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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well, I just love guys who do a virtual crop tour and come up with big numbers. HAHAHA then it makes the news on every radio and TV ag report as exact. I always said Canadian Ag is run by people who are out to make everyone a buck except the farmers.

    So this week I drove from Canora to Swan down to Dauphin south to Brandon and then back to Russel and Melville to Regina. Madd for Madd concaves I will explain later.

    This year for our area it won't be an above-average or What we were hoping for at all. Three inches of total rain to Max of 6 inches in growing season and 1/10s doesn't cut it. I didn't stop at the guys with signs in their fields just random every so many miles. Anyone who actually farms can look at a crop and go yep its a Bumper or really good, maybe good, not good or wtf happened.

    For our farm the goal was easy.

    100 plus barley was the goal.
    70 HRS was the goal.
    60 Canola was the goal.
    60 Peas were the goal.

    One note last year the top three were higher but peas were lower due to us finally realizing that peas grown every 4 or 5 years on the same ground have issues, we now use the 8 year plus rule and it seems to have paid off.

    Four crops are all we grew this year I like the rotation and our ground was wet at seeding. Total rain since snow went is anywhere from 3 in to 6. You now can see the fields that didn't get rain.

    Ok, first the crop report.

    HRS is starting to turn on early seeded fields, it is amazing how a 5 day earlier seeding date and rain timing made such a big difference. Early wheat had some issues. Later that caught the rains needs time but will out yield early. Heads are smaller but filled not bad the heat last thursday did put a stop to any extra. Some early will get shut down next week to 10 days. Our area I would say is ahead of last year by a good to weeks. Frost on wheat will not be a concern I'm thinking now especially when Drew has us for two more dry weeks. THen my guess is frost. Durum is also advancing very fast.

    Barley is advancing very very fast and again the early seeded is days away from getting cut or 14 hot days away from harvest. Ours is a little later but with the heat that's coming will be moving into the same situation very fast. Early harvest for Barley in our area.

    Peas and lentils. Peas are shutting down and some fields have been sprayed. Across the valley harvest on peas have begun on some farms. Few fields of lentils have been sprayed. North of valley no lentils have been sprayed I'm thinking. Peas on longer rotations look really better than the shorter even if we were extremely dry this year. Harvest will tell the tale. Early had rain and maybe bigger fewer pods. We are ahead of last year by two weeks.

    Flax is done flowering and has filled in nice crop might be better than last year if rains were just at the right time.

    Oats are filling nicely in the area and later that is catching rain looks really good.

    Zero chickpeas and faba beans and soy I can't find a field.

    Harvest of new super Rye and odd winter wheat will begin this weekend.

    Canola the crop that needs rain to make it real nice did not get the rains needed or the timing was wrong or whatever. It did flower for quite a few more weeks than originally I thought but top pods didn't make it last Thursday or Friday shut most fields down. Look at your plants if all leaves are gone and it is a thin stock it's not a huge one. In all my travels I have not seen one crop that jumped out grabbed me and made me turn around and stop to look at it. Some of the areas that had lots of rain have flooded out areas that will produce jack shit. excess water isn't a friend. For us, the canola crop is also two weeks ahead of normal for our area.

    Pasture is going downhill a million miles a hour. Hay crop turned out ok but guys left till later. The late seeded green feed isn't doing very good this year. No second cut on most fields.

    So for a crop report here, it is in a nutshell.

    Dry weather continues in a large very large area of western Canada in general. If you spit the province from North down through Regina down to the border and then over to Manitoba up to swan except for hit or miss rains it's all about the same, If you got timely rains it's a good one. Plus this year when you get hail it's not a little bit its a wipeout.

    Ok yield potential.

    HRS based on what we wanted and last year its a 7 up to a 9 on late seeded. 70 yield x 9 is 63 bus or 70 x 7 is 49 for yield. The average will be an 8 or 56 bus an acre which is a bit less than the last few years for sure. Its a nice crop but not a bumper. Last year would have been our largest wheat crop but the rain-snow rain nice harvest happened. Massive amount of Durum grown in Sask and I would say if you're on the other side of the line I described earlier your two weeks later than most. Frost could be a concern for those areas.

    Peas look better for us than 2019 but they are for sure shorter and podded sooner. The fields are clean and healthy so I am going with just a little lower than my goal of 60 due to smaller seeds because of min rain last two weeks or 54 bus. The bad disease will be lower. Caught a rain at the right time higher.

