So Sunday evening the results should be known, who of these 7, wins?
Leslyn Lewis
Derek Sloan
Peter MacKay
Erin O'Toole
Justin Trudeau(cause none of the above, can stop him)
The Media Party(cause all of the above will crumble from media attacks)
(even Lewis will be attacked, even though she has a vagina, is from Toronto, has a
Masters in Environmental Studies and is Black)
Andrew Scheer(cause he finally has the millstone of leader removed from his neck)
Leslyn Lewis
Derek Sloan
Peter MacKay
Erin O'Toole
Justin Trudeau(cause none of the above, can stop him)
The Media Party(cause all of the above will crumble from media attacks)
(even Lewis will be attacked, even though she has a vagina, is from Toronto, has a
Masters in Environmental Studies and is Black)
Andrew Scheer(cause he finally has the millstone of leader removed from his neck)