Chuck, your graph encompasses a whopping 0.02% of the period where there has been life on earth, and is limited to the cold period of the Holocene and late pliestocene where we have been alternating between glacial and interglacial. We have proxy records for CO2 going back thousands of times further than that, so why did you cherry pick that insignificant sliver of time?
What you really need to do with that graph is overlay the temperature. Then you will see that while CO2 is "unprecedented" in this short cherry picked time frame, temperature is anything but, and in fact has stubbornly refused to comply with the greenhouse gas theory. And in fact, you would see that CO2 rises every time the temperature rises, during this glacial/interglacial era, with CO2 lagging temperature. However if you go back any further in time, you will find no corellation between the two. That one graph is all the thinking person really needs to see to disprove the CAGW theory.
What you really need to do with that graph is overlay the temperature. Then you will see that while CO2 is "unprecedented" in this short cherry picked time frame, temperature is anything but, and in fact has stubbornly refused to comply with the greenhouse gas theory. And in fact, you would see that CO2 rises every time the temperature rises, during this glacial/interglacial era, with CO2 lagging temperature. However if you go back any further in time, you will find no corellation between the two. That one graph is all the thinking person really needs to see to disprove the CAGW theory.