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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Ah, what a hot dry week that was. Yep it poured from about east of our farm to the lake. Dryest area of Sask. now has some rain probably double what it has got all year. To little to late.

    No, I don't want any rain till canola swath to rot the shit.

    So here is this weeks report.

    Harvest is moving along in our area at full speed ahead. Only slow down is some guys got done there lentils and peas and didn't have any wheat or barley ready to go. Well most now would be at 15% completed. We're about a week behind and ill explain in pea comments. We got going on Monday and with new iron its been a fun couple days getting the bugs worked out but yesterday was full bore for us.

    Peas we are almost done and most in our area are completed. We put peas on the ground that hasn't had peas in the last 10 years. Seeded only about a day behind other guys but it took about a week longer for ours to mature and ready for Reglone. Our Yields seem decent for this year's pea crop but less than the last few years. I would say the crop is about 15 to 20% less than the last few years. Nice stand, very tall and lots of pods but smaller pods due to heat. I always say this is the last year for growing them and maybe it will be. It's bullshit that pea prices are where they are with all these new super fake plant-based foods. The supplier of the peas still isn't getting paid more than the dog food market. So basically we grow dog food.

    Barley is swath or being harvested in our area. Yields are below last year by some 30% but the crop quality is excellent. Protein is up a bit. If the rain misses us today we will be going on our barley by Saturday and finish Sunday if all works out.

    Hrs is mostly shut down and ready to straight cut. Few guys that are done the above to crops are full press into there wheat crop. The grade is top quality with protein levels in 15.9 range. Yields if you push the groceries is below average. I would say is about 20 to 30% below average if your goal is a big crop. Ours is and we won't break the 100 this year. That train has long left the station. If your goal is 35 you have a bumper crop. Come on its not 1984 Saskatchewan its 2020 and thinking a crop above 50 is a bumper isn't a bumper any more. Most farmers are shooting for higher yields and it just pisses me off. This crop is an average at best not massive best in 5 years BS that are old Ag minister was saying on the News the other day. Rant over.

    Oats the odd field that burnt up is harvested or will be very soon. Later seeded oats to may long weekend is in better shape and only drawback might be continued heat which will make lighter oats.

    Flax is like everything else turning or burning in bake mode.

    Fall rye is all harvested with some having a smaller crop than first thought.

    Canola is the one crop that doesn't like extreme bake oven heat to finish off. It will be smaller little piss ant light seed. Swaths for 70 canola will probably produce 40 to 45. Oh be happy it could be worse BS. Heat the chemical works on Canola but extreme heat from mother nature doesn't. Early seeded seems better the later you wated into May the worse it is. Funny pulled roots on heavy land out and the ground still has moisture attached to roots yet the whole plant is drying down. Yep, the heat does this. Now it seems some experts are finaly realizing the big big crop might not happen. No shit sherlock your ****ing morons. Rant two.

    Durum is drying down and most will be swath this week.

    Pastures are basically getting close to almost done except around sloughs etc. The hay crop was one but thats all. Cattle will be moved to fields that are harvested if heat continues.

    Most farmers have water trucks or high-speed discs attached to a tractor on stand by for this harvest.

    One thing that is funny the weather has changed with rains now starting after the valley and moving north and missing the west side of Sask. This isn't good as sooner or later the fall rains will start. Push on boys and be safe.

    Sask Ag will have a crop report that oh it's just a little area. Yea from KAmsask over to Southey and down to Regina etc. Yep, just a little area but they go five min out of Regina and one farm is great. Rant three.

    Oh, Trudeau Sucks.

    Crop report is done i am out swathing.

    Going to be real windy tomorrow and Drew has a cold night next week oh it’s the full moon that David Phillips who needs to retire doesn’t believe in.


      Is it Thursday already?


        Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
        Is it Thursday already?
        One more day closer to the wk end.
        Right I’m a farmer ... doesn’t apply to me.


          In regards to your it could be worst than 40-45 bu/acre BS comment. We didn’t buy new combines, but a disc so we could work 50% of our canola under.

          I know why you continually whine on a public forum as there are unwanted analyst and marketing eyes that do patrol these places but maybe use your your F’N head when making certain comments.


            It’s the truth this crop is a average at best and canola is not going to be huge



              Bly getting combined dry.real bonus.
              Early canola being cut.
              Only 100 acres left and all ours is down.
              Viterra picked up all bly we have combined.
              Must be a beer shortage?
              Hope rain stays away till Oct 1st.


                SKF the point is maybe to you a 50 bu crop is below average, to some it’s a bumper that don’t typically grow bushels like you do.
                I still consider 50 bu durum a very good crop.
                Problem is guys shoot for the stars, put every nickel into it and it doesn’t rain then then complaining starts.
                Wheat for example is growing all over the world, a crop taken off to very 90 days, there never really had been a short fall of it.
                Today’s wheat prices a pathetic, and putting too much into a worthless “filler” crop to isn’t worth it. IMO


                  Harvest weather starting right on time here. Cool, cloudy, occasional shower.
                  Poking away at first peas. Nothing else close. May start dessicating early wheat next week. Canola solid week away.
                  Nothing like an 80 day fight is there?


                    Originally posted by SASKFARMER View Post
                    It’s the truth this crop is a average at best and canola is not going to be huge

                    Who is making more money, a farm whose canola typically averages about 60 or someone's whose typically averages under 50. Then the 60 bpa guy's canola runs 50 and Armageddon is on the horizon.

                    We here in the Ghetto are more accustomed to doing with less than more.

                    For sanities sake we keep our expectations low. Better to be pleasantly surprised than sorely disappointed.


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