Originally posted by GDR
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As for misogynists, I can think of one man only that, while not on purpose, was about as close to doing it on purpose as you could be. Not sure how he couldn’t hear how ridiculous he was. Every other person, woman or man, that I’ve had personal comments from, were not meant in a way to be derogatory, even though many times they are. It’s just an ingrained thing in the culture. Single moms, or any mom, can be a risk to hire, women cause issues with male staff, women try and manipulate people all the time. Probably as people on here are reading those they’re thinking “well yeah†yet if you turn around and apply them to the women in your life, to your wives, do any of them ring true?
Misogyny in western Canada is mostly broad generalizations of women not being good for some things and being expected to be certain ways. It doesn’t mean the people I’ve met that toss those comments around are bad people. Some are wonderful people and I call them friends. But they could do with taking a step back and evaluating how things they say can be affecting people. And who can’t really? Nobody is perfect, we all have things we try, or should try, to improve upon in ourselves.
One curiosity of mine though. Taiga says I disappoint him. Has anyone here ever told a grown man or someone not his relative that they had disappointed you? Told, not thought. Would you ever consider telling a fairly random man whom had a different opinion than you, that he was disappointing. No need to actually answer here because I can just picture Jazz responding with a cursory No, of course not, and not really thinking about it. Just sit back when there’s a quiet moment in a tractor or something and think which people in life you would be comfortable telling were disappointments.