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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well, Harvest 2019 should finish today or early tomorrow for us. We are heading to do 480 acres that back quarter is just a little wet. Could be fun or could be burnt if i get mad enough.

    Did it pay to harvest this spring? Yes got what I figured was out in total dollars with a min amount of shelling and loss.

    Yes, it also paid since I don't have to pay a Carbon tax for the sun and wind from spring drying. Oh, Trudeau will find a way to charge us. The grade is down one grade but being dry and has good weight its a good feeling to finally put a nail in the 2019 coffin and bury the ****er. To the new owners of the three musketeers, anyone will make a fine addition to your farm. You saw a lot in your lifetime. I think i pulled one out over 35 times.

    So here is the Crop report.

    Harvest for our area probably is close to complete. Few quarters here or there and some will be burnt. Hailed area to the north went up last night.

    Seeding is just getting started with couple mudding in the crop and moving slowly. Next week it will be full-on. The ground is still cold. I would say 1% of the 2020 crop is in the ground on the north side of the valley and south isnt that far ahead.

    Peas and lentils south of town are going in.

    Lots will delay seeding Canola till ground warms up. Last year the early bird got stung real bad.

    Moisture conditions are approaching we have enough now till after seeding. Total since the thaw is now 1 inch.

    Pastures are slow to wake up and zero trees have leaves.

    It seems we're in for a snow event on Saturday. Yep harvest is going to be done and now the winter that we never had will arrive.

    I do consider us very very lucky to have had nice weather so far to get the 2019 crop off and actually not have that many issues.

    So next weeks report will show a increase in seeding progress and maybe just maybe the ground will start to warm up and plants seeded will grow.

    Ah farming in the artic. Be safe and here is to a good and safe crop year.

    So in the news but farmers knew this all along with our rural internet and phone service sucks in Canada. Cities are great but get outside and its poverty vision. Yep, you still pay the same per month or more because your data usage is way up as it has to search and search for service and that adds up.

    It is going to freeze again in the USA and this time the wheat is all at the critical stage. This event will be a few different nights. Yes, we had a super moon last night and yes the weather is changing with this. Experts say it doesn't happen but here we go again. Snow is on way for Sat for some.

    The Canadian dollar will drop to around 60 cents thanks to skippy and his pissing away money for useless things.

    Canadas triple-A rating will get hammered and it will be lucky after all this shit show to have an A rating. Yea we are ****ed, boys and girls.

    Good thing I have been buying USA dollars every time it goes up a few pennies.

    We officially are Mexico of the North thanks to the Liberals and Zero beaches are open in Winter.

    Here is what pisses me off about the slimy little **** sucker who is our PM and this batch of useless Liberals run by Butts.

    Everything they touch they think they can fix with borrowed money and handouts.

    Two days ago was a prime example. Canada needs a good healthy food supply for the people or we become Venezuela. Little harsh but yea we are getting to the tipping point to the last Liberals who support Skippy.

    But with what he did for oil, all of us knew deep down ag would be insulted and thrown out to the curb. Because you can live in Toronto in Million Dollar shit boxes stacked to the sky and sip your tea and free love and smoke as much weed as you like. Just enough Braindead that life goes on like sheep before the slaughter.

    Well, Ag was asking for 2.6 Billion and Trudeau gave out 250 mill and most goes to French fry family and Cargill. They put it out as a Farm Program. Yea some farm program where the primary producer got the shaft. Well, its Canada. It's skippy and its the most useless bunch of half witts in the world playing gov.

    What really pissed me off is listening to farm groups news conference after.

    Every single one thanked BOBOO for the hard work she has been doing and then they said it was too little and too late.

    Why thank anyone any more for doing a shitty job. That would be like me thanking the sprayer operator for driving the sprayer into the dugout and then saying that's a great new way to fill it up.

    She is an utter failure and should be called out on it. Its time for the polite Canadian farmers to say **** off already you useless fools.

    God is there anyone on Team Trudeau who can do anything.


      Will sprouted Canola 1/2 inch below ground, survive if the temperature drops to -6.


        It should but the ones who poke the surface will die. Look at them after the frost events and see if the growing point in the centre is still green if it is the plant will try to continue on its a plant and it has to try to grow. If your dry what some times happen the plant needs water to get going with heat and if its just heat it doesn't survive.


          Oh to add insult to an already bad week the useless fool in Ottawa put a gun ban on a bunch of Black barrel guns. Yea these liberals have no idea.


            Originally posted by rumrocks View Post
            Will sprouted Canola 1/2 inch below ground, survive if the temperature drops to -6.
            Sure...thats a bumper crop coming...frost hasn't bothered the wheat crop in the states yet that is the lowest planted acres in 100 years.

            Why would it bother your canola?????


              [QUOTE=rumrocks;451813]Will sprouted
              Canola 1/2 inch below ground, survive if the temperature drops to -

              Going to depend on how many nights it freezes at that temp. If your moisture is right to the top the dirt will freeze pretty good at that temp and your seed is at such a shallow depth.
              Few years ago Hutt’s had canola freeze that just sprouted, it was -7 for three straight nights.
              They called me over to check it ... told them to start looking for new seed. What was up froze black and what was in the ground didn’t look good. They didn’t re-seed at the end they should have.
              The way Drew’s weather looks for the month there may be lots of reseeding of everything if things don’t turn around.
              Good luck to you and everyone that’s in your situation. Crazy spring!!!!


                Drews forecasts so far have been right on. Not a good one but he is batting real high. Canola is funny some times you lose some areas some times it looks really bad. But if your seeding at low seed rate you proably won't have enough left after three-night freeze to make much.


                  Dont give'em any ideas they already taxed the air next will be a tax on sunlight.


                    We seeded canola first week of may about 10 years ago, damn near got stung by a frost. Lost half the plants so now we don’t seed canola till the middle of the month at the earliest. Have enough trouble going over our acres once let alone reseeding some. Best of luck to everyone, gonna be cold this weekend.


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