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Wheres Chuck?

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    I am surprised to see Jazz and others on Agriville endorsing Gibbs and Moore who are not supporters of capitalism. Whats up with that? No mention of that in all your posts! LOL

    "Gibbs suggests that unfettered capitalism and its insanity of eternal growth on a finite planet is also what is leading us to the cliff edge". One film critic said in the Guardian.

    No doubt massive investments in cleaner forms of energy have an environmental foot print. The only way to know which is a better and cleaner investment is to do a full cost accounting including all the external hidden environmental costs for every form of energy.

    The world has always been on track to switch from non renewable finite sources of energy to more renewable sources and new technology. Its not all going to happen in our life times.
    Last edited by chuckChuck; Apr 26, 2020, 09:20.


      It is quite amazing how people could be open minded enough to gather all the facts, use those facts to challenge their core ideologies, and actually change their opinion, then after all that, draw a conclusion completely at odds with the reality.

      It's a start though.

      It is definitely aimed at the lowest common denominator, as such is very short on details, numbers, hard facts, and heavy on anecdotal evidence, emotion etc. Doesn't even touch on the dismal economics from what I have watched. The movie gets a lot of things wrong. But perhaps it will force some people to look into the reality themselves. And even consider that it might be permissible to question their own belief system.

      Unfortunately, since MM is now no longer on the approved list, the Chucks of the world won't watch it.


        I will watch it when I have more time because Michael Moore has made some decent stuff and exposed the failures of the American dream and capitalism.

        But its great to see so many Agrivillers lapping him up and singing his praises. My how the world has changed The gods must be crazy!

        But I don't know about you, but I prefer lighter escapist "entertainment" at this point in time rather than the depressing. There is enough bad news to worry about without adding to the load.

        But each to his own.

        Here are some more Michael Moore movies to watch:

        Sicko, Bowling for Columbine, Capitalism a Love Story
        Where to Invade Next, Roger and Me, Michael Moore in Trumpland

        I doubt very few of these titles would be popular with Trump crowd. LOL


          So MM set out to prove how great the kool-aid was, and in the process mistakenly read the ingredients.
          Meanwhile chuck not only drank the entire pitcher kool-aid without question, and while blatantly disregarding any wise advise against it, he also paid out of his own pocket to do so(note that the wise crony capitalists always use other people's money, never their own), then went out to publicly advocate for everyone else to also buy and drink the Kool-aid.

          Chuck, the key point that has gone right over your head yet again, is that the message is important, not the messenger. Open minded people can accept that they have been misled, accept that someone whose political ideologies differ from their own can still have good ideas, and change their opinions as the evidence changes. In this case, the evidence hasn't changed, we have been pointing it out all along, but someone on the left finally discovered it and presented it at a level even a grade schooler can comprehend.


            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
            I watched it all. WOW! Michael Moore a 180 on all GREEN SHIT? I always thought he was bonkers. The movie left no green idea alive, killed everything the "cult" believes, all of it is the ILLUSION of saving the planet. As we said repeatedly to the "dumb as posts" an illusion, total lies and BS, but billionaires made billions! I hope "you people" are really embarrassed for falling for all the hype. Wow love the turbine killing and the F'ing solar crap, and I had NO IDEA USA is burning their forests that are to save us from C02!
            1.6 million views, 13870 comments in 3 DAYS! Sorry bastards the jig is UP! Jail time please!

            However the final opinion is that we are TOO many for earth? The virus must be to reduce the parasites.
            What a stunning reversal.

            Sorta like Dr. Tam doing 180s on ALL of her statements over the past month.

            Like one pundit said, we call it the "Dr. Tam frip frop".


              Here is the central message in the film:

              "Gibbs suggests that unfettered capitalism and its insanity of eternal growth on a finite planet is also what is leading us to the cliff edge"

              I am so glad you agree!

              happy Seeding!


                "There is enough bad news to worry about without adding to the load."
                On the contrary this is FANASTIC breath of fresh air, the rest of us were hoping to live to see.
                Put seeding on hold for 2 hours, let the evil crooked green shit wake "you people" up. Believers will finally need to admit to defeat.


                  Good news Chuck, you don't need to watch it after all, possibly even won't be allowed to.

