Originally posted by jimmy
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The local stores here are having trouble keeping meat on the shelves. The big packers are slowing/shutting down. The pork producers may have to start euthanizing fat hogs.
And the couple of small abattoirs that remain in this part of the province cannot keep enough fresh cuts on their shelves for the huge demand spike their are seeing from walk-in customers. As of today, Tuesday, one of them is taking orders for pork chops for next week!.
There is a movement beginning here to prod the governments to enable economic revitalization projects to keep our economy functioning and stimulate new ventures.
I am talking to our MLA and MP to help enable projects that will address both the empty shelves and the marketing bottleneck in this part of the province, one of the most productive agricultural counties in Ontario.
The plan that several of us are pushing is to eliminate and reduce the absolute bullshit regulations that have hamstrung the meat packing business in Ontario. Allow small abattoirs to restart or start up without the million layers of bureaucratic intervention that has killed it.
For example of needless extremity, we don't need some jackass federal inspector at the slaughter plant door checking to see if there is enough straw in the trailer.
Had a big fat steer badly break a horn a while ago, happened to be kill day, can't haul him in if it's bleeding. Got it stopped and called ahead to get clearance to take it in. Had to call the freakin CFIA to get the go ahead and was told that if the animal appears to be in distress in transit, well stop and make sure it's okay. Ya like I'm gonna stop on the side of the road to go see if he's crying.
Like what the hell was I supposed to do - sit beside it and hold its hoof?
This is just an example of the complete jackassery that our system has turned into. And this is a minor interference compared to the annual audits and updates that cost these guys in the 100's of thousands.
And this is why it now costs about $600 to get a market hog processed and $8 -900 for a beef.
Complete disincentives that have now resulted in a near-paralysis of what was one of the best food production systems in the world.
And food safety improvement isn't the issue - how many thousands of tonnes of meat have been recalled by the big licensed packers in the past couple of years?
Now we have almost no small butcher shops as a result.
So sit down, brainstorm how to cut the bullshit government out of teh loop and let the people get the project done.
You know what will drive the push back from Big Gov? Too many useless pricks of government workers will be shown for what they are - useless bloodsuckers getting fat on the backs of the working people.
Complete jackasses like the County warden who said ON AIR that "our staff still needs to be paid".
Listen to yourself, you jackass!! You are talking about protecting the obscene incomes of a whole boatlaod of useless pricks making well over $100,000 a year and all they are doing is holding down economic development with their insane regulatory schemes.
And I'm telling you - when the shit really hits the fan, those feckless fools who sit in their cozy offices dreaming up more shit in a day than a 100 good workers can handle can expect to see an angry mob coing for them...
So, cut the red tape, let the people work and then all of our community can benefit fronm more jobs and a steady supply of food.
What's so hard about that?
Damn, I about busted the keyboard in the production of this public service message.