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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Big bad storms headed from the South to North in Saskatchewan last night. Lots of Thunder and lightning and well just about piss all for rains in our area. Hit the big hole in Saskatchewan and just went flat or split or just did shit all. Its time to turn our attention on its the ****ed up year of the tenth and start praying for dry with a bit of wind fall.

    Now our land to the south did finally get some rain and should be at 3 inches since April when the snow left.

    The yard got 2/10 and to the north of us did manage over a half-inch. The yard's total now is 5.77 inches since April 1. All came in tenths and one rain that was 1.5 in over three hours or I guess described as a good soaker.

    Friends texted from the Yorkton area they are already harvesting HRS, they are not desiccating it but going straight and it is dry and 15.5 protein but yields are way way way down. Pea yields are half of what our area is doing. The rain was min all year. Google Yorkton location its not the SW part of Sask. but NE and harvest have begun with no desiccation or swath. Yep, Sask. ag and food its a great big crop 20% higher than last year. **** RIGHT OFF>

    So here is the crop report.

    Harvest has started south of the valley with peas and lentils. South of town peas are being harvested with yields less than last year by anywhere from 20 to 30%. Moisture just didn't happen. The yields are better than some areas to the NE that are half of what we are getting. So overall our Peas will turn out ok once they are off if the storms stay away. No bin burner but lucky very lucky to get what we are getting with min rain. North of town is just getting sprayed and will be 10 days away from harvesting.

    Barley so far-fields seeded real early are changing way to fast. Later by a week are holding on and each shower will help fill or make plumper kernels. Swathing will start next week on Monday if we have a 5-day window with zero rain and it sure looks that way right now. Our barley might need an extra week.

    Oats are getting hit with the heat and min rain and is short in our area filling is happening with odd white spot seen.

    Durum is starting to show changes with head and filling. I hate that all the experts put Durum for Pasta in the same category as wheat for bread and call it all wheat. The south and west side of Sask has wall to wall wheat it is a massive crop coming every field looks good and good for you guys its nice to see. Our area has min durum but guys shouldn't have issues with Fusarium this year so could make top-grade and yields will be similar to HRS in our area.

    Spring wheat is filling nice and its starting to look like spraying a fungicide this year paid off. Yes were min rain but the 1.5 in and a week later .5 and dew every morning did have a wet canopy for weeks. HRS look like last year but I'm still doing counts and feel it will be less than our massive 2019 crop. We have wheat that will be ready to go in 14 days and then our best wheat needs frost free till the first week of September. It is a section that gets hit with a shower and shower and shower but no big rain. So I'm upping my wheat yield for our area to just below average.

    Flax is turning and filling and is a surprise on some farms.

    Fall rye is taking forever to come down to dry and it looks like after peas fall rye will be harvested. Some fields are ok some are so so. Dry spring didn't help.

    Canola is all about the shower. Got a shower right time right day or looked away you have a not bad crop. Missed every shower or rain and its turning and could be swath today. Yes, that's early August not Sept. for our area. Canola is short on some fields with thinner stands than usual. Drive a mile away and you have a taller full-filled field that actually doesn't look that bad. Drive another mile and its oh my. One conclusion i have come to is I still haven't found a 12/10 canola crop in all my drives. Some 10/10s in areas that don't usually get crops like that but some 10/10 with 30% flooded or dirty from spraying in rain. Some 5/10 and well hail-damaged just doesn't like the heat. For our area compared to last year yields will be down 20 to 30% or more. Yep the year of the tenth could have dropped a few more tenths. Oh, all the bullshit on the news about Canola is gold. Yep, its gold to other countries buying our shit at discount prices doing some paperwork and sending the same shit to china and profiting $2.00 a bushel shuffling paper. We have a federal gov that doesn't give a shit because we're still moving canola. ITs at a loss you ****ing morons.

    Pastures are going downhill really fast and they needed a rain three weeks ago.

    Hay crop came off not bad, green feed seeded late is a total shit show. Also, guys seeding later in June its a shit show.

    So, in general, it looks like an average to below average for cereals in our area with Canola way lower than past years.

    Have a great day and I love the Bloc nail that useless piece of shit.

    Ok I am shocked and feel lucky how well 2020 is shaping up with min rain.

