I’m starting to believe that all the governments are not gonna learn a damn thing when this crisis is over. Same shit just a different day. The people like us that make real things to create our economy will continue to get shit on. Except I must say only the American farmers seem to get support. But for the most part everyone who produces a primary product gets shoved in the toilet when it comes to financial support when the chips are down.
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Covid Farm Assistance a sham useless garbage
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There is a 10% of gross salaries payroll deduction subsidy, it applies/reduces to the Fed/Prov/Terr income tax portion of payroll deductions not the CPP or EI portions, and payroll deductions need to be continued to be made but can be reduced by 10% of the gross salaries. Up to a maximum of $1375(per employee) over the three designated months. There is a maximum amount of $25,000 each business is allowed.
There is a 75% wage subsidy for up to 12 weeks that is being worked out, what will it look like and who qualifies? Will non arm's length salaries and self employed salaries qualify? This sounds like it's going to cost the Gov(taxpayer) alot of money.
The $40,000 gov-guaranteed small business interest free loan forgiving $10,000 if $30,000 is paid by Dec 31, 2022 if your business paid salaries greater than $50,000(max 1 million) in 2019.
Who knows what else is on the way....other than higher taxes to pay for all this "free" stuff.Last edited by farmaholic; Apr 8, 2020, 18:05.
Originally posted by caseih View PostThe hire a student program will be the same bull shit and the idiot farm groups will applaud it all
They are trying to rubber stamp 3 million of them in the next 10 days.
Why even take a job if you can get 2 grand tax free for the next 4 months.
Party time. Lots of Grass, Booze Quads and Guns for $2000 a month and then just waste the rest!
Originally posted by shtferbrains View PostI wonder if the student program didn't come because the $2000 a month instead of the E I program includes anyone over 15 that earned $5000 last year and hasn't worked for 4 week can send an aplication in.
They are trying to rubber stamp 3 million of them in the next 10 days.
Why even take a job if you can get 2 grand tax free for the next 4 months.
Party time. Lots of Grass, Booze Quads and Guns for $2000 a month and then just waste the rest!
Originally posted by FarmJunkie View PostI’m starting to believe that all the governments are not gonna learn a damn thing when this crisis is over. Same shit just a different day. The people like us that make real things to create our economy will continue to get shit on. Except I must say only the American farmers seem to get support. But for the most part everyone who produces a primary product gets shoved in the toilet when it comes to financial support when the chips are down.
Originally posted by FarmJunkie View PostI’m starting to believe that all the governments are not gonna learn a damn thing when this crisis is over. Same shit just a different day. The people like us that make real things to create our economy will continue to get shit on. Except I must say only the American farmers seem to get support. But for the most part everyone who produces a primary product gets shoved in the toilet when it comes to financial support when the chips are down.
Never more more evident than the punishing 50% increase in carbon tax on wealth created industries during a complete meltdown.the very people creating wealth and delivering supplies to the nation . It’s actually un***in believable what just happened here the past two weeks .
Go Air Canada..... biggest carbon polluters to get Federal relief in Canada 🇨🇦 .
Originally posted by wiseguy
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