Well, what a fun week. The calender changed months and we go from Heat and bake oven to almost freezing the other night and yesterday we got almost as much rain in one moring afternoon than we did all month of August. Oh well, it's building the gas tank for 2021.
We got to 25% done by Tuesday night before the first showers started to hit. Some are higher than that but now are sitting as caught up and crop just isn't ready.
Ok the HRS is almost all sprayed or will be swath. Some very early results were almost 50% lower yield than normal. It seems the guys who got out first into wheat didn't get the first rain event in time and the head size was already determined. It seems that 5 to 7 days later seeding this year in wheat paid off. Later seeded will be only maybe 10% to 20% less than the last few years. Yes less and again if your shooting for 50 and you get 70 you got a bumper if your shooting for 90 and got 45 its a crash. Fun with numbers.
Grading number 1. Protein is anywhere from 11.9 to 15.9. Harvest has come to a stop on some farms as the wheat isn't ready just yet. few more days.
Oats some has been harvested but most is standing. Yield will be down and lighter with dry conditions in late July till now.
Barley is almost all harvested a few later seeded fields are left. These will be a lower yield this year due to heat in late July/August. The crop sure isn't the same as last few years and will be about 25% lower in yield.
Flax some has been sprayed and not ready yet.
Durum is being swath or taken but not much in our area.
Pea harvest is all but done with yields lower than last few years but still not that bad considering.
Lentils are all but done yields are all over the place but most farms don't grow in our area.
Canola is being swath and some damage did happen to N/S swaths in the wind the other day. We swath on an angle of 115 Deg. Seems to do better but outside rows did get blown a bit. Swath looks not bad but pods are way smaller and seeds are smaller. So yield will be down. Yea heat in August isn't a canola crops friend.
Rest of fields are sprayed and drying down. Looks like all will be ready at the same time.
Early yields are down about 50% due to the heat and dry conditions.
Frost didn't happen yet but it did get to plus 3 the other night at 3 am then clouds came over and back up in 15 min.
Pastures are not having a great year. Bales are getting picked up and straw is now in demand. Our guy is short about 100 bales on a 320-acre field than usual.
So what will September bring? I'm thinking the transition has started into fall and for us, unfortunately, will mean more rain events. Nice windy then rain. Time will tell but for now, were stopped at 25%.
Stay safe and let's get this one in the bin before the snow flys.
Oh believe it or not the Ducks did damage the other day to some Barley in our area. One slough in miles and them little buggers found it. But the geese and ducks segregate and took different rows.
We got to 25% done by Tuesday night before the first showers started to hit. Some are higher than that but now are sitting as caught up and crop just isn't ready.
Ok the HRS is almost all sprayed or will be swath. Some very early results were almost 50% lower yield than normal. It seems the guys who got out first into wheat didn't get the first rain event in time and the head size was already determined. It seems that 5 to 7 days later seeding this year in wheat paid off. Later seeded will be only maybe 10% to 20% less than the last few years. Yes less and again if your shooting for 50 and you get 70 you got a bumper if your shooting for 90 and got 45 its a crash. Fun with numbers.
Grading number 1. Protein is anywhere from 11.9 to 15.9. Harvest has come to a stop on some farms as the wheat isn't ready just yet. few more days.
Oats some has been harvested but most is standing. Yield will be down and lighter with dry conditions in late July till now.
Barley is almost all harvested a few later seeded fields are left. These will be a lower yield this year due to heat in late July/August. The crop sure isn't the same as last few years and will be about 25% lower in yield.
Flax some has been sprayed and not ready yet.
Durum is being swath or taken but not much in our area.
Pea harvest is all but done with yields lower than last few years but still not that bad considering.
Lentils are all but done yields are all over the place but most farms don't grow in our area.
Canola is being swath and some damage did happen to N/S swaths in the wind the other day. We swath on an angle of 115 Deg. Seems to do better but outside rows did get blown a bit. Swath looks not bad but pods are way smaller and seeds are smaller. So yield will be down. Yea heat in August isn't a canola crops friend.
Rest of fields are sprayed and drying down. Looks like all will be ready at the same time.
Early yields are down about 50% due to the heat and dry conditions.
Frost didn't happen yet but it did get to plus 3 the other night at 3 am then clouds came over and back up in 15 min.
Pastures are not having a great year. Bales are getting picked up and straw is now in demand. Our guy is short about 100 bales on a 320-acre field than usual.
So what will September bring? I'm thinking the transition has started into fall and for us, unfortunately, will mean more rain events. Nice windy then rain. Time will tell but for now, were stopped at 25%.
Stay safe and let's get this one in the bin before the snow flys.
Oh believe it or not the Ducks did damage the other day to some Barley in our area. One slough in miles and them little buggers found it. But the geese and ducks segregate and took different rows.