So I seeded down a quarter of hay. It is an alfalfa/Timothy/orchard grass blend. Oat stubble, no nurse crop. Pre seed burn off day before seeding. Seeded June 6th. Got a great kill on volunteer oats.
But the oats had been flattened by snow before combining, so there was a lot of shelling before combining. Now, it is a pretty much wild mess of vigorous oats. Very fertile soil, oats a very nice green without any nutrients added.
My point. I am worried the new forage may get smothered by the thick and juicy oat crop coming. Your not supposed to cut alfalfa before about 60 days post seeding. First thought is take the oats off as greenfeed, and this May let the alfalfa recover when the competition is removed, but I assume this will wreck the alfalfa if it’s cut that early. Do I just leave the oats and combine it? Can cut high enough to leave the alfalfa that way. But still scared the oats will outcompete the forages, and be a wreck? Ie, non established hay?
What do you guys with forage experience say?
Thanks for all thoughts...
But the oats had been flattened by snow before combining, so there was a lot of shelling before combining. Now, it is a pretty much wild mess of vigorous oats. Very fertile soil, oats a very nice green without any nutrients added.
My point. I am worried the new forage may get smothered by the thick and juicy oat crop coming. Your not supposed to cut alfalfa before about 60 days post seeding. First thought is take the oats off as greenfeed, and this May let the alfalfa recover when the competition is removed, but I assume this will wreck the alfalfa if it’s cut that early. Do I just leave the oats and combine it? Can cut high enough to leave the alfalfa that way. But still scared the oats will outcompete the forages, and be a wreck? Ie, non established hay?
What do you guys with forage experience say?
Thanks for all thoughts...