Originally posted by bucket
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The Big Wheel also has valid points in his posts. However it's comments like this
Oh I see ya there’s all these pastures just waiting to be used? Your giving him all free stuff so ya I could grain farm no debt if someone gave me all the inputs free. Lmao!
When you say mailing it on their own new farmers without loans you mean they were given a land base a house and equipment right? Because anyone with enough cash for that wouldn’t be risking that money on a new farm.
The first comes off as mockery, and maybe even a little bit of jealousy? Haha he needs stuff for free, why won't anyone give me stuff for free?!
The second makes it sound like the people in question had to be given a large portion of what they currently have in order to make a go because nobody would be dumb enough to invest in a future of farming. This probably comes from the jaded perspective of being a farmer and the hard work it can be, but the truth is there's quite a few people trying to make a move "back to the land" as it were. It's not for established farmers to feel it's a bad investment or only dumb people would do it. Those people are on a totally different side of the coin and where their priorities are different doesn't mean they're wrong or stupid.
Now I can understand some of where he's coming from. I think a lot of farmers when faced with the "Why don't more people help out new farmers" feel attacked and judged that they aren't helping. Not everyone is in a position where they can help which is fine, and some aren't willing too, that's also fine. Much like deciding to take advice or leave it, it's everyone's personal choice.
And I'm not saying that Big Wheel does this, but there are a handful of people I've seen who complain that nobody wants to start farming, there are no new farmers, and then proceed to list the reasons why they won't be the ones to offer a helping hand to new farmers. While I've found comments like Big Wheels are the norm when discussing my approach with bigger, conventional farmers, they aren't really discouraging. They're more or less expected really. The world can't all be positive, participation trophies. Heck, I've seen conventional guys tell other conventional guys that won't work, why bother. Nothing new there!
But the guys that say there needs to be fresh blood and then complain about having to help and why they would never help and how any little bit of help would be too much work for them to make it worthwhile.... Those ones can go suck on a rock. They're being hypocrites of the highest order.
And to tie this in back to SheepWheats original point - I would love to see more up and coming farmer articles because those are the people that are doing things just a little bit different which can inspire ideas for others. It can be hard to think outside the box when all you see is more conventional themed stuff being done and you're being asked why bother all the time. But I do understand the logic of it not earning the marketing of the bigger stories.