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Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

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    Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

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    Well, its Day 10 of isolation and zero people have signs of the disease. All Canadian friends who headed home before us from Florida, Mexico, Phoenix, Yuma, Hawaii etc and are done quarantine have zero cases. All American friends and family have zero cases so far. My folk's condo old folks home have zero cases and that is a relief. So maybe it's not the snowbirds, Just saying. All my contacts that leave Canada are now home the last one was Sunday night and Monday morning.

    So yes I agree we should be 6 ft apart and not sneeze on each other, wash your hands as if you are a surgeon, Don't always touch your face or nose, practice good hygiene. Enough on Corvo-19. the Chinese flu. Do you honestly believe they had so few deaths or its all gone and business as usual?

    What better way to take down a giant and not a shot even fired. The USA is going to be in one rough spot, I will now concede that the fighting between Democrat states and a Republican President didn't work so good.

    California, NewYork are hot spots, Florida will also I' am thinking, But they are in lockdown right now anyone over 65.

    6.6 million Americans Unemployed. Not good, the Stock market crashed, Businesses are in big trouble.

    Oh, I think they will survive but it will be a redo for sure. Watch as the people get so pissed at one country that they will force the gov to bring business that left the USA home and start building American made again. Could this be a new renaissance? Time will tell. The population will take a hit of some 200000 deaths.

    Now those who think Canada will come out smelling like a rose I would like to tell you NO. We have a PM and crew that have no place running anything other than selling cookies at the side of the road and that might be a stretch.

    We are broke from Coast to coast. Newfoundland and Labrador are the first casualties. Manitoba will be next. The rests balance sheets will look so bad it's not even funny. Even Sask will suck bad. Ontario is crushed under a stupid amount of debt.

    The feds after this shit show will be so far in the red my childrens children will never see daylight. Maybe today skippy resigns and lets an adult take over. God, we can all pray for something to happen.

    If the Fed Liberals bet on China I would say Canada will change in a really not good way. It will be like Hong Kong. Posts like this well I will be shot or taken to a camp. Don't believe me well see. Hopefully, Canadians wake up and realize they have us by the balls.

    Enough about all the shit going on in the world. Keep social distancing, Like farmers have done for 1000s of years and stay healthy.

    CBC has such good news service, Yesterday their lead story looked at how traffic to the USA is down. Why do we send this useless news agency a penny.

    Why are there still daily flights into Canada from China? Is the 5 G a go and we need that many experts.

    Ok enough it snowed last night we are white again and April fools day was yesterday. Min 16 or lower in Regina. Yuck.

    All crew are back home and last just come out of self isolation so harvest crew is in place for spring 2020.

    The seed is getting cleaned and by Sunday we will be on to peas, Might seed more and then only Barley and oats to clean.

    Fuel is a shit show as guys go to fill and phone at .57 cents or less and get delivered at .64 or more. Crude at the lowest level ever. Ah, Kajiji has deals on fuel tanks, hell one guy even dragged a 1967 ford fuel haulier out of the bush to sell. I have a 1986 Chev 4 ton with fuel tanks little rust $35000.

    The land is still going strong and it seems there are three types of farmers now.

    1. The BTC that will buy at any price any piece of dirt.
    2. The neighbour who wants to be a BTC and still is trying to buy one or three.
    3. The guy sitting back and wondering how they are buying the land at that price when his banker says those sales were not really using. So who is backing them?

    Oh if you're in the Regina area go ask your banker for extra operating and say here is two quarters I would like $1,000,000.00 extra opp to see how well that goes over. But they are the ones borrowing the money for the land. Just ask for a friend.

    Grain sales to China might come back. Ah, I think that boat has sailed and won't be coming back big time, maybe it's a good thing the 2020 goal was to just provide cheap canola supply to china and make seed and fert and grain companies wealthy. Farmers just would have a market for the oversupply.

