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Sorry haters, Trump is more popular than ever.

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    Sophie and him aren’t even together, so it’s not like he is even at risk from her. Also, he has been cowering for 16 days. Why does he need to cower for 16 days, when 14 is all one needs? Some folks think they spotted an ankle bracelet. Makes more sense than having an unneeded 16 day groundhogs holiday.

    As far as trump goes. I suggest to the haters to follow up on what we receive as “news” and do some deeper looking. As an example, I saw a CTV news article about how nasty he was during a town hall. I then went and watched the townhall. There was NOTHING remotely even close to what the article headline stated. He answered questions well, and showed great consideration in his answers.

    So to those haters. Look deeper.

    And to the lovers of Trudeau. Same thing. Look deeper to find the truth. When he first self isolated, why did he post a picture of his BEARDLESS self, sitting at a desk with leaves on the trees behind him? Where is Sophie? Why no bearded pictures with Sophie?

    Worst of all, did you lovers not notice his power grab effort? Unprecedented it was.


      Watch a Trudeau press con and a Trump one back to back. if you cant see the difference then I cant help you.

      Trudeau takes the most mushy softball peddled questions probably given to him 3 days in advance to study.

      Trump takes a 90 minute berating from the press core 20 ft from his face who then all run to their laptops to slam him in opeds while their networks amass their talking heads together for another pounding in the nightly news. Every single day.


        Canada must be ready for the mayhem Trump’s about to unleash
        Gary Mason
        Gary MasonNational affairs columnist
        Published 3 days ago
        Updated March 25, 2020

        You could argue that U.S. President Donald Trump’s short-sighted and bungled handling of the COVID-19 pandemic began before the virus took hold in his country.

        Two years earlier, Luciana Borio, the president’s biodefense preparedness advisor, warned that a flu pandemic – not a 9/11 redux – was the country’s No. 1 health security threat. As the director of medical and biodefence preparedness at the National Security Council, Borio said the country wasn’t nearly ready to confront such a lethal outbreak if it was to occur.

        What was the White House’s response? It dismantled the NSC’s global health security office shortly thereafter.

        Dr. Borio, and other experts such as her, were soon out of jobs. And now, 327 million Americans have been left to suffer through a pandemic without a coherent strategy for dealing with it – even though their government saw it all coming.
        U.S. President Donald Trump pressed his case on Tuesday for a reopening of the U.S. economy by mid-April despite a surge in coronavirus cases, downplaying the pandemic as he did in its early stages by comparing it to the seasonal flu. Yahaira Jacquez reports. Reuters

        To make matters worse – much, much worse – the country is being led by a dangerous egomaniac who has lied to and misled Americans about the gravity of the threat they’re facing almost from the beginning. Now, he is musing about grossly inflaming a problem he had a chance to mitigate. Mr. Trump is threatening to ignore the advice of virtually every major public health officer in the U.S. – including his own White House adviser on infectious diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci – and effectively allow for a “culling of the herd” that will result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans.

        Maybe the scenes we are about to witness will help Canadians isolate-in-place with even more vigilance.

        The plague of Donald Trump

        What is about to unfold will be horrifying, unquestionably. The situation in New York, which could become the new global epicentre of the disease, is dire. Governor Andrew Cuomo has pleaded with the White House to do more, and when the state was offered 400 ventilators, Mr. Cuomo exploded: “What are we going to do with 400 ventilators when we need 30,000?” The White House has since agreed to send 4,000 more – but the governor has predicted that more than 40,000 New Yorkers might need urgent care in the next few weeks.

        There are scenes of turmoil and disarray everywhere in the U.S. In New Orleans, which survived Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and is now living through another disaster, doctors have reported that intensive care units are running out of basic supplies; meanwhile, residents of the city continue to ignore calls to keep a safe distance from others. This scenario is being played out across the U.S., where the coronavirus death toll on Wednesday was 791, with nearly 60,000 cases.

        And now, President Chaos is promising to begin ramping down social distancing by Apr. 12, despite the pleas of doctors and nurses around the country who are begging him not to do it, as doing so would unleash scenes of pandemonium in already overwhelmed hospitals and allow the disease to spread further and faster. But it might be April 12. And just because he thinks having the churches full again on that day “would be a beautiful thing.”

        This intended course of action has already caught the attention of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office, and to say there is worry there would a gross understatement. Canadians also have to be prepared for the fallout of Mr. Trump’s actions.

        Story continues below advertisement

        That means being prepared to tighten restrictions at the border even further. If the virus spreads because of a decision by the president to relax the rules around social distancing, it will undoubtedly mean that those U.S. workers coming into Canada now to transport goods will be at greater risk of carrying the disease.

        That, in turn, will put Canadians at risk. And that is not right.

        Canadians, for the most part, have gotten with the program and are staying inside. We can’t let our health be compromised by the idiocy of Mr. Trump and the pathetic, loyal lapdogs that make up his administration.

        While we likely couldn’t shut the border completely, we may have to institute new, harsh rules about the manner in which those coming into the country are treated. I’m not sure precisely how; we’ve just put a mandatory quarantine in place for those arriving from international destinations, which is a smart move. Our medical professionals, as ever, would have a better idea of how this might be handled. But we have to be ready. We can’t let our efforts to plank the virus be compromised by the unconscionable folly of others.


          The plague of Donald Trump
          Sarah Kendzior
          Special to The Globe and Mail
          Published 3 days ago
          Updated March 25, 2020

          Sarah Kendzior is the co-host of the podcast Gaslit Nation and the author of coming book Hiding in Plain Sight.

