Originally posted by shortbox
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When the number one objective is wealth distribution and not climate then the whole debate is pointless really.
Let the solar projects and wind projects do there thing In areas of the planet they make sense , again not one single post about the average yearly solar output from northern latitudes has ever been shown here with data from Russia, Sweden , Finland and other northern countries , Other than a couple small supplemental home projects .
Yes , cut back on non essential fuel use by utilizing electric vehicles in big urban areas , put More research Into small feasible nuke plants to supply that power . Utilize natural gas power plants in areas that have massive reserves.
And don’t tax the heck out of industry such as Ag that has no other choice but to burn fossil fuels at this time . All those other area have a choice , Ag does not at this time . Anyone who actually farms should know this .
It may be not that far off we will have electric tractors , JD concept looks intriguing and the best I seen so far , but yet to be proven and may be a decade away from being affordable and readily viable long term usage..... be able to run at max for 18-20 hr per day on 4-6 hr charge periods.
It’s not that most farmers are totally against non fossil fuel energy sources , they are against it being shoved down our throats without viable alternatives for the majority of the energy we need in the extremely short windows needed. Sure set up a little solar system to offset your day to day power if you have the money to do so and that makes you feel all important. Good on those that do.
End of the day , green energy is not so green and that is overshadowed by political agendas.
Hopefully a balance is in the future without destroying certain economies along the way .