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Taxing Inflation

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    Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
    The capital gains tax already exists on farmland. Question is will the exemption amount be decreased and/or the tax rate increased. Doubt they would tax any gain that hasn't actually been realized by the sale of the asset because what would happen if and when land prices fall and your taxed on non existent or lost value.

    Maybe tax the investors who buy land as an investment or somewhere to park excess money and have no intentions on actually farming it or try to make a living with it.
    The corrupt Trudeau libs tried to change the exemptions already in their former mandate, but provoked a strong reaction from too many - mainly professionals who would have been hit hard.

    Trudeau tried to frame small businesses as people who are only in it to try to elude taxes. (Hmmm, why does Paul Martin come to mind?)

    His next attack will be much more subtle and likely effective because he will have learned from the first trial balloon.

    He will make the target look like an enemy of the people, using his favorite trick - identity politics.

    ADDENDUM: Trudeau is in no way smart enough to come up with this rationale - he is merely the stupid sock puppet of the globalist overlords. He merely provides the smiling front and nice hair which will mask the diabolical intent of the plan. He is one of the Leninist "useful idiots".

    With so many people out of work and dependent on government support, with so many businesses failing and not reopening to offer jobs, the hopelessness will turn hordes of people against those who have what they perceive to be unjust wealth.

    When that happens, the change will be so swift that there will not likely be any time to react or reposition.

    The changes in the next few years could be catastrophic. And guaranteed, there will be no improvement in the lives of the poisoned disaffected, only more hardship.

    Michael Moore's documentary is the harbinger of what comes next - global depopulation.


      This is the video from the former Yugoslavia which was included in the Armstrong Economics link I posted elsewhere.

      She gives a step by step layout of how her homeland was destroyed by the same forces that are currently subverting the U.S. and Canada.

      If Trump loses this fall, the West loses everything it has built in the past 2+ centuries.

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATc1x0s1byo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATc1x0s1byo


        Your last two posts should be a sobering “wake” up call for many Canadians and a few on here .

        The “woke” have no idea as to what’s actually happening.


          Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
          There's no doubt governments will be looking for ways to generate revenue to pay for the spending sprees.

          I heard a Professor pundit state that the current Canadian debt to GDP ratio is lower than at the end of WW2.

          To me the difference doesn't lie with Canada's ability to pay it off but the people's productivity and willingness to generate wealth ....a real taxable "value"

          Edit in: or the Government's ability to foster an environment to make it possible for Industry and people to do so.

          Edit in II: more parasites than hosts never ends well, first for the hosts then to the oblivious parasites themselves.
          I think one big difference between the end of WW2 and today is societies attitude. Back then each person felt they could make a difference, it was up to them to succeed and get ahead, today everybody thinks it is the government responsibility, that government can and should provide for each person. To me this is very sad, sjw’s like Chuck2 really aren’t interested in success just collective misery.

          As far as taxation goes low interest rate policies of government have really only created increased value in land and housing so there is no doubt governments will go after this increase in value. Wealth taxes will certainly be instigated. Government will pick a value of net worth say 5 or 10 million dollars and apply a 1 or 2 percent wealth tax. High net worth individuals comprise a small percentage of the population and have no political clout.


            If you think we are coming back from this, people are delusional. Trudeau is extending the CERB to december, maybe even March next year. And the WE scandal didnt stop them from dolling out vote buying funds at all. That deficit will be $500B by the time Trudeau is done.

            https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/liberals-review-rollout-of-social-finance-fund-to-combat-pandemic-fallout-1.5030782 Liberals review rollout of social finance fund to combat pandemic fallout

            OTTAWA -- The federal government is taking a second look at how quickly it will dole out hundreds of millions in help to social services looking to tap into new sources of capital, particularly as COVID-19 dries up traditional donations.
            Social Development Minister Ahmed Hussen's office says the government is reviewing the launch of what's known as the "social finance fund" given the pandemic.
            The pandemic has had a deep financial effect on households, with much discretionary spending like charity being paused while economic uncertainty prevails.

            Click image for larger version

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              Gotta like all the fancy acronyms and monikers for "welfare"

              Find a tit and start sucking.


                What this entire scheme rests upon is the assumption that wealth will stay intact, let alone continue to grow.

                There's a cataclysmic disaster thats been snowballing since 2008, and the powers that be have thrown everything they can imagine at it and then some. It's gotta happen at some point!

                I've been consistently proved wrong for 12 straight years, but I still think I'm on firm footing for the long term outcome, and I DON'T think unbridled asset appreciation can continue indefinitely.

                I dunno. You start chiselling at people's "wealth", and there'll be more and more people at the margin who decide to cash the equity out, and put it under their pillow in some form the government can't get at easily. Are those on the margin that become disinterested in assets the government can track enough to put downward pressure on prices? Is that downward pressure enough to set in motion a self-fulfilling downward spiral?

                But then I guess if shit is truly destined to hit the fan, and government runs out of options to keep the mob pacified, that same mob will demand that the rich be eaten. And when the profligate are eaten, on down the line they'll go until there's nothing but destitute starving masses. And if we go that far down the rabbit hole, the only wealth that'll matter long term will be found in your gun cabinet. When society truly devolves, the only currency that materially matters is your ability to bring violence upon others... Good god lets hope someone grabs a brain long before that eventuality!
                Last edited by helmsdale; Jul 20, 2020, 13:43.


                  Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                  Enjoy the Covid payments.... will be a fraction in what it will actually cost us all .... just sayin
                  Your children and or grandchildren will pay dearly for this ....
                  I have asked this before locally. Who's ****ing kids or grandkids have anything of value? Its the Boomers and older that will lose out. Public pensions for one. Social services are another. Let alone your investments.


                    In the mid 90s during Canadas flirtation with 3rd world status and our dollar was called a northern peso, our deficit was $50B give or take on a GDP half what it was pre covid. I remember the dollar hitting 62c back then.

                    If I extrapolate from that with a GDP only double from that point but a deficit 5 times, we are looking at a loonie in the 50c range.

                    Better upgrade your equipment line while you can. Another hidden tax.

                    Maybe wheat will be $10.


                      Originally posted by jazz View Post
                      In the mid 90s during Canadas flirtation with 3rd world status and our dollar was called a northern peso, our deficit was $50B give or take on a GDP half what it was pre covid. I remember the dollar hitting 62c back then.

                      If I extrapolate from that with a GDP only double from that point but a deficit 5 times, we are looking at a loonie in the 50c range.

                      Better upgrade your equipment line while you can. Another hidden tax.

                      Maybe wheat will be $10.
                      $10 wheat would be nice! It will help offset the $4 diesel.


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