    Land to east got 3/4 of a inch and north 6/10 so it can rain.

    Oh stay safe it’s harvest and it’s busy and it’s stressful and we’ll just be safe.


      From the road photos



        Remember two years ago the experts telling the world Canada has a huge massive crop of canola and now two years later the truth comes out it really wasn’t .

        Ottawa has failed western Canadian farmers on canola. Our farm organizations have failed farmers and let the shit show to be dropped off the radar instead of continuing to push what happening.

        Farmers are also to blame for not getting mad real mad on this issue.


          Phew lucky I’ve got my own crop pic thread , I shrivel to in significance........looks great john


            The dry area is from Kamsack to the border and down to around Weyburn then up to Regina east of Southey and back to Kamsack. Draw it on a map it's just a little area. Sask ag and food last week had a lady on the radio that was giddy with BS about 20% more crop.

            Oh on the Liberal front this might be the week that the little piss ant is finally gone. Andrew had his last day as leader in Parliament yesterday and if you were an honourable man you would have thanked him for his service as leader of the opposition in this country and said congratulations on any future endeavour. Nope, not skippy he is MIA Since the WE thing came out doing a little hiding and praying.

            Its time the east wakes up and tosses this sorry ass for a leader out the window and all his useless fools. Climate barbie is pressing charges for a guy yelling at her office. She wasn't there even. But the RCMP doesn't look into anything Trudeau does.

            This shit show has to stop.


              Crops getting bailed up just NE of here now . Going to be lots of feed . Wheat oats and barley will still make decent feed but with little grain value .
              Some guys not sure what to doing with canola at 85 % plus damage . Still lots of material and very little feed value .
              Hail adjusters finally here , some companies have been fair some are out to lunch .
              We will have an interesting day here. The hail company we have will be redoing canola . Their count is ridiculously low , or was yesterday.
              Good guys but clueless on biology of plants
              The one lead guy proudly told me he has been doing this for 5 years . I said “That’s Nice” , I have been doing this for 35 , and have helped train crop agronomists for 20 , and have a degree from the UofS in crops and soils .
              He is sending out his bosses today .
              They will be benchmarking today after I showed them un damaged canola plants from same field
              Good plants averaged 132 pods per plant , hail damaged plants we 80-90 . Then there is seed loss in the pods .
              Hail loss is well over 50% , not 20%
              We have some discussions to have today .
              The Fabas will be another story .
              Thank goodness there are small protected areas where hail damage was minimal. The differences are stark . Even they did not know what to say or do when I started pulling plants and counting for them after they were done .
              Too much at stake to just leave it alone .
              If they were fair like other hail companies that were in area I would not even question them , but they are way out . Sometimes you must stand your ground when you can .


                I agree on this hail damage and adjusters that really don't know much about plants. They tell you all kinds of stories and when you check their stories out you find it's not true. Farmers stand up for your rights.

                Hot off the press.

                Input capital has been purchased by an American Capital firm. All managers took a payout.


                  The last 2 days we have been silaging. Last year for silage we grew Thompson barley, a semi dwarf feed barley. It yielded roughly 11.5 tons per acre(use imperial measure here because my dump wagon was rated at 6 tons when it was built in the 80’s). I felt that the fact it was a semi dwarf hurt the yield. So this year I grew synergy barley and I thought the crop looked really good but much to my surprise on the first field it is only yielding 9.5 ton per acre. The second field was grown where I feed my cows over winter, should have cut the fertilizer, basically a twisted half lodged mess, ended up having to cut it with the discbine. Needless to say my son who was doing the swathing told me I could take the synergy barley and stick it up my #** lol!


                    We had a crop Insurance adjuster write off 240 acres of Canola yesterday. 80 acres he counted .6 bu per acre and 160 acres he counted 3.6 bu per acre.

                    I was really confused as the high spots were suppose to make up for the areas with sprayer ruts.

                    The rest of the canola fields will run 10-25 bu.

                    Half the barley is a crop insurance claim. Oats are as well. Wheat, canary and flax will stay out of a claim but I doubt the wheat will be anything but feed.

                    Only the canary has promise this year.
                    Last edited by Dr Tone; Aug 13, 2020, 07:35.


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