    Barley is going to be ok on later seeded but won't hit the goal I was looking for. I will go with an 8 or 80 bus is possible for this crop. Again it is early and if we are dry for the next two to three weeks it will be in that range and good quality.

    Canola the early looked like it might actually have bigger pods and the later might be the yield winner due to few timely showers of rain.
    Canola is shutting down on most fields in the area and some very early seeded have plants changing colour. Yea its two to three weeks ahead of last year for our area. Yield on average will be 60 x 6 is 36 for a low to 8 for a high. This will put the 2020 crop lower by quite a bit for our area. Canola needs good timely rains and heat, well we got the heat. 4 in of rain will grow a crop in our area but you need good ground moisture and one after seeding one after spraying one at fungicide and one at exhibition week and its a done deal. Those that cant figure it out heat and min rain makes small seeds that are lighter and that takes yield also.

    Oats will be less than last year.

    Flax could be similar or just ahead of last year.

    Durum less than last year but better quality.

    Lentils still not sure.

    So the above report is from a stupid farmer that grows crops and watches the weather and compares last year and past years to grow a crop.

    For us, its lower production and we are two weeks ahead of the last 5 years.

    Be safe and take care.

    Oh on a side note a friend of ours on agrivilles wife had a bad fall off her horse and needs our prayers at this time. Life is more important than a crop take care.


    Early wheat

    Cracks in ground down south.

    New Alida hrs replacement for Brandon. Not sure?

    Late seeded canola timely rain


      Early seeded

      Sand ridge


        So in the USA Biden is mentally incompetent to run and the Democrats know that. He is in hiding and out of site. Trudeau in canada screwed up so many times they have him in hiding because he also is mentally challenged but not the same way. Will the scandals end for skippy my thoughts are No they just weren’t ready or just don’t get running anything other than a sand box


          If Stats Can or any other market analyst seen your numbers you posted with the “lower” yields would consider that crop a bumper crop, which means everyone has one. Actually most farms would be happy to take your “lower” yields.

          Farms that received more rain than you would possibly have higher yields which adds to more production.

          Who can say lower prices are coming to an elevator near you??


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
            So in the USA Biden is mentally incompetent to run and the Democrats know that. He is in hiding and out of site. Trudeau in canada screwed up so many times they have him in hiding because he also is mentally challenged but not the same way. Will the scandals end for skippy my thoughts are No they just weren’t ready or just don’t get running anything other than a sand box
            Trump is mentally incompetent and has been running the U.S. for 4 years. So what's the difference? 170000 dead Americans.


              Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
              Well, I just love guys who do a virtual crop tour and come up with big numbers. HAHAHA then it makes the news on every radio and TV ag report as exact. I always said Canadian Ag is run by people who are out to make everyone a buck except the farmers.

              So this week I drove from Canora to Swan down to Dauphin south to Brandon and then back to Russel and Melville to Regina. Madd for Madd concaves I will explain later.

              This year for our area it won't be an above-average or What we were hoping for at all. Three inches of total rain to Max of 6 inches in growing season and 1/10s doesn't cut it. I didn't stop at the guys with signs in their fields just random every so many miles. Anyone who actually farms can look at a crop and go yep its a Bumper or really good, maybe good, not good or wtf happened.

              For our farm the goal was easy.

              100 plus barley was the goal.
              70 HRS was the goal.
              60 Canola was the goal.
              60 Peas were the goal.

              One note last year the top three were higher but peas were lower due to us finally realizing that peas grown every 4 or 5 years on the same ground have issues, we now use the 8 year plus rule and it seems to have paid off.

              Four crops are all we grew this year I like the rotation and our ground was wet at seeding. Total rain since snow went is anywhere from 3 in to 6. You now can see the fields that didn't get rain.

              Ok, first the crop report.

              HRS is starting to turn on early seeded fields, it is amazing how a 5 day earlier seeding date and rain timing made such a big difference. Early wheat had some issues. Later that caught the rains needs time but will out yield early. Heads are smaller but filled not bad the heat last thursday did put a stop to any extra. Some early will get shut down next week to 10 days. Our area I would say is ahead of last year by a good to weeks. Frost on wheat will not be a concern I'm thinking now especially when Drew has us for two more dry weeks. THen my guess is frost. Durum is also advancing very fast.

              Barley is advancing very very fast and again the early seeded is days away from getting cut or 14 hot days away from harvest. Ours is a little later but with the heat that's coming will be moving into the same situation very fast. Early harvest for Barley in our area.

