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Is Saskatchewan, Over-managing the CvD-19 virus?

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    Is Saskatchewan, Over-managing the CvD-19 virus?

    Not speaking about/for other provinces, other than Saskatchewan.

    So by yesterday's stats, Saskatchewan has 5 people in hospital care, one of which is in ICU(not sure if that person is on a ventilator or not) Saskatchewan's active cases have been dropping daily/staying the same for 8 or 9 days now(only 75 in the province, so 70 are at home recovering)

    So it got me to wonder if we are over managing the virus too much,,, and perhaps the physical distancing restrictions are causing the hospitals, not to be utilized fully. The most Saskatchewan ever had in ICU at any given time was 2 people, so perhaps we'd be better off having 150 active cases on the go at any one time, and have a steadier stream of people getting sick and recovering, and still have enough space to deal with the more serious cases.
    People are going to get sick from this for years to come. Most will hardly notice it, a few will need to be in the hospital for a spell. A handful will need ICU, and as long as we don't overload ICU, they will get the care they need. Yes some will die, but they will eventually be exposed to the virus, and face that challenge at some point.

    Most defiantly we'll have to keep the restrictions on the senior facilities, and for those working there. I'm not sure how or whether families will ever be able to visit loved ones in some of those locations till we are assured there is an effective, working vaccine, which could be as far away as 2-3 years. I haven't been allowed to see my mom for weeks, as her facility had the foresight to put visiting restrictions on 7 or 10 days before the government put provincial restrictions in place, so it's been some time. She's elderly and having a difficult time, only being able to talk on the phone.

    Just a thought I had.

    It's hard to answer that question when the government is treating you like a mushroom, keeping you in the dark and feeding you bullshit. This is being played for political points and there own agenda. Unfortunately it's probably agenda 21 and the WHO. There needs to be mass testing to see who has already had it,yet the government is standing in the way of that happening.


      Every day for the last week, Manitoba had between zero and less than five new cases. Hospitals are managing cases quite effectively. No word yet on when the lockdown will be lifted.


        "People are going to get sick from this for years to come. Most will hardly notice it, a few will need to be in the hospital for a spell."

        Just like another seasonal flu, vaccines STILL do not stop 145,000 world deaths so far this year.

        Not the perfect solution if a vaccine is found, sorry. Immunity saves, except the weak/old as always has happened.


          Originally posted by fjlip View Post
          "People are going to get sick from this for years to come. Most will hardly notice it, a few will need to be in the hospital for a spell."
          Its here forever, just going to vary in severity from person to person.


            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
            "People are going to get sick from this for years to come. Most will hardly notice it, a few will need to be in the hospital for a spell."

            Just like another seasonal flu, vaccines STILL do not stop 145,000 world deaths so far this year.

            Not the perfect solution if a vaccine is found, sorry. Immunity saves, except the weak/old as always has happened.
            "Just like another seasonal flu, vaccines STILL do not stop 145,000 world deaths so far this year."

            I agree completely,

            simply I'm saying in my initial post that, when government(or other) restrictions are so effective that we're not using the healthcare in the most efficient way(having the ICU almost empty), but rather have a slow steady stream, we are then lengthening the time restrictions will be in place. If we don't have a slow, steady stream of patients, then either we'll have bunches all coming at once that we can't handle, or we'll have restrictions till the cows come home.

            I told the wife last night that now's the time we should be contracting it, there are so few in hospital care that we'd be looked after, especially if we needed ICU.


              While it may have been scientific and medical advise that resulted in the restrictions it will be a lot more government policy that will drive how restrictions are relaxed.
              Lowering restrictions and then having a significant increase in cases may not be good politics. Leaving restrictions on when it seems they should be relaxed might not be good politics either.

              Either way it is good to remember that when things turn out really well we can suffer from a skewed perception of what the risk really was.
              outcome bias: the fact things turned out OK can cause us to underestimate how close they came to going badly wrong.

              It certainly is not my decision and I will gladly go along with all direction from the authorities.
              I will say it does seem like it is time to do something. Sask will announce the plan for relaxing restrictions this week. Everyone has to be prepared for new cases and how they will be handled.
              For example if there is a flareup in a town or community but nowhere else how will that be handled?
              Click image for larger version

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                I think they are. If we knew we could have a vaccine in 3 months then sure go ahead and lock us down. But we might not ever get a vaccine, and if we do get one no guarantee how effective it will be. If it proves to be similar to the flu vaccine then they should let us catch it and let immunity develop naturally because we will never leave the house otherwise.


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                  Be sure you know the difference between 110v and 220v.
                  they can do damage if you don't know what your doing.
                  or relax Moe and Justin know whats best for you.

                  https://prepper.io/oxygen-concentrator-for-home/ https://prepper.io/oxygen-concentrator-for-home/


                    Originally posted by Grahamp View Post
                    I think they are. If we knew we could have a vaccine in 3 months then sure go ahead and lock us down. But we might not ever get a vaccine, and if we do get one no guarantee how effective it will be. If it proves to be similar to the flu vaccine then they should let us catch it and let immunity develop naturally because we will never leave the house otherwise.


                      Fact is these so called experts don’t even know what the right thing to do is. They are flying by the seat of their ass saying this and saying that. Hind sight is 20/20 so until u experience something like this there are no experts just people with some say. Next time around we shud be dialed in. 😜


                        http://https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-20/new-zealand-level-four-restrictions-compared-with-australia/12164798 http://https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-20/new-zealand-level-four-restrictions-compared-with-australia/12164798


                          No takeaways, no shopping in clothes stores and definitely no surfing for exercise; living under level four lockdown in New Zealand is a lot different to Australia's current limitations. Here's how the two nations compare.


                            Thanks for the link Mallee (and Farma)

                            Saskatchewan numbers land somewhere in between NZ and Australia. Some Australian states are reporting lower levels than Sask.

                            The article mentions stamping out the virus. Well, if there are new or active cases it isn't exactly stamped out. Not saying that means keep on all restrictions, but be ready for some more cases
                            Last edited by farming101; Apr 21, 2020, 06:27.


                              Where’s Greta?


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