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Wonder what it is with meatworks

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    Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
    It's economy of scale but ya, stop killing the small businesses with excessive regulations.
    Yes economy of scale, everything based on that which is why we have most manufacturing in China right? And that’s why we have these meat factories here with those working conditions, generally full of immigrant workers working low wages. And at the same time we see gross conditions for food production in China and criticize rightfully so because they work in factories even worse conditions than this.
    But are we at the point that maybe the pee ons
    If rhe world realize that for rhe good if us all maybe wealth shouldn’t be concentrated like this ? It applies to nearly everything. Farms going so called economy of scale killing off small farms yet they need and get more government money to run than any small farms ever did combined? There would be more small farms better for all
    Our small communities wouldn’t that be better?

    What about the old folks care homes? Private economy of scale look at that in Quebec and other places again paying workers nothing and old people laying in their own crap for days all for what economy of scale profits right?

    Us people at rhe bottom need to be heard we are a democratic society if we weren’t brainwashed we d take this system over and make it right in one election or at least head the right way.

    Economy of scale is what gives a small amount of people so much wealth they control political parties while they make their wealth not paying people enough at rhe bottom.

    And boom now we have a failed system so reliant on money over quality of life.


      Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
      Yes economy of scale, everything based on that which is why we have most manufacturing in China right? And that’s why we have these meat factories here with those working conditions, generally full of immigrant workers working low wages. And at the same time we see gross conditions for food production in China and criticize rightfully so because they work in factories even worse conditions than this.
      But are we at the point that maybe the pee ons
      If rhe world realize that for rhe good if us all maybe wealth shouldn’t be concentrated like this ? It applies to nearly everything. Farms going so called economy of scale killing off small farms yet they need and get more government money to run than any small farms ever did combined? There would be more small farms better for all
      Our small communities wouldn’t that be better?

      What about the old folks care homes? Private economy of scale look at that in Quebec and other places again paying workers nothing and old people laying in their own crap for days all for what economy of scale profits right?

      Us people at rhe bottom need to be heard we are a democratic society if we weren’t brainwashed we d take this system over and make it right in one election or at least head the right way.

      Economy of scale is what gives a small amount of people so much wealth they control political parties while they make their wealth not paying people enough at rhe bottom.

      And boom now we have a failed system so reliant on money over quality of life.
      If there is a sliver lining to the Wuhan Flu cloud, your post points out a significant part of it.

      Take your message to the right places and push it hard. I have done that and the more that do it the more effective.

      Push for allowing more deregulated trade where the opportunity presents itself. People have used their wallets to show that they are in support of less regulation if they know where the food is produced, and by whom it is raised.


        Yes I agree but that’s only a small part regulations? What are the regulations of these mega plants pay people nothing work like animals? Earn big dollars pay the farmer way too low for cattle and pork etc?
        That’s where the regulations have to be put in place. More money to the producer. And more assistance to the producer and more access to credit to the producer.

        Look at for example all the FCC failures one earth, pike, broad ass. Etc etc. How many articles in farm magazines proclaiming look at these people they know how farming should be done and there was FCC with a blank cheque book and offering courses with the people running these scams as the know it alls. And at the same time local small farmers couldn’t get a break for loans or grants because hey your just not important enough but here someone from China has a big company ready to buy you out??
        And then we all read the mega farm foreign owned obituary and all the money from agristability and The lenders and nothing for local farmers to help them out.

        Same for small abattoirs if they would get the same level of help as the big ones they’d be all over the country side. How about even use the green angle don’t be trucking those animals across the country to be processed. Do it right here.

        But I have to ask you burnt would you support people that would push for this change if it meant that abandoning your politics loyalty?

        Because let’s face it that’s what it would take.
        People would have to tell their parties in both sides hey we need to get this done forget about making politics headlines make headlines of doing what’s right instead.


          Regulations kill ya in meat.

          Crazy here we hang up our own sheep for own consumption has to to be consumed here, at my address.

          Letter of the law cannot give my workman meat or give any to my siblings or friends.

          Cannot take it to a community bbq by letter of the law.

          Most people take animals to private slaughter houses. Have three within 70 kms costs around 60 bucks to get lamb up into roasts and chops


            Agree it's like a Monopoly game.
            Govts job is to keep the game going indefinitely. Occasional resets and rule changes without direct involvement.
            To always make sure one player doesn't end the game with all the money. Especially if it's the government itself.
            But over the last few years they have made it impossible to eat a church ladies pie or locally processed meat. Going underground actually, the latter.
            All in the name of "SAFETY"!.
            Sound familiar??


              Did FCC ever get it's 15.5M out of Pike and Broadacres?


                Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
                Would it have anything to do the lifestyle of many of the workers in the plants.
                I saw a video recently ( Global News ? ) interviewing a quality control employee from High River plant. She said there was a language barrier , people not following the rules and a lack of hygene .


