Originally posted by Misterjade9
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2. Corporations will take less because there is no choice. There is another shoe-to-drop. The S & P 500 index will have a total makeover over the next five (5) years. Its make-up may be unrecognizable by 2025.
3. Those jobs will not come back. Technology and automation is overwhelming labour unions.
4. They don’t have a choice. Both sides have lost power due to a changing consumer. Minimalism is starting to gain traction. Consumer debt and easy money from the banker is no longer hip. These are dreaded incoming consumer changes that make bankers cringe. Remember, the U.S. economy is made up more than 70 percent consumer spending. Corporate board of directors have some serious head scratching with a serious change in consumer spending.
5. Consumers will become frugal and look for alternatives. Corporate America make be ‘up against it’ attempting to turbo-charge profits in this environment. This is an excellent question. One thing for sure . . . The consumer will decide, not politics (IMO).