          “Life is what you do while you’re waiting to die,” Donald Trump, then a real estate tycoon bound for bankruptcy, told Playboy magazine in 1990. “You know, it is all a rather sad situation.”

          “Life?” the interviewer asked. “Or death?”

          “Both. We’re here and we live our 60, 70 or 80 years and we’re gone. You win, you win and in the end, it doesn’t mean a hell of a lot. But it is something to do – to keep you interested.”

          For his entire life, Mr. Trump has been a self-described fatalist. He has called himself a fatalist in interviews spanning nearly 30 years. This admission is a rare expression of consistent honesty for a man infamous for lying about everything – his fortune, his criminal ties, objective reality. It’s the outlook he hints at when he does things such as retweeting a meme of himself fiddling like Nero, while the novel coronavirus spreads across the United States.

          Nothing seems to matter to Mr. Trump – not only in the sense that the things that matter to other people, like love and loss, do not matter to him. Nothingness itself matters: Destruction and annihilation are what he craves. “When bad times come, then I’ll get whatever I want,” he told Barbara Walters in an 1980s interview. His initial reaction to 9/11 was that the collapse of the World Trade Center made his own buildings look taller. His initial reaction to the 2008 economic collapse was joy at his potential to profit. Everything to Mr. Trump is transactional, and you – all of you – are the transaction.
          U.S. President Donald Trump pressed his case on Tuesday for a reopening of the U.S. economy by mid-April despite a surge in coronavirus cases, downplaying the pandemic as he did in its early stages by comparing it to the seasonal flu. Yahaira Jacquez reports. Reuters

          In February, 2014, when asked about the direction of the United States, Mr. Trump rooted for its demise:

          “You know what solves it?” Mr. Trump told Fox News. “When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster. Then you’ll have a [laughs], you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.”

          Everything Mr. Trump has done since taking office has served to fulfill this goal, from appointing Steve Bannon, who also called for the collapse of the government, as an adviser; to gutting departments that protect national security and public health; to his disdain for slain soldiers and their widows; to his horrific handling of natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria.

          For months, Mr. Trump has done little to stop the coronavirus from spreading throughout the U.S., creating a death toll that grows rapidly every day. As citizens self-isolate, he refuses to supply federal funds to states for the much-needed medical equipment, such as masks or ventilators. When a reporter offered him the chance to ease the fears of Americans, Mr. Trump instead lashed out at the reporter for even asking. Pundits have expressed confusion about why he will not invoke the Defense Protection Act, but they should have expected it.

          Story continues below advertisement

          This is who Mr. Trump is, who he always was. In a time when everything is changing, you can rely on Mr. Trump’s apathy to suffering.

          What makes Mr. Trump particularly dangerous is that he is not acting alone. He is backed by the Republican Party, which translates his natural apathy to suffering into malicious policies. Mr. Trump is surrounded by brutal plutocrats such as Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, who, like Mr. Trump, are protégés of the infamous corporate raider and former White House adviser Carl Icahn, who set the standard of destroying companies for profit.

          Mr. Trump is also flanked by a number of religious extremists, such as William Barr, Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence, who use biblical imagery to cloak their brutal goals. The overall effect is a group that will sacrifice human lives to lift the stock market. Republican Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas stated that grandparents should die for the U.S. economy. In that mentality, the U.S. exists to be raided and razed, its citizens disposable and inconvenient.

          Mr. Trump, a notorious germophobe with a lifelong fear of hand-shaking, is remarkably sanguine about the coronavirus, given that he is in the demographic more likely to die if infected. He is sanguine in the way he was about being impeached, or about being labeled Individual One in a federal indictment.

          Maybe it is because the world finally exists as it has in his fantasies: Everything is collapsing, yet he remains untouchable. No GOP member has denounced Mr. Trump, just as they refused to impeach him; because Mr. Trump is still in office, public officials are struggling to contain the virus.

          Mr. Trump is untouchable in a world where human touch literally kills. If the U.S. is to survive the pandemic, we need more than medical intervention. We need to get rid of the host.


            The usual suspects think Trump is great and Trudeau is not.

            The USA is great Canada is not!

            Simple thoughts for simple minds.

            Rex Tillerson former secretary of state and former head of Exxon and an obvious lefty, had it correct about Trump "he is a f..king moron"

            The only people stupider than Trump are those who think he is a great leader!
            Last edited by chuckChuck; Mar 28, 2020, 08:53.


              Tried sending a message to CTV news.
              Told them to ask tougher questions and about Sophie and turdo.
              Mail box full.cant accept your question.
              They are isolating to.


                Originally posted by wiseguy
                Carbon tax chuck been watching cnn again !
                Save us all CC go isolate with the F*CKING LYING CROOKED POS TURDO!


                  Originally posted by Partners View Post
                  Tried sending a message to CTV news.
                  Told them to ask tougher questions and about Sophie and turdo.
                  Mail box full.cant accept your question.
                  They are isolating to.
                  Same here, NOBODY reads/answers any questions NEGATIVE to the TURD!
                  And we complain/berate the communists?


                    Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                    There are millions of Canadians isolated to their homes. Do you accuse them of cowardice and where are you hiding? I am isolating in my farmhouse.
                    But I am not the Prime Minister. Remember Harper in the closet?


                      Geez, I ignored Chuck and here he’s back like a stinky f...t.

                      Last edited by sumdumguy; Mar 28, 2020, 10:44.


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