              Peas and lentils. Peas are shutting down and some fields have been sprayed. Across the valley harvest on peas have begun on some farms. Few fields of lentils have been sprayed. North of valley no lentils have been sprayed I'm thinking. Peas on longer rotations look really better than the shorter even if we were extremely dry this year. Harvest will tell the tale. Early had rain and maybe bigger fewer pods. We are ahead of last year by two weeks.

              Flax is done flowering and has filled in nice crop might be better than last year if rains were just at the right time.

              Oats are filling nicely in the area and later that is catching rain looks really good.

              Zero chickpeas and faba beans and soy I can't find a field.

              Harvest of new super Rye and odd winter wheat will begin this weekend.

              Canola the crop that needs rain to make it real nice did not get the rains needed or the timing was wrong or whatever. It did flower for quite a few more weeks than originally I thought but top pods didn't make it last Thursday or Friday shut most fields down. Look at your plants if all leaves are gone and it is a thin stock it's not a huge one. In all my travels I have not seen one crop that jumped out grabbed me and made me turn around and stop to look at it. Some of the areas that had lots of rain have flooded out areas that will produce jack shit. excess water isn't a friend. For us, the canola crop is also two weeks ahead of normal for our area.

              Pasture is going downhill a million miles a hour. Hay crop turned out ok but guys left till later. The late seeded green feed isn't doing very good this year. No second cut on most fields.

              So for a crop report here, it is in a nutshell.

              Dry weather continues in a large very large area of western Canada in general. If you spit the province from North down through Regina down to the border and then over to Manitoba up to swan except for hit or miss rains it's all about the same, If you got timely rains it's a good one. Plus this year when you get hail it's not a little bit its a wipeout.

              Ok yield potential.

              HRS based on what we wanted and last year its a 7 up to a 9 on late seeded. 70 yield x 9 is 63 bus or 70 x 7 is 49 for yield. The average will be an 8 or 56 bus an acre which is a bit less than the last few years for sure. Its a nice crop but not a bumper. Last year would have been our largest wheat crop but the rain-snow rain nice harvest happened. Massive amount of Durum grown in Sask and I would say if you're on the other side of the line I described earlier your two weeks later than most. Frost could be a concern for those areas.

              Peas look better for us than 2019 but they are for sure shorter and podded sooner. The fields are clean and healthy so I am going with just a little lower than my goal of 60 due to smaller seeds because of min rain last two weeks or 54 bus. The bad disease will be lower. Caught a rain at the right time higher.

              Barley is going to be ok on later seeded but won't hit the goal I was looking for. I will go with an 8 or 80 bus is possible for this crop. Again it is early and if we are dry for the next two to three weeks it will be in that range and good quality.

              Canola the early looked like it might actually have bigger pods and the later might be the yield winner due to few timely showers of rain.
              Canola is shutting down on most fields in the area and some very early seeded have plants changing colour. Yea its two to three weeks ahead of last year for our area. Yield on average will be 60 x 6 is 36 for a low to 8 for a high. This will put the 2020 crop lower by quite a bit for our area. Canola needs good timely rains and heat, well we got the heat. 4 in of rain will grow a crop in our area but you need good ground moisture and one after seeding one after spraying one at fungicide and one at exhibition week and its a done deal. Those that cant figure it out heat and min rain makes small seeds that are lighter and that takes yield also.

              Oats will be less than last year.

              Flax could be similar or just ahead of last year.

              Durum less than last year but better quality.

              Lentils still not sure.

              So the above report is from a stupid farmer that grows crops and watches the weather and compares last year and past years to grow a crop.

              For us, its lower production and we are two weeks ahead of the last 5 years.

              Be safe and take care.

              Oh on a side note a friend of ours on agrivilles wife had a bad fall off her horse and needs our prayers at this time. Life is more important than a crop take care.
              I hope your proud of your self that you have turned so may people that had valuable contributions to this form, but now have gone elsewhere.

              Have a nice fall, ill be sure to let Justin know that you have his vote next year and your are willing to do the stats can productions numbers for the next year with your broad intelligence.


                Ah ag star you would know


                  Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
                  Trump is mentally incompetent and has been running the U.S. for 4 years. So what's the difference? 170000 dead Americans.
                  Per capital is it much different than Canada?


                    we have had more rain than most.
                    Crops turning fast.
                    Some canola still in full bloom.
                    Others bloomed for 2 weeks.
                    Yields will be all over the map.
                    Heat will cut yields big time but average yields will be the final report.


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