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Cops are gonna start a war.

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    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
    Since you personally know Stanley you have disqualified yourself from being objective. Unless you were there you don't know any more than the rest of us. Your childhood memories of Stanley are irrelevant.

    And regardless of whether Boushie and company were alleged to be stealing, there is no justification for shooting anyone over a property crime.
    Chuck or Kyle or who ever you are I have a question for you,
    Have you ever stood in your yard at 2 am as some punk kids drove directly at you in the truck they have just stolen out of your shed only not running your down because you jumped out of the way.
    Have you ever stood helplessly by when other young punks have gone into your field and stole the fencing truck that you have parked at the edge and walked from while fixing fence and had to watch helplessly as they joyride around an adjacent field before deliberately ramming the truck into a deep ditch in order to destroy it? Or come home from a hockey game to find a vehicle gone only to be found with the motor and transmission completely destroyed.
    Have you ever had carloads of drunks and other low life individuals looking to steal stuff if you are not at home and then lieing their faces off to you or family members when confronted in your yard at all hours of the day and night ?
    Have you ever had to deal with someone on your land that is so freaking drunk and or high on an incredible fun meth load that all they can do is scream at you and use every foul racist name and four letter word imaginable at you all the time wondering if they are going to come at you?
    Have you ever had to live in a community where the local bylaw officers flat out refuse to deal with the issues because they are afraid to get involved and the local RCMP know all about the problems but are so overwhelmed with the bigger crap going on in the community that they have zero time to even consider dealing with with the carloads of open alcohol drinking and drunk drivers that stream by your home almost like clockwork so regularly that you know exactly when the cheques have arrived by the the volume of liquor containers strewn on the roadsides in the morning?

    IF so then you are qualified to speak on this subject if not you have no idea and are talking from a position of ignorance. because unless you do you have no clue what it is like to live next to a FN in Western Canada.
    When the incident happened that resulted in the death of Mr Boushie I felt great sadness because everyone involved in that incident was and is a victim.
    A victim of this hateful system we have in this country that will only continue to tear all of us apart until the day that we are all equal citizens with equal rights and equal access to all levels of services and equal opportunities for our children. And the politicians both FN and Federal who continue to hold all Canadians on and off First nations in these chains are the true ones ones that deserve our scorn and vitriol.
    The day I heard about what happened in Gerald Stanleys yard I thought "There, but for the grace of God, go I"


      Would we be having this conversation at all if the dead were white?


        Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
        Would we be having this conversation at all if the dead were white?
        Does this answer your question?

        "...because she's white..."


          I have been the victim of property crime by unknown perpetrators several times. I expect none of it was committed by first nations people in my mostly non first nations community.

          I live within a 1/2 and hour of a first nation. I have had some dealings with a first nations people since I was a kid. There are lots of problems on first nations to solve most of which have to do with poverty and lack of opportunity and hope.

          But never would I consider pulling out a gun because I thought someone was stealing from me. That is not the solution. Property can be replaced lives and reputations cannot be replaced.


            Originally posted by blackpowder View Post
            Would we be having this conversation at all if the dead were white?
            If Stanley had been a first nation and Boushie was white. Stanley would be still in jail!


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              There are lots of problems on first nations to solve most of which have to do with poverty and lack of opportunity and hope.
              Could you possibly elaborate on that statement? There are a myriad of issues keeping too many FN people in this vicious circle, but lack of opportunity for anyone willing to use the opportunities is not one of them.


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                Could you possibly elaborate on that statement? There are a myriad of issues keeping too many FN people in this vicious circle, but lack of opportunity for anyone willing to use the opportunities is not one of them.
                Lack of education, loss of parenting skills due to residential schools, no jobs, poverty, substance abuse. Many things we take for granted are not available on First Nations. More later.


                  Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                  Lack of education, loss of parenting skills due to residential schools, no jobs, poverty, substance abuse. Many things we take for granted are not available on First Nations. More later.
                  You seem to have trouble with English language comprehension. Those aren't opportunities, those are factors that conspire to keep people from taking full advantage of opportunities presented to them on a silver platter.


                    Here for your pleasure cc, a video posted at the New York Times being played this morning.

                    In this video, you will see this liberal ass Mayor of Minneapolis, 38 year old "woke", "progressive", "enlightened", booed out of a BLM rally, consisting of thousands of supporters.
                    Jacob Frey, the mayor, is as true of liberal as you can get, he went to a liberal Ivy School college, William and Mary, second oldest in the USA, short of Harvard. He ran for Mayor under the Democrat-Farmer-Labour Party and won the election with over 61% of the vote, the runner -up was also a DFL candidate who received over 26% of the vote, the other two candidates were Libertarian and Green Party both at roughly 5% each.
                    Minneapolis is so liberal there were not any Republican candidates running for Mayor.
                    In this video, the woman with the mic speaking at the BLM rally demand Mayor Jacob answer yes or no, whether he would defund the police dept., Jacob answers, "I do not support the full abolition of the police." He is then, subsequently booed and jeered out of the rally.
                    BLM in Minneapolis don't want any police period !
                    Will the people police themselves? maybe the Black Panthers will be the new police there! We know they don't want the National Guard,,, and we know they don't want Trump sending in the military,,, so will there be any policing,,, and by who???

                    https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000007178355/minneapolis-mayor-booed-out-of-rally.html?src=vidm https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000007178355/minneapolis-mayor-booed-out-of-rally.html?src=vidm

                    I dare say, I think there will be alotta gun sales in Minneapolis this coming week !


                      Work the scenario accurately. You are a couple hundred yards from your house working on something over the hill and out of sight. Your wife is still in the house in the yard. An important distinction.

                      You hear the commotion in the main yard and come to investigate. You holler and yell at the people trying to get some indication of their intent. They make no attempt to communicate. No...hello we need help, even though everybody in the car probably had a cell phone. No matter. Instead of communicating, they get out of the car and head into buildings attempting to start a vehicle and take it while the main car starts making erratic moves around the yard.

                      Now you are probably yelling off warnings to them by now. Do they stop and say sorry you have it wrong, we just needed help. Nope, continue on, now 2 of them run off and you have lost track of their whereabouts in your yard, while the others in the vehicle try to drive it right into your family. You don't know how many there are, they are not stopping or signalling at all. A trespass followed by a violent action with the vehicle.

                      You wouldn't be getting some protection after those events transpired? Well good for you. In a lot of similar scenarios the occupants of the homestead would be dead before they could react.

                      Now fill in the rest as the owner tries to disable the item of violent intent, the vehicle, then spots a firearm at the drivers side.
                      Last edited by jazz; Jun 7, 2020, 12:05.


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