Originally posted by farmaholic
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How many canola acres will not be seeded this year?
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Originally posted by biglentil View PostRegina flats, last time I saw the bugs was 3 years ago and a sample was shipped to Ottawa for identification. They classified it as a newly discovered breed of chinch beatle. We call em 'devil beatles' they develop a red black stripe up their backs as they mature. Saw a canola crop never come up because of them, they cut them off before they came through the crust. Lorsban was sprayed didnt work, as bugs are under the crust mostly. Heard of flax and durum down south needing reseeding because of them as well. A neonicotinoid seed treatment is essentially the only line of defence. The pictured above was sprayed with Sevin three nights ago for flea beetles. The only pesticide for flea beatles said to have a residual that translocates in the plant. Flea beatles died mostly.
Carbaryl is a neurotoxic carbamate insecticide. In humans, acute effects of carbaryl exposure include headaches, nausea, incoordination, and difficulty breathing. Carbaryl can cause a variety of behavioral effects, some of which are relatively long-term. It also suppresses several functions of the immune system.
Originally posted by Bin Lurking View PostSevin is deadly. Just what you need during a pandemic, another threat to your immune system.
Carbaryl is a neurotoxic carbamate insecticide. In humans, acute effects of carbaryl exposure include headaches, nausea, incoordination, and difficulty breathing. Carbaryl can cause a variety of behavioral effects, some of which are relatively long-term. It also suppresses several functions of the immune system.
Originally posted by helmsdale View PostShit! You mean to tell me I cant use the powdered form as a coc ktail garnish
It’s a balanced natural nutrition and allows mother nature’s bugs to go into a seductive sleep . The way Mother Nature intended .
All the while on my new environmentally friendly recycled liquid applicator......
The ride is a bit stubborn and jerky
The liquid blend also suppresses ticks ...
Any other bright volunteers to help promote the wonderful image of canola to the unsuspecting consumer? Only 15 or so more chemicals to endorse, gives it that unique taste
Originally posted by SASKFARMER View PostI don't think it will be just not seeded I think the Canola crop has other problems like the Flea beetles and wind and blowing dust and dry ground and to wet. Most expensive crop to buy seed for and it has zero power to grow.
The early invigours used to have such amazing early season vigour, the 5020's and others from the era. They seemed to rocket out of the ground and be cabbaging in week's. But now the invigours seem to have the worst early season vigour. It seems to just sit and stall out as it pokes its head out of the ground letting all the elements have a go, frost, flea beetles, drought. All have to be given a chance to kill it and set it back further. Yield may be better on the new varieties, but the vigour is definitely worse.
Originally posted by farmaholic View PostWe are going spraying tomorrow morning, right or wrong. Staging is there, possible weather delay puts them out of app staging. Did anyone notice the wind this spring? Going to have to squeeze spraying in between hurricanes and "possible" rain(lol),
Basagran(Bentazon) is stoopid expensive, better plan ahead because few will have it in stock. The Weed Bible says it's listing will be eliminated from the 2021 publication, good bye Bentazon..... Will probably only ever be able to get it in a co-pack soon.
Walked that one 80 acre pea field again tonight, it won't see a post emerge herbicide app. I was all concerned how I wasgoing to control the volunteer Clearfield canola from the previous crop, there is very very very very very little there. See what happens after it rains. Volunteer yellow mustard is growing on other pea fields so there was enough moisture to kick start the canola. I need to walk some other fields seeded to wheat that had Clearfield canola on them last year. Terminator gene?....lol
Originally posted by Wheatking View PostThe early invigours used to have such amazing early season vigour, the 5020's and others from the era. They seemed to rocket out of the ground and be cabbaging in week's. But now the invigours seem to have the worst early season vigour. It seems to just sit and stall out as it pokes its head out of the ground letting all the elements have a go, frost, flea beetles, drought. All have to be given a chance to kill it and set it back further. Yield may be better on the new varieties, but the vigour is definitely worse.
Originally posted by Wheatking View PostThe early invigours used to have such amazing early season vigour, the 5020's and others from the era. They seemed to rocket out of the ground and be cabbaging in week's. But now the invigours seem to have the worst early season vigour. It seems to just sit and stall out as it pokes its head out of the ground letting all the elements have a go, frost, flea beetles, drought. All have to be given a chance to kill it and set it back further. Yield may be better on the new varieties, but the vigour is definitely worse.
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