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    More Bad News Jazz. Get your BUD light ready.

    Donald Trump has unified America – against him
    Robert Reich

    https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/19/donald-trump-presidential-election-joe-biden-coronavirus-pandemic https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/19/donald-trump-presidential-election-joe-biden-coronavirus-pandemic

    The president’s assault on decency has created an emerging coalition, across boundaries of race, class and partisan politics

    Sun 19 Jul 2020 06.00 BST
    Last modified on Sun 19 Jul 2020 08.00 BST

    Donald Trump is on the verge of accomplishing what no American president has ever achieved – a truly multi-racial, multi-class, bipartisan political coalition so encompassing it could realign US politics for years to come.

    Unfortunately for Trump, that coalition has come into existence to prevent him from having another term in office.

    Start with race. Rather than fuel his base, Trump’s hostility toward people protesting the police killing of George Floyd and systemic racism has pulled millions of white Americans closer to black Americans. More than half of whites now say they agree with the ideas expressed by the Black Lives Matter movement, and more white people support than oppose protests against police brutality. To a remarkable degree, the protests themselves have been biracial.

    As John Lewis, the great civil rights hero who died on Friday, said last month near where Trump and William Barr, the attorney general, had set federal police in riot gear and wielding tear gas on peaceful protesters, “Mr President, the American people … have a right to protest. You cannot stop the people with all of the forces that you may have at your command.”

    Even many former Trump voters are appalled by Trump’s racism, as well as his overall moral squalor. According to a recent New York Times/Sienna College poll, more than 80% of people who voted for Trump in 2016 but won’t back him again in 2020 think he “doesn’t behave the way a president ought to act” – a view shared by 75% of registered voters across battleground states which will make all the difference in November.

    A second big unifier has been Trump’s attacks on our system of government. Americans don’t particularly like or trust government but almost all feel some loyalty toward the constitution and the principle that no person is above the law.

    Trump’s politicization of the justice department, attacks on the rule of law, requests to other nations to help dig up dirt on his political opponents, and evident love of dictators – especially Vladimir Putin – have played badly even among diehard conservatives.

    Refugees from the pre-Trump GOP along with “Never Trumper” Republicans who rejected him from the start are teaming up with groups such as Republican Voters Against Trump, Republicans for the Rule of Law, the Lincoln Project and 43 Alumni for Biden, which comprises former officials of George W Bush’s (the 43rd president) administration. The Lincoln Project has produced dozens of hard-hitting anti-Trump ads, many running on Fox News.

    The third big unifier has been Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of the pandemic. Many who might have forgiven his personality defects and authoritarian impulses can’t abide his bungling of a public health crisis that threatens their lives and loved ones.

    In a poll released last week, 62% said Trump was “hurting rather than helping” efforts to combat Covid-19. Fully 78% of those who supported him in 2016 but won’t vote for him again disapprove of his handling of the pandemic. Voters in swing states like Texas, Florida and Arizona – now feeling the brunt of the virus – are telling pollsters they won’t vote for Trump.

    Although the reasons for joining the anti-Trump coalition have little to do with Joe Biden, Trump’s presumed challenger, the Democrat may still become a transformational president. That’s less because of his inherent skills than because Trump has readied America for transformation.
    Trump's Fox News Sunday interview will include Biden battleground ads
    Read more

    The tempting analogy is to the election of 1932, in the midst of another set of crises. The public barely knew Franklin D Roosevelt, whom critics called an aristocrat without a coherent theory of how to end the Great Depression. But after four years of Herbert Hoover, America was so desperate for coherent leadership it was eager to support FDR and follow wherever he led.

    There are still more than 100 days until election day, and many things could derail the emerging anti-Trump coalition: impediments to voting during the pandemic, foreign hacking into election machines, Republican efforts to suppress votes, quirks of the electoral college, Trumpian dirty tricks and his likely challenge to any electoral loss.

    Yet even now, the breadth of the anti-Trump coalition is a remarkable testament to Donald Trump’s capacity to inspire disgust.

    Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good. His new book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, is out now. He is a columnist for Guardian US


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      More Bad News Jazz. Get your BUD light ready.
      An article from a Clinton sycophant and in the Guardian rag on top of it. Be still my heart.

      When Biden leaves the basement and can get more than 16 people to listen to him, then I will worry.


        More to debate from CDC....
        Click image for larger version

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          Originally posted by jazz View Post
          Nope, you don't get to play that game. That cdc chart is tracking pure deaths from each category. Not related or attributed. Hypertension is related to heart conditions so is diabetes, reported and tracked separately. That's like counting suicides who have high blood pressure.

          Give me the pure covid deaths ex any other condition and then rank it.
          The Alex Jones of Agriville.

          Covid doesn't directly cause any deaths. It's a virus. By far the most common is Pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome.

          Covid attributes to complications that cause death. Basic medicine - like knowing the difference between serology and a viral test - i mean who could possibly not understand that!!

          For example, a severe shortage of HCQ has resulted in many deaths from inflammation. True cause of death, SARS-CoV2 and a brilliant genius El Presidente'.

          As usual, your post makes no sense.


            Originally posted by fjlip View Post
            More to debate from CDC....
            Trapping carbon dioxide? LOL
            That letter is faker than a $3 bill. I can't believe people believe this shit.


              Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
              Part of the problem is few people have caught it in this part of the world and don't think it can happen to them. And this winter with seasonal flu mixed in watch out.

              If this gets out of control it will make the past few weeks seem like a picnic. This isn't going away anytime soon. There will be no return to normal for a long while.
              Says the guy who put his family/friends(?) at risk by going to march in a blm rally !!


                Originally posted by tweety View Post
                Covid doesn't directly cause any deaths. It's a virus. By far the most common is Pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome
                So you actually answered your own question. Covid is not a direct cause of death in any scenario and you say pneumonia is the primary cause of death linked to it.

                So why not mass produce the pneumonia vaccine and distribute it to everyone instead of waiting for a new one to be developed?

                You did know there is a pneumonia vaccine right? basic medicine.

                Logic tweety, it gets you every time.


                  Covid-19 infections develop into viral pneumonia. The vaccines are effective against bacterial pneumonia.


                    Originally posted by caseih View Post
                    Says the guy who put his family/friends(?) at risk by going to march in a blm rally !!
                    Says the guys who traveled to Honduras at the beginning of a pandemic. LOL

                    As I have pointed out numerous times Saskatchewan's Chief Medical Officer publically stated there were no known Covid infections coming out of the BLM rallies. But don't let that stop you from trying to smeer the BLM movement because you don't agree with it!

                    The rallies were of short duration,held out doors, the protesters wore masks and tried keep socially distant Out outdoor events are lower risk.

                    The province has also opened up higher risk indoor bars, churches, restaurants and shopping has been going on all along which are potentially sources of covid infections.

                    So everyone who goes shopping or church is a potential source of infection.

                    But I don't hear anyone criticizing shoppers and church goers! Why the double standard?

                    There is only one reason you are criticizing BLM protest and that is because you dont support them and probably don't support the anti racism movement. End of story!




                      "Some people already had a pre-existing degree of resistance against the virus before it ever infected a human. And it appears to be surprisingly prevalent: 40-60% of unexposed individuals had these cells." Provided by 'T cells"...

                      https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200716-the-people-with-hidden-protection-from-covid-19?ocid=ww.social.link.facebook&fbclid=IwAR1ESAG4V NgVknMYkbnlE7kR_RgkvTuK545HIC7M7GwZKA1h-wKDvnps7co

                      This is much more complex than we know... the human body is amazing...

                      If someone knows how to link this... would be grateful...

                      "While the latest research suggests that antibodies against Covid-19 could be lost in just three months, a new hope has appeared on the horizon: the enigmatic T cell."

                      From the BBC;
                      "The clues have been mounting for a while. First, scientists discovered patients who had recovered from infection with Covid-19, but mysteriously didn’t have any antibodies against it. Next it emerged that this might be the case for a significant number of people. Then came the finding that many of those who do develop antibodies seem to lose them again after just a few months.

                      In short, though antibodies have proved invaluable for tracking the spread of the pandemic, they might not have the leading role in immunity that we once thought. If we are going to acquire long-term protection, it looks increasingly like it might have to come from somewhere else.

                      But while the world has been preoccupied with antibodies, researchers have started to realise that there might be another form of immunity – one which, in some cases, has been lurking undetected in the body for years. An enigmatic type of white blood cell is gaining prominence. And though it hasn’t previously featured heavily in the public consciousness, it may well prove to be crucial in our fight against Covid-19. This could be the T cell’s big moment.
                      When researchers tested blood samples taken years before the pandemic started, they found T cells which were specifically tailored to detect proteins on the surface of Covid-19
                      T cells are a kind of immune cell, whose main purpose is to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells. It does this using proteins on its surface, which can bind to proteins on the surface of these imposters. Each T cell is highly specific – there are trillions of possible versions of these surface proteins, which can each recognise a different target. Because T cells can hang around in the blood for years after an infection, they also contribute to the immune system’s “long-term memory” and allow it to mount a faster and more effective response when it’s exposed to an old foe.

                      Several studies have shown that people infected with Covid-19 tend to have T cells that can target the virus, regardless of whether they have experienced symptoms. So far, so normal. But scientists have also recently discovered that some people can test negative for antibodies against Covid-19 and positive for T cells that can identify the virus. This has led to suspicions that some level of immunity against the disease might be twice as common as was previously thought.

                      Most bizarrely of all, when researchers tested blood samples taken years before the pandemic started, they found T cells which were specifically tailored to detect proteins on the surface of Covid-19. This suggests that some people already had a pre-existing degree of resistance against the virus before it ever infected a human. And it appears to be surprisingly prevalent: 40-60% of unexposed individuals had these cells.
                      AIDS is primarily a disease of T cells, which are systematically eliminated by HIV in patients who are infected by the virus (Credit: Martin Keene/PA)
                      AIDS is primarily a disease of T cells, which are systematically eliminated by HIV in patients who are infected by the virus (Credit: Martin Keene/PA)
                      It looks increasingly like T cells might be a secret source of immunity to Covid-19.

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                      The central role of T cells could also help to explain some of the quirks that have so far eluded understanding – from the dramatic escalation in risk that people face from the virus as they get older, to the mysterious discovery that it can destroy the spleen.


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