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My fav North American affairs. Aussie journalist.

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    My fav North American affairs. Aussie journalist.

    Get weekend paper to read this guy.
    Does USA and Canadian politics.

    He tipped youR last election within one seat.
    His comments on your leadership on conservative side in a nutshell did Canadian conservatives miss a chance by not voting Lewis or Mackay but chose steady as she goes Otoole.

    He has said many time Canada has unique demographics and resources unl8mited but has different voting psych.

    But his main story was conventions, hang on I will get my flack jacket.

    ok I’m back will summarise and at times basically quote.

    2020 election is or was Biden’s to lose.

    But after conventions Biden remains intensely vulnerable.Most media commentators myself to a degree had their respective convention columns effectively written in advance,with dems portrayed as the party of sweet reason and republicans a wild group of extremists conspiracy theorists and trump cultists.

    In fact that was the reverse of how the conventions unfolded.

    The democratic conventi9n was entirely centred on emotion and almost not at all aboutpolicy. It was at the democrat convention , wallowing in it Hollywood imprimatur , people made silly jokes about mike pence s name, barrack and Michelle attacked trump personally. I honestly thought they were a cut above it was surprised.

    In all my dem conventions it contained the least policy I’ve ever seen and I been here long enough to go grey.

    It did not mention any key issues at all,notably chinas strategic challenges and policy towards USA and Westin general or the violenceafflicting many us cities.

    Biden’s speech had almost zero policy and bizarrely used whole slabs of his speech he gave on becoming Obama’s Vice President in 2008. Yesterdays news.

    The republicans wether there policies are righor wrong or a mixture of the two,spent most of the time on these policies.They ran a slick version of traditional political convention.

    Most of republican speakers spoke on policy.

    Trumps speech was let’s call it normalised nothing outrageous in my view.

    He actually took a giant step in his re-election if he miraculously pulls of a come from behind victory he just has to become let’s call it a traditional figure head , law and order economics middle class etc.

    Keep his America first mantra.

    People stateside are awakening to the fact that who ever in power at the time of covid19 out break result wouldn’t be vastly different despite Democrat rhetoric.

    I called trump last time but still not ready to call him this time but he is by no means a long shot.

    Biden has a juggling act as well the party machine and the middle class to capture.

    Wise choice made for Democratic Party VP but reality it couldn’t have been anyone else in current situation across the USA.

    Anyway that a nutshell view of a savvy journalist.

    He’s still leaning Biden but doesn’t quite say it.

    I would say very accurate assessment


      Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
      I would say very accurate assessment
      It is a sad commentary that americans are good with over 180000 dead. Is it a badge of honor to get covid? It is what it is. Maybe we should expect this from a country that accepts deaths from gun violence .


        Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
        It is a sad commentary that americans are good with over 180000 dead. Is it a badge of honor to get covid? It is what it is. Maybe we should expect this from a country that accepts deaths from gun violence .
        Where does it say that ? Or is this yet another “so what your saying is “ statement


          Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
          Where does it say that ? Or is this yet another “so what your saying is “ statement
          Covid would not been different under the dems. The only policy the GOP had was blame the dems for violence under Trumps watch.


            Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
            Covid would not been different under the dems. The only policy the GOP had was blame the dems for violence under Trumps watch.
            From what I seen the GOP never blamed the Democrats for the violence , they blamed the Democratic cities for not controlling the violence and for not condemning it .

            Maybe I missed a bunch , did not watch it all


              Think his context may have been yes dems would have done covid19 different from day one but outcome may have been no different.
              All hypothetical.

              I read the whole article again and he basically pushes a very very clear line in the sand this election, left versus right.

              A previous article he wrote all Biden has to do is awaken those in the USA who do not vote he will win. Guessing that’s younger voters perhaps.

              Is voting compulsory in Canada? It is here


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