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Friday end of the Week Wrap up on a Thursday.

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    What ever happened to saving for a rainy day?
    https://www.marketwatch.com/story/airlines-and-boeing-want-a-bailout-but-look-how-much-theyve-spent-on-stock-buybacks-2020-03-18 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/airlines-and-boeing-want-a-bailout-but-look-how-much-theyve-spent-on-stock-buybacks-2020-03-18

    A big part of the reason for the steady and persistent rise of stock values since 2016 has been share buy back programs of countless corporations with a pile of free cash. Some even borrowed to buy back shares.
    Now there is a problem and they need a bailout. This is why some of these companies need to have a downsizing forced upon them. there is no reason on earth for them to be made whole.
    Maybe they should try a new share offering now and see how that goes......


      The only way to recovery is to take the pill, zero interest rates will not help. Completely disagree all industries/farms have to stand on their own. We are all dealt different hand too much rain too little rain. Farmers have to manage through these situations and if you can not I am sorry but the management choices you made were not the correct ones... so some operator swings for the fence and now wants a interest free loan, while another operation makes choices to manage debt and has little or modest debt who wins? Good industrious individuals will come out on top not careless risk takers


        Explain how flooding for 10 years you would have done something different. I hunkered down bought basically diddly shit and just survived.

        Our insurance was bullshit and so was any federal program.

        So if you're dried out for 10 will you have a different tune?

        Or will it be a great pill as we bid at your auction Online only


          Originally posted by Zephyr View Post

          How, specifically, has covid19 hurt your farm operation, so far?

          For us, the farm is the only thing that has not been affected...

          Lets wait ....but read the comment below first...then ask yourself if waiting for the same fate that restaurants face is a good idea?

          Then ask how much will Air Canada receive after making a billion last year and is essentially broke right now...

          Lets kick the can down the road while the US farmers continue to use government funds to bid used equipment into the stratosphere and still call it a bargain.

          """""Ellen Goddard, an agricultural economist and the co-operative chair in agricultural marketing and business with the University of Alberta, said the declarations, particularly in Ontario and British Columbia have managed to check every box.

          It ensures farmers can grow and sell their products and helps grocery stores remain as stocked as possible, she said.""""""

          “Many farmers would be broke if they couldn’t sell their product,” Goddard said. “They need to be protected by being declared an essential service, if we want their products in the marketplace.”


            Oh yes you are so correct. If we wait like we always do he will forget about us. Not a peep about spring harvest no one cares. Zip nada **** all.

            We’re on our own as always.

            And our farm groups sit and are happy with a $50 dollar drop of a few.

            Wow I think we can afford that.


              Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
              Oh yes you are so correct. If we wait like we always do he will forget about us. Not a peep about spring harvest no one cares. Zip nada **** all.

              We’re on our own as always.

              And our farm groups sit and are happy with a $50 dollar drop of a few.

              Wow I think we can afford that.
              If you knew the stupid shit they are floating around to help farmers ....you would start voting NDP or liberal again...

              After watching business get a 10000 dollar grant on a 40000 dollar loan ...the very least the federal government could do is put farmers on a 0.5 interest rate and a 3 year repayment period and quick accessibility..along with the same 25% grant at the end.....considering all the leeches that live off my farm...
              Last edited by bucket; Apr 3, 2020, 15:05.


                We should threaten that we are going to quit using roundup


                  SF3 - “Explain how flooding for 10 years you would have done something different. I hunkered down bought basically diddly shit and just survived.

                  Our insurance was bullshit and so was any federal program.

                  So if you're dried out for 10 will you have a different tune?

                  Or will it be a great pill as we bid at your auction Online only.”

                  SF3 - exactly my point, you were flooded who bailed you out - nobody, you managed your farm and came through 10 years of difficult times.

                  So why should those who over extended themselves receive an interest free operating loan? I think farms have to manage their operations regardless of too much rain, not enough rain, no harvest, poor harvest.

                  Competing against other nation coffers different discussion.

                  I have experienced years (7) of flood zone, I know what seeding 49 acres of 152 acre field, I understand combines sinking to frames every hour, early frost, crop left out been there - shapes the choices I make to manage my operation. Shapes and continues to shape the speed of expansion for my operation. Trust me I want to farm 20,000 acres but can not assume the risk so an operation your size I sit looking for opportunities to grow...

                  I experienced years and years managing difficult files, restructuring farms, kitchen table meetings with farmers whose wives had no idea of the farm situation. Have no idea how many Farm Debt Mediations meetings I sat through trying to figure how our institution could help and assume reasonable risk while balancing “will this help the member” and can I make this a “profitable” file for my employer. I can tell you the government lender hurt more farmers than it ever helped...

                  So reread my post, I was not attacking you - you manage your farm, just as I manage my farm - can you say the same about all farms... so not sure why you are suggesting after 10 years of drought I get my online auction pill?


                    Expand quickly, out bid everyone, operate with new equipment, numerous employees, leverage the farm to the hilt - please make sure you are profitable because negative margins will unwind a farm pretty quick and without out equity there is limited viable options, actually there are none for a farm of any size of consequence.


                      I guess that would be the same advice for the rest of the economy as well...

                      Agriculture has never received 100s of billion in direct payments like what is happening now even though agriculture is an economic driver....

                      Ignore it at Canada's peril.


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