Good one A5. You are regressing again to talking about me and providing no evidence to counter the evidence presented by CSIS. You dont have any I guess.
Let me repeat:
"When you are losing you seem to switch to talking about me. That's a sure sign you don't have much to say about the subject."
I did ask how are all these changes and concerns and awareness about racism are affecting you negatively? No answer. Yet. Flea beetle stepped up. Whats your excuse? Too busy, but not to busy to go on about me! LMAO
Did you miss the effective debating lesson too?
Do you think I am really a rabid marxist? LOL Probably anyone who is slightly to the left of you is a rabid marxist! Too funny. Too bad I am capitalist land owning farmer.
I expect you think Jason Kenney is a rabid Marxist too since he wants to develop a state run oil company.
Its a good thing you have your labels so you can avoid debating the actual issues or presenting any evidence.
Have a great Canada day. That is if you believe we should celebrate this great Country full of rabid Marxists! Hahahahahahah
Let me repeat:
"When you are losing you seem to switch to talking about me. That's a sure sign you don't have much to say about the subject."
I did ask how are all these changes and concerns and awareness about racism are affecting you negatively? No answer. Yet. Flea beetle stepped up. Whats your excuse? Too busy, but not to busy to go on about me! LMAO
Did you miss the effective debating lesson too?
Do you think I am really a rabid marxist? LOL Probably anyone who is slightly to the left of you is a rabid marxist! Too funny. Too bad I am capitalist land owning farmer.
I expect you think Jason Kenney is a rabid Marxist too since he wants to develop a state run oil company.
Its a good thing you have your labels so you can avoid debating the actual issues or presenting any evidence.
Have a great Canada day. That is if you believe we should celebrate this great Country full of rabid Marxists! Hahahahahahah