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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well, the week it finally started to rain. Yea then hails, then rain some more.

    Ah, farming you wait and wait and wait and wait some more for your June rain and when it finally came on Friday it was a three-hour rain some fast some slow but it soaked in very nice. Hot on Saturday then Sunday night a system brewed up crossed the valley and let it rip all way to Melville. This one had 1.5 inches of moisture with it plus hail and damaging hail. Storms, when they hit this year, seem to be big ones. 10% of our Canola got hit on three different farms. One quarter I would say is done but for shits and giggles, we hit it with a recovery plan also. The rest two are a recovery but later so frost could be an issue and 4 with min damage. Shit happens that's what hail insurance is for. But the pain will be walking the fields coming up with a number. Oh, it's so much fun.

    Total moisture from spring till now has increased for us from 2.47 to 5.10 on southland to 6.7 on the north.

    It's to much up north but well take it in a dry year. Damage to crop seems the early seeded has damaged compared to the later, it was just in the nick of time. Even seeding on canola the early is starting to show signs of shutting down. Later hit the gas and is going nuts.

    Ok so here it is.

    HRS and Durum are fully headed and last of the fungicides are going on. Some none, some guys didn't do much, some a bit and really no one end to end. Across the valley it is dryer and some very large farmers have parked the sprayer. Vally south is the line. Early is done flowering and starting to form a seed. Heads are smaller than last year in our area. Overall the cereals now with the rain are a solid 8 out of 10. The odd field is a 10 out of 10 and early seeded is a 7 out of 10.

    Barley most fungicide and that has happened this year. The heading is almost done on barley and it is liking the moisture. 8 out of 10.

    Lentils are looking good some will do a second fungicide now that it's raining.

    Peas are loving the year. Yes, the 8-year rule works but some are doing not bad since we were so dry up to this point. Some very very clean fields from end to end. Fungicides were applied. Hail did do damage that pods have cuts and seeds will dry up. 10 out of 10.

    Flax the comeback, king. Looked the shits a week ago some fields now full bloom and off to the races. Some real thin still not going to get out of the gate. 7 out of 10.

    Canola is in full bloom on most farms or just starting. The odd field still its WTF is that. The guy who seeds June 20th well he just sprayed. Funny thing with this year the nicest field in our area first out of the gate, good moisture and nice piece of dirt. Looked like a 10 out of 10 got hail and now is a 5 to 6. Mother nature picks the winners and losers. Some spraying going on but most fields were at 50% or more flower when the rain hit. Later is getting sprayed. Overall it is an 8 out of 10 for our area. Few varieties from companies and yes there are differences in the Liberty system. Last year one company that shit the bed with its first new Liberty came back this year and has a real zinger. One week sooner full bloom and strom. Go figure. Old stand by or not so old 501 is like last year big leaves and big plant. Will it do like last year and be big yield, time will tell. Good moisture for flowering and with deep roots do to drought early it could be a interesting rest of July. Hail damaged land got a coctail of Zink and Releaf and Aceppella. ITs a bandaid with Chicken soup for the hail hangover. Time will tell but will be later harvest. Yes it was all direct cut so should turn out ok for that if frost stays away.

    Hay season is upon us and its not the cut guys got last year. Newly seeded is ok. Second year is great and old fields have issues.

    Pastures are coming back to life or holding on nice.

    Hope every one gets the rain they need we waited a long time and it finally came. Yes our ground did help us for the most part plus last falls rain rain snow sun harvest rain sun. Our ground was wet in spring and a long way down.

    Those with hail damage it sucks.

    Those with to much rain try that for 15 years in a row. You get to the point you hate rain.

    Be safe and have a great week.


    That is the worst field for hail with the sprayer In it.





        Oh the rain did bring the dugout up to good level for fall spraying.
        Last edited by SASKFARMER; Jul 16, 2020, 06:29.





            Covid test if you can smell the canola your good.


              SF3, I have to give it to you,,, you are some optimist.

              Dropping more coin in that hailed canola field(third last pic) ouch!


                Originally posted by beaverdam View Post
                SF3, I have to give it to you,,, you are some optimist.

                Dropping more coin in that hailed canola field(third last pic) ouch!
                What else do you do with a 600k sprayer ...they are not there to look at....the more acres you spray the less they cost....

                ...hahaha ...just poking the bear Saskfarmer. .


                  5 canola are anywhere from min to recoverable. Since I was out trying to help them I looked at the shit show one and thought wtf may as well. The one barley is only 20 acres and I left it. So yea let’s call it a experiment.
                  Can I bring it back to life.

                  The rain came at right time.

                  First cut hay on new field

                  Playing in the mud


                    Please remove your playing in the mud photo! There are others besides farmers who read this forum and a picture clearing showing the spray pattern as you are driving through enough water to leave a wake is fodder for environmentalists and the organic movement. While they have no way of knowing what you are applying, most pesticides call for a buffer zone around water bodies. For example label of very popular fungicide states: "Do not apply to water, or to areas where surface water is present" While there may not be any aquatic life threatened in a low spot, there is the danger of contamination of groundwater or runoff into sensitive areas. And even if you are using a fertility product with no such restrictions, it is doubtful it will do any good for crop in standing water.

                    Pictures such as your playing in the mud can be used by environmentalists and by the organic movement. for calling for more regulation or simply that farmers do not care about the environment. We have enough problems already with pesticide regulation without giving those opposed to it more ammunition


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