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Here comes gun control

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    I could give a rat's-ass if Canada has gun control or no gun control, both sides of the debate have merit. Yes our farm owns guns.

    I was hoping there could have been a little more reflecting on the victims rather then your "privilege" to own a gun in Canada.


      Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
      I could give a rat's-ass if Canada has gun control or no gun control, both sides of the debate have merit. Yes our farm owns guns.

      I was hoping there could have been a little more reflecting on the victims rather then your "privilege" to own a gun in Canada.
      Except the two have no bearing on each other ?
      Wingnuts , criminals , snc lavelin types do not register or use registered guns
      Why that heartless trudeau brought it up now is beyond me ??


        Media has no shame either. They used the death of the nurses involved to press Skippy as to why there is a shortage of PPE in Canada still.

        This will fade just like every other mass killing and murder. Our society is largely desensitized to it.

        Nothing worse in my mind than 9/11 and yet so many don't even give it a passing thought or think it was all a hoax and no one died.


          Here is a more detailed account of the Nova Scotia shootings that are raising a lot of questions about how it was handled.

          A lot more detail but still a lot left out.

          https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8240365/Canada-killer-obsessed-mounties-alcohol-problem.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8240365/Canada-killer-obsessed-mounties-alcohol-problem.html

          From UK no less.

          At the end there is a summary of previous mass shootings in Canada. Make your own judgement how the proposed gun control will change the outcome of any of them.


            Rebel reporting killer was banned from owning any firearms as of 2002 assault.

            Oh gosh. That isn't going to fit in well with Blair's plans very well. Who knew wackos can obtain guns illegally? Dumb dumb dumb.


              Somebody knows something. A week ago already, certain types of non restricted disappearing as fast as they're posted for sale privately.


                I really doubt anyone buying up sks is planning to profit on the buyback scam.


                  I doubt we'll get paid fairly for quality.
                  PCCs are disappearing.


                    Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                    I could give a rat's-ass if Canada has gun control or no gun control, both sides of the debate have merit. Yes our farm owns guns.

                    I was hoping there could have been a little more reflecting on the victims rather then your "privilege" to own a gun in Canada.
                    I have to admit Forage when I watch the news regarding the tragedy in Nova Scotia I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. The latest number I believe is 23 victims, I certainly cannot imagine the pain of those left behind. It appears that this person had a successful life and yet he committed this heinous crime.

                    I do understand the reaction to Justin Trudeau saying the Liberal's are going to introduce an assault weapon ban when the time is right. Handguns have been registered and strictly controlled since the 1930's and yet they are the weapon of choice for most criminals. Could this crime have been prevented, hard to say. All I know is my sympathy goes out to those who lost friends and family in Nova Scotia.


                      I agree Hamloc, it's so sad when the pictures of the 22 victims are posted on TV. They were just ordinary fellow rural Canadians like you and me, with families, friends and neighbors going about thier daily routines. I heard some victims were farmers like us.

                      Now with covid -19 they can't even grieve together for closure.

                      As a Canadian I always have a hard time understanding why this is happening in our country, we have always been compassionate society. Maybe not so, anymore.


                        Who knows how many "isms" the gunman suffered from, but none of them give him a free pass on his actions. I say, " once you're aware of your afflictions they can no longer be used as an excuse"
                        If he was smart enough to become a millionaire running his business he should have been smart enough to know better.
                        This was obviously a calculated effort.


                          Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                          Who knows how many "isms" the gunman suffered from, but none of them give him a free pass on his actions. I say, " once you're aware of your afflictions they can no longer be used as an excuse"
                          If he was smart enough to become a millionaire running his business he should have been smart enough to know better.
                          This was obviously a calculated effort.
                          That is a simply chilling and accurate summary.

                          So, what laws or regs - that are not already in place - can address that type of motivation, regardless of what "ism" of choice applies?

                          None. Nada. Zero.

                          Think about it. Then pass this message along to any government figure who has a say in it.

                          And kick Bill Blair's useless ass out of the country. Or administer your clog to him as well, as determined necessary under your own broad, discretionary judgment.


                            Stepping over the useless debate on firearms.
                            The question some may be asking.
                            How do you prevent these things?
                            Agree with farmaholic but his premise is the perp is "aware".
                            Mentally troubled people for the most part function well enough in society even though their subconscious may have different realities than ours.
                            The question then becomes at what point does the state step in? How many neighbors use the report line?
                            Who judges your actions as potentially harmful?
                            Are we trained to recognize pyschosis?
                            If you were Wortmans neighbor what would you have done? And when?
                            A civil liberties dilemma.
                            The risk and burden being on fellow citizens.


                              Remember when we had our incident here in oz clearly that lead to fundamental gun control laws here.

                              35 killed and think another 20 plus wounded.

                              We were seeding it was semi live on radio, and recall people ringing in fom the area while the rampage was occurring, we know who it is he’s nuts etc, been waiting for som3thing like this to happen been a weirdo since his young days, this before he named publicly and shooting was still going on.


                                One final factoid. The shooter didn't even have a license. Not legally in possession ever, of any kind of firearm, and could never legally acquire ammunition.


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