The virus was detected in China before the end of 2019.
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How Not to Deal with a Pandemic
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Originally posted by agstar77 View PostThe why does not matter much . They will be a future drain on healthcare. This may push down life expectancy.
If the healthy population with a healthy lifestyle will be paying for that health care while the rest stay on CERB .
You very right there will be a future drain on health care . Who will pay ...... blue collar working people ..... not the elite nor the elderly nor the people with poor lifestyles living off government money . Not bashing the elderly at all either ..... most have put their time in and paid a lifetime of tax’s
Will lead to a very poor economy for a very long time .
In the meantime, Canada is killing its resource revenue while the rest of the world eats our lunch
You guys do know there are dozens of corona virus strains. Your body makes antibodies to them as well as a tiny latent viral load can remain in the body for a long time. That happens with all viruses. There are people with tuburculosis walking around who arent symptomatic but arent considered clear either and cannot transmit the virus.
The huge asymptomatic (98%) cases show something very wrong with their detection of this virus.
What are they exactly detecting? Rising cases or herd immunity? Death rate still dropping.
Originally posted by jazz View PostConsidering you said there would be 2.2M deaths like the bogus Fauci models, I would say 100k is a win.
Macdons graph is a 4 month snap shot. For a virus that kills in 3 weeks, you would have seen the death spikes a long time ago. New York still has 25% of the cases. Ask Cuomo about it.
You are watching a couple things. Flawed testing and death reporting, MSM hysteria and propaganda, (like we are supposed to believe one country has all the cases), while at the same time the virus has attenuated like they all do (re: SARS, MERS), combined with the early indication of herd immunity being established just like Sweden proved with no lockdown.
Originally posted by tweety View PostHow about Fauci speak for himself instead of your lies about what he said.
Go lock yourself down again if you are so frightened. Might do you some good. Maybe yoga to take the edge off.
Last edited by jazz; Jul 2, 2020, 10:46.
Bit of panic setting in here again run on toilet paper, pasta, mince meat bread etc etc
At start of pandemic lot of unknowns, but now it’s Henny Penny headless chook stuff
Originally posted by jazz View PostSorry your so called experts burned their rep months ago when they called travel bans racist and called the risk low. That virtual signalling exercise cost hundreds of thousands of lives right there and about 10T dollars. I don't listen to them any more and neither does anyone else around here. They don't get a pass.
Go lock yourself down again if you are so frightened. Might do you some good. Maybe yoga to take the edge off.
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