                  Hopefully this PANdemIC will expose the 'economies of scale' system that is all about greed and control. BIGGER IS NOT BETTER. Bureaucrats love big. Makes their job easier. During the BS(e) scam (where are all the dead?) I was told by top bureaucrats that vertical integration in beef was the goal. Can't have vertical integration with small processors scattered all over now can we? I believe that BS(e) was the vehicle used to start the process of vertical integration.


                    While it is a regulatory issue kind of, is not one of the biggest things withholding small abbatoirs the lack of CFIA inspectors? Look when Harmony Beef first shut down and their biggest issue was to get the inspectors back in. They were refusing saying it was too risky.

                    If there’s slaughterhouses spread across the country in small communities then the inspectors need to live in small communities across the country. The impression I’ve got is they don’t really want to do that.

                    So we’re short people who want to be small town butchers and we’re short people who want to be inspectors at those places.


                      Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
                      Yes I agree but that’s only a small part regulations? What are the regulations ....

                      But I have to ask you burnt would you support people that would push for this change if it meant that abandoning your politics loyalty?

                      Because let’s face it that’s what it would take.
                      People would have to tell their parties in both sides hey we need to get this done forget about making politics headlines make headlines of doing what’s right instead.
                      Well if this helps, this is what I sent to our MPP in response to the request for input from the industry:


                      It seems surreal that Ontario should experience threats to its food security.

                      In real time, we have seen exposed the weakness of a system that has striven to eliminate the most miniscule of food-related health threats, only to import far greater harm by the plane load. And further, we are witnessing the deconstruction of an economic system historically fueled by the "greatest efficiencies", only the find that the end product is drastically unaffordable.

                      This is clearly a time of massive resets in our thinking, actions and economy.

                      What is "economy"? Money? Goods and services? Trade?

                      According to highly accomplished businessman Nick Hanauer, ““It isn’t capital that promotes economic growth, it’s people. And it isn’t self-interest that promotes the public good, it’s reciprocity, And it isn’t competition that produces our prosperity, it’s cooperation.” (TedX)

                      Therefore, on this basis, the matter of rebuilding an economy should focus on creating an atmosphere that allows our amazing human potential to flourish and find expression in meeting needs.

                      This will doubtlessly involve risk, for there is nothing to be gained where there is no risk.

                      The major impediment to growth, then, comes from trying to eliminate risk rising from new innovations, usually done through government regulatory intervention. Too much intervention - innovation and growth is suffocated.

                      The delicate balance between protection from blatant harm and calculated risk is difficult to pinpoint. However, it must be noted that “risk” is directly addressed in “reciprocity”.

                      Over-regulation has reduced essential, food-processing services to an unsustainably low level. It has also eliminated competition. Competition is an effective stimulant for both growth and self-regulation.

                      Proponents of free market enterprise hold that excessive regulation never eliminates risk - it merely displaces risk into different forms and occasions. For unwelcome example, we can point to the present, highly-concentrated food-chain breakdown as a product of over-regulation that resulted in the elimination of local food processing points.

                      How does application of this thought process look in our present dilemma?

                      Again, there are no easy answers. However, we must recognize that allowing growth to restart will include risk. Risk levels that may challenge our falsely contrived comfort levels, created by all-too-familiar habits of government intervention that fabricated a fragile security.

                      In practical terms, this may allow meat processing, for example, to be conducted in facilities that do not come to the superfluous standards that have been built over decades of regulation. Let the informed customer be the judge. (Achieving this could well cause consternation among existing plants that have been forced to spend outrageous sums on maintaining their operating licenses. Therefore, it would be necessary – and collaterally helpful - to make concessions that would mollify their concerns, should they arise.)

                      I would offer the following as an example of possible solutions: In our earlier farming years, we raised roasting chickens for our customers and had them processed by a local farmer. His dedicated building had concrete floors with drainage, segregated killing room and processing rooms supplied with ample clean water/sanitation and numerous stainless steel chilling tanks. He quit when the requirements increasingly became too onerous. In his case, relentless government regulations far exceeded the requirements of his numerous satisfied, very loyal customers.

                      Now, it is a challenge to find licensed poultry processors.

                      In conclusion, I believe that if people are allowed to process and market their food product with minimal intervention, several main concerns will be addressed – 1) pressing, local food needs will be more easily met, 2) entrepreneurs will rise and create growth without expectation of government help, and 3) long-lasting economic benefits will arise in the form of employment opportunities and spinoffs to the community as new businesses mature. Success breeds success.

                      What a paradox – the very regulatory system intended to protect consumers is now directly contributing to society’s detriment.

                      The Covid19 crisis has shown us that eliminating risk is impossible – we can only transfer it. Now the unaffordable bill has come due. We can, and need to correct this imbalance.

                      On a financial note, even such a measure as simple as tax relief on new enterprises, for a set period, could serve as an enticement for start-up businesses.

                      In keeping with the Ford Government’s stated goals to reduce regulation, there has never been a better or more pressing opportunity to take steps that will enable Ontario to productively move forward on some very manageable food issues.

                      Wishing you all the best as you work through the present challenges,

                      Sincerely yours,


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