What this entire scheme rests upon is the assumption that wealth will stay intact, let alone continue to grow.
There's a cataclysmic disaster thats been snowballing since 2008, and the powers that be have thrown everything they can imagine at it and then some. It's gotta happen at some point!
I've been consistently proved wrong for 12 straight years, but I still think I'm on firm footing for the long term outcome, and I DON'T think unbridled asset appreciation can continue indefinitely.
I dunno. You start chiselling at people's "wealth", and there'll be more and more people at the margin who decide to cash the equity out, and put it under their pillow in some form the government can't get at easily. Are those on the margin that become disinterested in assets the government can track enough to put downward pressure on prices? Is that downward pressure enough to set in motion a self-fulfilling downward spiral?
But then I guess if shit is truly destined to hit the fan, and government runs out of options to keep the mob pacified, that same mob will demand that the rich be eaten. And when the profligate are eaten, on down the line they'll go until there's nothing but destitute starving masses. And if we go that far down the rabbit hole, the only wealth that'll matter long term will be found in your gun cabinet. When society truly devolves, the only currency that materially matters is your ability to bring violence upon others... Good god lets hope someone grabs a brain long before that eventuality!
There's a cataclysmic disaster thats been snowballing since 2008, and the powers that be have thrown everything they can imagine at it and then some. It's gotta happen at some point!
I've been consistently proved wrong for 12 straight years, but I still think I'm on firm footing for the long term outcome, and I DON'T think unbridled asset appreciation can continue indefinitely.
I dunno. You start chiselling at people's "wealth", and there'll be more and more people at the margin who decide to cash the equity out, and put it under their pillow in some form the government can't get at easily. Are those on the margin that become disinterested in assets the government can track enough to put downward pressure on prices? Is that downward pressure enough to set in motion a self-fulfilling downward spiral?
But then I guess if shit is truly destined to hit the fan, and government runs out of options to keep the mob pacified, that same mob will demand that the rich be eaten. And when the profligate are eaten, on down the line they'll go until there's nothing but destitute starving masses. And if we go that far down the rabbit hole, the only wealth that'll matter long term will be found in your gun cabinet. When society truly devolves, the only currency that materially matters is your ability to bring violence upon others... Good god lets hope someone grabs a brain long before that eventuality!