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Warm weather

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    Warm weather

    Finally, looks like first 10 day stretch of sun and warm temps all growing season .
    It is desperately needed most everywhere
    Lots of hay going down now
    Corn grew 6-8 in yesterday

    Maybe not the best growing season ingredient for guys who received limited moisture.

    The "percent of normal precipitation" maps guys have been posting tells who will and won't want a "heat" wave.


      Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
      Maybe not the best growing season ingredient for guys who received limited moisture.

      The "percent of normal precipitation" maps guys have been posting tells who will and won't want a "heat" wave.
      Sorry, should have specified for NW sask


        and NE


          and SE !


            31 degrees will have thunder showers....around here you never know which cloud might drop a dust settling less than 0.1mm rain that chucks your haying day or adds a larger yellow spot to the lentils...


              We're still hoping for that last inch to help finish things off like most of the girlfriends I've been involved with.


                We have not had more than 2/10 at a time all year. No Cinderella here.


                  Bring on the heat baby!🌞

                  Nicest looking forecast so far this year. We’ll see if it comes true. The last 30 degree day was in April 2019 here. Very tired of rubber boots already.


                    I wish I could send you the 31 degree blast furnace. 💨


                      Originally posted by sumdumguy View Post
                      I wish I could send you the 31 degree blast furnace. 💨
                      We keep joking that the rain will quit in November here..........

                      Clouds building in the west again tonight


                        Originally posted by woodland View Post
                        We keep joking that the rain will quit in November here..........

                        Clouds building in the west again tonight
                        you guys are *** up the fishing in tobin lake with all that muddy water your sending us lol


                          Originally posted by woodland View Post
                          We keep joking that the rain will quit in November here..........

                          Clouds building in the west again tonight
                          That's both funny and not at the same time.

                          Edit in, it was kinda toasty here today but the humidity wasn't schtoopit low. And the wind kept it feeling comfortable. Yes my nemesis actually may have been a bit of a benefit.

                          Canola leaves weren't really wilted hanging off the stems like wet rags either. See what the next couple of days bring
                          Last edited by farmaholic; Jul 22, 2020, 20:48.


                            I wouldn’t mind the heat so much if the hurricane-force winds would beggar off.


                              Originally posted by caseih View Post
                              you guys are *** up the fishing in tobin lake with all that muddy water your sending us lol
                              Haven’t been fishing in a year here. Too busy dealing with mud and such. Haven’t started on hay yet either so I’m doubtful I’ll get out this year too.

                              Crossed the North Saskatchewan on Sunday and it’s lower than the high mark but the kids still say it’s chocolate milk. I wonder how long it takes to get from here to you?


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