I like a gentle rain after seeding it helps with any screw-up and gets the crop off to a good start. Well for about a week before they talked and talked about a rain event for Friday till Tuesday.
Well, let's just say it was like Trudeau lots of hype and zero I mean zero substance.
4/10 is the total for our area, and if you go west of us, it drops off fast. Some may be a tenth.
Wind oh they got that so right it's not even funny any more.
Now I will agree when I got Drews forecast late Friday afternoon; he didn't really seem that confident in rain for the east side of Sask. It just seemed to me he wasn't that happy with what we will get.
Well, I now can see why.
So since snow went were sitting at 1.44 of an inch. .43 came since Friday. The wind took probably 3/4 of an inch out of the ground.
What did others get? Some on the Westside had the second payday.
Well, let's just say it was like Trudeau lots of hype and zero I mean zero substance.
4/10 is the total for our area, and if you go west of us, it drops off fast. Some may be a tenth.
Wind oh they got that so right it's not even funny any more.
Now I will agree when I got Drews forecast late Friday afternoon; he didn't really seem that confident in rain for the east side of Sask. It just seemed to me he wasn't that happy with what we will get.
Well, I now can see why.
So since snow went were sitting at 1.44 of an inch. .43 came since Friday. The wind took probably 3/4 of an inch out of the ground.
What did others get? Some on the Westside had the second payday.