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Food for thought ...

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    Food for thought ...

    That's the problem with all of this pandemic noise ...there is never any perspective put to it....or the numbers of other issues .....


      It will likely get worse, the number of people that starve


        Originally posted by Rareearth View Post
        It will likely get worse, the number of people that starve
        Well I don’t like , but sadly very true


          I worry for my parents and all the people in that retirement age that have underlying issues that may have to deal with this virus but I do believe to this is over blown a bit. U are right Furrow and I’ve said it since this started that more people will die from other issues than Corona. They have now scared a generation of young kids that have a hard time understanding what all this means. They have started the conditioning.


            Well the question is do we know all there is to know about this virus? If we all headed out in public and took our chances there obviously would be many more illnesses and deaths from this but how many? Would we actually achieve herd immunity or because it is so widespread would it mutate and rhen keep coming and going until every one of us get it bad? Maybe weakened by the first round so that you re more vulnerable the second time?
            Would we maybe just not treat those who have this?because there is no way we d still treat heart attacks cancer just not enough capacity. etc etc. And would there be any doctors not affected and left to treat anyone anyway?

            I think a huge mistake is being made not ramping up testing maybe an entire town is ok maybe quaratine rhe town to stay within the town at least that’s better than this socially and economically? You’d have to ensure supplies would be safe entering but test all involved in that end rhen. I don’t understand why so reluctant to do more testing?


              In some big cities especially in the US Most people are all basically quarantined at home for safety but nearly all have to go to get groceries sooner or later . So even the most diligent are being exposed in some way .
              Yes we may have “flattened the curve” In some areas , or we hope so soon , but what sense is there shutting down an entire economy now ?
              Local wal marts are nearly packed , yet people forced to stay home from work to reduce exposure?
              a lot of local businesses closed , jobs lost because we are told to stay home , yet Wal Mart packed with those same people ? Is this not crazy ? Maybe I am missing something.
              Wal Mart / Costco making a fortune while most other businesses closed , forcing people into one location..... this is so wrong .
              Not seeing the huge business closures locally yet but it’s starting ... we need to think here
              I get the “social distance” thing , most reasonable people do but now after being forced to stay home and kill the economy, we may be forced into just a few stores where everyone goes .
              Is Wal Mart / Costco going to share profits with all the stores that were basically forced to close while they benefit during a crisis ?
              You can take all the precautions in the world less a hazmat suit , but funneling all people sooner or later into a handful of businesses is a train wreck waiting to happen no ??
              Unless your a prepper with many months supply you have to go out into the few businesses open where everyone else is funnelled .
              Will that not exaggerate the problem a lot ??
              Wal mart and Costco reaping the profits while others fail miserably.

              Just random thoughts , maybe far off I don’t know .... long couple days lol . Spring needs to hurry up


                It is hard to know what to do and I do see Jazz's point. And I think this will kill almost the same amount of people if we would have done basically nothing compared to the measures imposed now. Just that under the recommended self isolation all we can hope for is drag it out and make it more manageable for the health-care system....and hopefully save afew more lives in doing so. But the economy is going to take it on the chin and government debt balloon. When this is over, it isn't going to be pretty.

                It really isn't out of control, is it because it isn't as bad as they thought it would be or because of the imposed measures taken to slow the spread?

                There is a sense of inevitability to this scenario....a certain amount of loss of life.
                There is no widespread herd immunity or vaccine yet, so expect this to simmer for a while.
                Last edited by farmaholic; Apr 9, 2020, 00:25.


                  Doing things this way won’t kill nearly as many people. When the system overloads who will be the person standing there to say ok person A with a heart attack won’t be treated but person B will be treated with a broken leg? All the other health problems before covid haven’t gone away
                  I honestly think they want to avoid that decision because some will be taking a shotgun to that decision meeting if it’s their relative or friend that’s going to be refused treatment.

                  There is merit to the overcrowding of some stores being a problem. And maybe other measures should be taken there also.
                  Masks And even hazmat suits for the workers should have been mandatory day one but they didn’t have enough and then we find out now even a cloth home made one would help greatly. Yet no one stood up and directed people to do it.

                  None of this happens if all ships and planes stopped back at the start and I mean like December.

                  Will there be a shift away from cutting funding for health facilities and staff once this is over? Because our inadequacy in focusing on the real essential things we need is so obvious and glaring right now. Too much money for frivolous ventures instead of science and concrete.


                    Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
                    Will there be a shift away from cutting funding for health facilities and staff once this is over? Because our inadequacy in focusing on the real essential things we need is so obvious and glaring right now. Too much money for frivolous ventures instead of science and concrete.
                    We are already seeing elective, non emergency surgeries(like cataracts, joint replacement, facelifts, "gender reassignment"), being postponed. ....some things should never be paid for with public dollars....


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