of this crisis will be litigated for decades to come. It's still very early in the debate, and there's no telling what turn it will take in the seven-plus months until election day.

          Some Democrats sound disheartened on social media, venting their frustration that Trump is being rewarded by the public for what they see as catastrophic leadership.

          They argue that he's repeatedly messed up basic facts; picked petty fights; downplayed the need for new ventilators one day, then treated it like a national emergency the next; disbanded a pandemic task force; and wasted precious weeks telling the country this crisis would never hit.

          With presidential campaign events sidelined by the pandemic, Democratic contender Joe Biden has changed his routine, speaking to media via a video feed from his house. He's been tentative in criticizing the president. (Biden for President via The Associated Press)

          Trump's reply: He was quick to close the border to China, then did the same with Europe as the crisis spread. He's also signed a second massive economic-rescue bill.

          He's also declared a national emergency, put the military on guard, and used emergency powers to order General Motors to make ventilators. (The company says it was already working on it.)

          Amid all this, Biden has kept a relatively low profile. Biden's team has been debating whether it's advisable to criticize Trump too strongly amid a national crisis.

          But the Democratic advertising machine is starting to unload on the president. In Facebook ads, and in TV ads.

          The largest Democratic super PAC is running an ad in different states showing a rising number of coronavirus cases over a period of weeks where Trump downplayed the crisis.

          The Trump campaign warned stations they could lose their broadcasting licence for running the ad — the president's campaign lawyers argue it is misleading.

          The Democratic group responded by saying it would buy more ads.
          About the Author
          Alexander Panetta

          Alexander Panetta is a Washington-based correspondent for CBC News who has covered American politics and Canada-U.S. issues since 2013. He previously worked in Ottawa, Quebec City and internationally, reporting on politics, conflict, disaster and the Montreal Expos.

          CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|About CBC News
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            Lost me at “CBC”


              The best phrase that fits Trump" Liar, Liar Pants On Fire". That is why he is so dangerous. He has the biggest megaphone in the world and does nothing but lie and "No One Disputes That".( Except Hannity)


                Disinformation was the cornerstone of another regime over 80 years ago. We know how that turned out.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  The usual suspects think Trump is great and Trudeau is not.

                  The USA is great Canada is not!

                  Simple thoughts for simple minds.

                  Rex Tillerson former secretary of state and former head of Exxon and an obvious lefty, had it correct about Trump "he is a f..king moron"

                  The only people stupider than Trump are those who think he is a great leader!
                  His supporters are the greatest Example of being taken by a Gaslighter since the word Was invented


                    Trump Derangement Syndrome is quite fascinating. 🍿

                    He just keeps winning and lefties keep losing their minds. Is there a company that will treat these people for the next 5 years because it could be an excellent investment?


                      Kinda funny to watch some come unhinged , or triggered as they say , about Trumps numbers lol ...

                      In all seriousness though, China held back critical info on this virus right off the hop. Everyone knows that and hence why Trump called them out .
                      Anyone who tried to call that out was screamed at as a racist. Sad world we live in .
                      Ask CNN about that kid with the red hat in Washington... screamed racism instantly... but when the facts came out later , CNN and other msm got sued biggly, and rightly so .
                      Arguing about Trump on this site is an awe full waste of time and energy. Go work in the shop , if your yard is still not full of snow , go do something productive.
                      We can’t blame Trump for leaving our own doors open way way to long not screening people from China or Italy in our own airports that’s on Skippy , so it’s too late now but the finger pointing is happening all orange man but not at Skippy as he has been hiding like a coward in his cottage ... Tis strange ...
                      It’s up to us as people in this country to do the right thing now, not political grandstanding from anyone.
                      Back to organizing the shop for me , I should have never looked lol , glad I never wasted time reading some of those useless cut and past posts .
                      “I got better things to do !!” ... Terry Clark 👍.
                      That and the geese are back , heard the first batch this morning.
                      Just stay away from people and focus on your own lives and family, that will be a big enough challenge now for the next month..


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