I am surprised to see Jazz and others on Agriville endorsing Gibbs and Moore who are not supporters of capitalism. Whats up with that? No mention of that in all your posts! LOL
"Gibbs suggests that unfettered capitalism and its insanity of eternal growth on a finite planet is also what is leading us to the cliff edge". One film critic said in the Guardian.
No doubt massive investments in cleaner forms of energy have an environmental foot print. The only way to know which is a better and cleaner investment is to do a full cost accounting including all the external hidden environmental costs for every form of energy.
The world has always been on track to switch from non renewable finite sources of energy to more renewable sources and new technology. Its not all going to happen in our life times.
"Gibbs suggests that unfettered capitalism and its insanity of eternal growth on a finite planet is also what is leading us to the cliff edge". One film critic said in the Guardian.
No doubt massive investments in cleaner forms of energy have an environmental foot print. The only way to know which is a better and cleaner investment is to do a full cost accounting including all the external hidden environmental costs for every form of energy.
The world has always been on track to switch from non renewable finite sources of energy to more renewable sources and new technology. Its not all going to happen in our life times.