Irrigation around the world is typically for high value crops, not field crops.
Look at some of the driest areas who brought in irrigation. They aint growing canola. Almonds, g****s, vegetables, etc.
If thats the vision for Canadian ag, then we need a real paradigm shift.
I dont like Ralph but sparking a change in thinking can be useful. Because field crop ag has gone about as far as its going to in the west.
I have to agree his diversion idea from Diefenbaker to increase flow to the chain lakes is a good one.
Look at some of the driest areas who brought in irrigation. They aint growing canola. Almonds, g****s, vegetables, etc.
If thats the vision for Canadian ag, then we need a real paradigm shift.
I dont like Ralph but sparking a change in thinking can be useful. Because field crop ag has gone about as far as its going to in the west.
I have to agree his diversion idea from Diefenbaker to increase flow to the chain lakes is a good one.