The msm's deliberate failure to showcase a minority figure as the potential - and likely probable leader of the CPC - and thus the probable next Prime Minister - tells a very clear story:
The truth is that the Conservatives are everything that the Liberals claim to be, and the Liberals are everything that they accuse the Conservatives of being.
The msm and the Lieberals were deathly afraid of Lewis, because if she would have won the leadership, it would have blown to bloody hell the Librano narrative.
The leftists have discovered the horrific efficacy of the Nazi instrument of gaslighting and perfected its usage.
It is their favorite go-to for taking down good people and handcuffing the Conservatives.
Need examples? Look at the well-documented, complete failure of the Sock Boy puppet Prime Minstrel:
Kokanee Groper
Sudden termination as a private school teacher for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor (which would be statutory ****, if true)
Countless blackface episodes
Aga Khan scandal
SNC scandal
Multiple acts of misogyny
WE scandal - funneling money to his mommy from the public treasury
- resulting in numerous ethics breaches.
If a Conservative were to have been the perp, they would be publicly hung by the neck until dead.
The Liberals are Canada's naturally corrupt party, and the msm enables them.
The truth is that the Conservatives are everything that the Liberals claim to be, and the Liberals are everything that they accuse the Conservatives of being.
The msm and the Lieberals were deathly afraid of Lewis, because if she would have won the leadership, it would have blown to bloody hell the Librano narrative.
The leftists have discovered the horrific efficacy of the Nazi instrument of gaslighting and perfected its usage.
It is their favorite go-to for taking down good people and handcuffing the Conservatives.
Need examples? Look at the well-documented, complete failure of the Sock Boy puppet Prime Minstrel:
Kokanee Groper
Sudden termination as a private school teacher for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor (which would be statutory ****, if true)
Countless blackface episodes
Aga Khan scandal
SNC scandal
Multiple acts of misogyny
WE scandal - funneling money to his mommy from the public treasury
- resulting in numerous ethics breaches.
If a Conservative were to have been the perp, they would be publicly hung by the neck until dead.
The Liberals are Canada's naturally corrupt party, and the msm enables them.