When the covid closures of the meat plants started , the shortcomings of our current meat processing system really became evident. Short term shortages in the store had lots of people filling freezers. For years we have bought local beef. Costs around $4.00 per pound cut and wrapped. It has been the case for years that the local abattoir is maxed out in processing capacity. There is less butchers around now than years past. Only a few want to do it. In my parts lots of guys are hamburgering whole beef and selling it local for a good prices very quickly for a good price. Sides of pork are around $2.50 per pound all in. Have a side of lamb for $175.00 cut and wrapped coming soon.
If there is true desire to source more local meats then the smaller processors can fill a demand.
If there is true desire to source more local meats then the smaller processors can fill a demand.