Originally posted by Stampsguy
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Originally posted by biglentil View PostDeaths and cases still doubling every 5 days. If the trend continues just as it has for the past two months for the next 2 months that will mean 135 million deaths by end of May. See the problem.
Just like your portfolio doesn’t compound unabated, neither does a virus. It doesn’t follow a simple logarithmic function unless all of us are stuffed into a giant room together 24-7. Ever have a member of your house hold get sick and you don’t?
A virus works in fits and starts, infects a population, then subsides, starts in another, dies out in another etc. Eventually it runs out of people to infect in a given area and then becomes a bell curve and declines.
Originally posted by agstar77 View PostObama was not a narcissist and a incessant liar. Swine flue has a death rate of 1/10 covid-19 . Anytime any one calls him on his lies it is called bashing by his base. He bullies and demeans anyone who does not praise him. Why would anyone with an ounce of decency any intelligence respect someone like that? He has corrupted the office of the most powerful country in the world.
I will watch Trump get solutions.
Originally posted by Stampsguy View PostFact: the Swine Flu infected 60 million Americans
It sent 274,304 Americans to hospitals
It resulted in 12,469 American deaths
Where was the Mainstream Media hysteria?
Where was the economic shutdown?
Where was the endless Obama-bashing?
Also said the biggest problem with covid is the social media storm pumping out bad information faster then the virus, telling people not to worry, overblown, there is a cure, kind of like half the posts here.
Give this one 2 years, then you can be able to compare the results of the 2.Last edited by wd9; Mar 29, 2020, 14:21.
Originally posted by agstar77 View PostObama was not a narcissist and a incessant liar. Swine flue has a death rate of 1/10 covid-19 . Anytime any one calls him on his lies it is called bashing by his base. He bullies and demeans anyone who does not praise him. Why would anyone with an ounce of decency any intelligence respect someone like that? He has corrupted the office of the most powerful country in the world.
Didn't Trump say America first?
Now here is the scary part, 20,000 per day in the last 3 or 4 days, deaths occur when, like 10 to 14 days after mostly?Last edited by wd9; Mar 29, 2020, 14:31.
Originally posted by wd9 View PostInterestingly i read an article a bit ago about that. The Ro was 1.46 and they didn't fall asleep at the wheel when it first came out vs as high as 3.5. 11 days they were testing vs CV19 was 7 weeks and already running out of supplies. Not sure but H1N1 wasn't contagious till symptoms showed - and always showed.
Also said the biggest problem with covid is the social media storm pumping out bad information faster then the virus, telling people not to worry, overblown, there is a cure, kind of like half the posts here.
Give this one 2 years, then you can be able to compare the results of the 2.
Originally posted by wd9 View PostInterestingly i read an article a bit ago about that. The Ro was 1.46 and they didn't fall asleep at the wheel when it first came out vs as high as 3.5. 11 days they were testing vs CV19 was 7 weeks and already running out of supplies. Not sure but H1N1 wasn't contagious till symptoms showed - and always showed.
Also said the biggest problem with covid is the social media storm pumping out bad information faster then the virus, telling people not to worry, overblown, there is a cure, kind of like half the posts here.
Give this one 2 years, then you can be able to compare the results of the 2.
Up until recently it was racist and xenophobic to restrict any flights from entering Canada or also illegal border jumpers entering. Since than it’s no longer racist but flights still are coming in.
People without PHD’s will have to explain this very simple concept to Dr. Tam and our woke PM.
Originally posted by furrowtickler View PostAgree within 2 years, time will tell maybe sooner
Somebody is delusional if they think the baby boomers are going to miss the cottage this year or the millenials are going to miss their time at the beach.
There is going to be blood on the streets if this carries into the summer. And it could very well be parents eliminating their spawn after they learn what useless little bastards they are, trapped in the same house/apartment.
Originally posted by agstar77 View PostObama was not a narcissist and a incessant liar. Swine flue has a death rate of 1/10 covid-19 . Anytime any one calls him on his lies it is called bashing by his base. He bullies and demeans anyone who does not praise him. Why would anyone with an ounce of decency any intelligence respect someone like that? He has corrupted the office of the most powerful country in the world.
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