Just like on a lot of issues many posters seem stuck in the past with very out dated thinking when it comes to drugs.
When Chiefs of police and many experts are saying that we should treat drug addiction as a health issue and not a criminal justice issue, we know society has moved on from thinking about those with addictions as criminals.
Do we treat alcoholics as criminals? No we try to help them get off alcohol.
The fetanyl crisis has been partly driven by the over prescription of pain killers. Are these people criminals?
Personal choices are important, but many drug addicts are trying to escape abuse and other trauma. Just like the those who escape in a bottle.
Putting drug addicts in jail has not worked. The solution is education and treatment along with harm reduction.
When Chiefs of police and many experts are saying that we should treat drug addiction as a health issue and not a criminal justice issue, we know society has moved on from thinking about those with addictions as criminals.
Do we treat alcoholics as criminals? No we try to help them get off alcohol.
The fetanyl crisis has been partly driven by the over prescription of pain killers. Are these people criminals?
Personal choices are important, but many drug addicts are trying to escape abuse and other trauma. Just like the those who escape in a bottle.
Putting drug addicts in jail has not worked. The solution is education and treatment along with harm reduction.