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    Could not get rain all of July . Now we have had 3.5 in in a week. Half of Wheat harvested . What is left will be bleached mess.

    Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
    Could not get rain all of July . Now we have had 3.5 in in a week. Half of Wheat harvested . What is left will be bleached mess.
    That sucks , we have dealt with that for the past two harvests . Then spend all winter tried to find a home for lower grades and then miraculously next June it will be just fine .


      Rain is now a vulgar 4 letter word....except maybe for soybeans.


        Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
        Rain is now a vulgar 4 letter word....except maybe for soybeans.
        Lol yup
        I need to irrigate my 20 ac of soybeans
        I wonder if Lyle can set me up ??


          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
          Lol yup
          I need to irrigate my 20 ac of soybeans
          I wonder if Lyle can set me up ??
          Or Bill Boyd


            Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
            Could not get rain all of July . Now we have had 3.5 in in a week. Half of Wheat harvested . What is left will be bleached mess.

            Last years the am song here


              Why....why...why do I get so incensed with the phucking stupidity on government funded irrigation....

              There are 100000 acres of Cadillac designed systems in this province growing dryland crops....then in order to get higher value crops you need government sponsored TFW's because irrigation farmers haven't paid SFA yet and are not going to ....


                Originally posted by bucket View Post
                Why....why...why do I get so incensed with the phucking stupidity on government funded irrigation....

                There are 100000 acres of Cadillac designed systems in this province growing dryland crops....then in order to get higher value crops you need government sponsored TFW's because irrigation farmers haven't paid SFA yet and are not going to ....

                Bucket, i raised the possibility in the Freeland thread (which magically disappeared) its my opinion Canada is going to export fresh water instead of crude. Look at the allowances made in USMCA for monetization of water. Once it's dammed, it turns into a commodity. It's my opinion we are going to sell our life blood. Michael Burry, The Big Short, is looking to invest in water, last line of the movie. Look into it yourself and see if it's plausible. How do we "decarbonize" and stay solvent as a nation? They have something in mind and are not prepared to tell us yet. I suspect a nationwide ban on drilling will be announced.


                  No different here Agstar. Harvest is slow going with rain every few days and humidity like the tropics.


                    Here it is hot and dry. It felt like 40 degrees with 40 mph wind. Harvest is progressing, that’s one good thing. Just chopping the heads off and crap through the goose.


                      What's a harvest?


                        In the Slum of the Ghetto the infamous "desert mosquito" is out. They lay their eggs in dust and emerge at harvest.


                          Rain overnight and damp and cold all day so combines are sitting. Looks like we are back to combine weather A couple more weeks of heat would have really been appreciated!


                            .75 inches in 15 minutes . Wind took down 7 power poles. Running the house on non grid,non green dino diesel.
                            Last edited by 6V53; Aug 27, 2020, 22:55.


                              Pouring now. Finally got some peas done and switched to Wheat today. Too much heavy dews and showers have made the wheat a poor grade. Gonna be worse after this rain.


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