    So business this week can get a loan up to $40,000 then only have to pay $30,000 back and get an interest rate close to zero. So who negotiated with BOBOO for farmers to pay stupid interest on supplier loans, stupid interest on Cash advances, Stupid interest on the big $500,000 extended loan. Oh but the media and all producer groups cheered as the $50.00 fee was dropped. WTF is wrong with these groups. Oh then all the info farmers sent in and producer groups took to BOBOO and she still can't figure out how the Carbon tax hurts farmers and the fed liberals put it up another 50%.

    In a nightmare, you cant make shit up like this. The world is crashing with a Virus and Trudeau and the Liberals think it's a good time to make everything more expensive.

    Funerals are the sad part of this whole virus thing and I understand that many people in a church or hall doesn't work. Two people, I knew passed without recognition. Yes, it will happen maybe later in the year but it's still sad. One was a on-site accident RIP.

    Funny how we're almost all back to the way it was in the 60s. You come home supper is made, you can eat with the family (after Quarantine) and talk then watch Netflix Joe Exotic. Wave to neighbours and friends. Phone parents and family.

    Have a great day, Keep safe and Social distance.

    Hopefully today Trudeau steps down.

    Rabbits are still white?

    One thing about this Virus is how can billion-dollar companies not have any way to keep going in a time of crisis. Yet on the farm, we have to go and try to put a crop in year after year even if were wiped out the year before.

    The Flood years no one cared a **** about us.

    The frost years of 2002 and 2004 no one cared.

    Got my big Agstab check for 2002 and then in 2012 had to pay it all back when they were bored.

    So why is Ag always not getting help?

    Yet billionaires do. Watch Weston probably needs stress to help because of all the sales on his food.

    Or Irvine oil with Canada done and steady supply from Saudi at pennies a barrel they should be rolling.

    Truckers got spanked on April one with an increase in carbon tax. They are moving shit around this country and we thank them. Trudeau taxes the shit out of them. Sad really .


      Trudeau and Morneau gave all essential services a big FU this week with a 50% carbon tax increase. It wasn’t an April Fools joke unfortunately.


        Drews spring forecast sure isn't looking real great.

        Who else thinks the world is ready for a reset.

        Will it be the gold standard.

        Ah, didn't Canada under skippy sell the last bit we had?


          Oil up $5/barrel
          Saudi and Russia possibly cutting back production.

          I’m guessing diesel is going up very soon.


            Oh to the moon.

            I bet it will be 75 in a weeks time.


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              I know this might piss off some liberals but really how slow are you if you are still supporting Trudeau.

              I think we need IQ tests again for any voter.


                SKF was the snow gone for you before the last dump? Harvest is at least a month or more away from resuming around here. Good to hear your self isolating is going well. My folks will be done on Tuesday and so far so good.

                My FIL and I have busy for a couple days cleaning off the hilltops where we calve on since Ma Nature isn’t getting around to it. The drifts are taller than the bucket and tires of the wheel loader which is extra fun. Probably been 15 years since we’ve moved this much.

                Aiming to bring the cows home in a week and as long as it doesn’t snow any more should be done by then hopefully.

                Seems more like February than April here with -20 these past few days.


                  """""So business this week can get a loan up to $40,000 then only have to pay $30,000 back and get an interest rate close to zero. So who negotiated with BOBOO for farmers to pay stupid interest on supplier loans, stupid interest on Cash advances, Stupid interest on the big $500,000 extended loan. Oh but the media and all producer groups cheered as the $50.00 fee was dropped. WTF is wrong with these groups.""""""

                  SARM and APAS need a rework....both complimented the feds for the farm announcement on the radio ...neither recognized it was a election promise and there was nothing for farmers that should have been done last November ...two weeks after it wasn't worth continuing to combine....

                  It's actually embarrassing to see how we are represented while business like Air Canada are in high level talks for a bailout....
                  Last edited by bucket; Apr 2, 2020, 11:51.


                    Maybe BoBoo is smarter than she looks. She played these dumb rural boys like a fiddle.

                    Ag got the shaft at a time we should be leading the recovery the feds buried us.

                    Sad why can’t our heads figure things out.

                    Then skippy nails us again with a tax.

                    Check soup or flower my sister says they are way up.
                    Try to buy yeast.

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