                  Those tolerant free speech advocates on the left are trying to have it banned, even succeeded temporarily.

                  They are looking out for your delicate impressionable mind, so you don't have to face these issues personally.

                  https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/26/michael-moore-planet-of-humans-green-new-deal/ https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/26/michael-moore-planet-of-humans-green-new-deal/


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                    Good news Chuck, you don't need to watch it after all, possibly even won't be allowed to.

                    Those tolerant free speech advocates on the left are trying to have it banned, even succeeded temporarily.

                    They are looking out for your delicate impressionable mind, so you don't have to face these issues personally.

                    https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/26/michael-moore-planet-of-humans-green-new-deal/ https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/26/michael-moore-planet-of-humans-green-new-deal/
                    If you are getting your news from the daily caller that might explain why your views are skewed republican! Their motto is “only patriots subscribe”. Hahaha you are no patriot! LOL


                      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                      If you are getting your news from the daily caller that might explain why your views are skewed republican! Their motto is “only patriots subscribe”. Hahaha you are no patriot! LOL
                      I'd never heard of the daily caller before, but thanks for the info.

                      Back to my previous comment, once again you completely missed the point. It is the message, not the messenger that matters. They are quoting your hockey hero Micheal Mann. You might want to read what he has to say, so you can learn your new talking points, and keep track of who is still an approved source.


                        Now that MM destroyed the green movement and they are trying to get him banned and tarred and feathered. We just need that one documentary to prove climate change is a hoax as well.

                        I mean if green energy is a hoax and its predicated on climate change, then it would follow its a hoax as well.


                          Just a thought, chuck.

                          Imagine if you put as much effort into refuting the message as you do trying to discredit the messenger.

                          We could have things like intelligent informed debate for example.

                          You could watch the movie, and we could discuss all of the glaring errors and omissions, not to mention the hilariously ideologically predetermined conclusion they came to.


                            A5 Its quite ironic that you have suddenly decided that anti capitalist film makers who's central message is that out of control capitalism and resource depletion are putting the earth on a dangerous path! I didn't know you were so concerned about the environment.

                            When someone says that renewable energy is going to immediately save the planet or that it is no better than fossil fuels then neither position is credible.

                            Over 60% of Canada's electricity supply is already renewable with lots of hydro. Most of it state owned.

                            So any generalization that all renewable forms of energy are a waste is laughable.

                            Its a big world out there and I know you have a black and white simplistic view of the world and will happily rely on one film or one article to draw conclusions about a complex subject if supports your particular point of view.

                            Moore and Gibbs have their point of view which is probably worth listening to, but there are undoubtedly many other film makers, business people, scientists and engineers who have a very different point of view on renewable energy.


                              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                              A5 Its quite ironic that you have suddenly decided that anti capitalist film makers who's central message is that out of control capitalism and resource depletion are putting the earth on a dangerous path! I didn't know you were so concerned about the environment.

                              When someone says that renewable energy is going to immediately save the planet or that it is no better than fossil fuels then neither position is credible.

                              Over 60% of Canada's electricity supply is already renewable with lots of hydro. Most of it state owned.

                              So any generalization that all renewable forms of energy are a waste is laughable.

                              Its a big world out there and I know you have a black and white simplistic view of the world and will happily rely on one film or one article to draw conclusions about a complex subject if supports your particular point of view.

                              Moore and Gibbs have their point of view which is probably worth listening to, but there are undoubtedly many other film makers, business people, scientists and engineers who have a very different point of view on renewable energy.
                              All very well said. I trust you can also manage to apply your excellent advice to your own self.

                              Only thing I need to point out, is that in the ultimate contradiction, the eco terrorists who are demanding renewables, do not consider hydro to be renewable. Pointing out the obvious benefits and reliability of the only truly renewable won't make you any friends in those circles.


                                Originally posted by seldomseen
                                The NDP, myself included, condemn Michael Moores outrageous propaganda. I ask the PM to make watching this a crime. Canadians know better.

                                Tweet from the NDP leader! What a jackass.
                                What a POS evil socialist BASTARD! Damn him to HELL! Kill free speech, never allow dissent from the cult of GREEN/Climate Change scam!


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