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Nearby soy and Chi wheat

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    We will never know the truth because no transparency. All we can say is prices are still crap.


      Originally posted by agstar77 View Post
      We will never know the truth because no transparency. All we can say is prices are still crap.
      Agreed , but at least we can sell OUR grain to who we want when we want for the $ amount we need
      And not go to jail for it
      Can you fu-kin imagine ? Going to jail for selling your own produce ?????


        Originally posted by caseih View Post
        Agreed , but at least we can sell OUR grain to who we want when we want for the $ amount we need
        And not go to jail for it
        Can you fu-kin imagine ? Going to jail for selling your own produce ?????
        Kinda like his soybeans ... 😂😂


          Originally posted by caseih View Post
          Agreed , but at least we can sell OUR grain to who we want when we want for the $ amount we need
          And not go to jail for it
          Can you fu-kin imagine ? Going to jail for selling your own produce ?????
          Shouldn't there be a "Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry"?

          A Merchant Law Class Action with monetary compensation for pain and suffering and lost opportunity?


            Grain companies have been given the power to screw us on grade, where to deliver and price since the wheat board gone. We re missing about 2 bucks a bushel on the screw job. Instead of mixing to upgrade we re getting downgraded. It’s what’s happenning I quit growing it which is bad for rotation but it has been such a shit show.


              Mandatory sales reporting would help the Canadian industry.


                You guys talk of getting screwed on grades you don’t have upgrading at receivable centres then? Trick is to check each elevators stacked average of deliveries. Freely available to all that info. So if you’ve got wheat with borderline protein for top grade you send your wheat to a elevator that is running very very high protein at that site, yep your wheat is 1% under but we will upgrade because our average is 3% above. Better explanation below. I read a lot of your harvest shenanigans and issues well we sell and deal with exact same multi national companies Cargill LDreyfus ADM Bunges etc. last harvest think there were almost 70 companies operating.

                Really dunno why it hasn’t worked over there.

                The 2018/19 season was the first year companies introduced dynamic binning for wheat, allowing growers to receive grade upgrades with classification ranges applicable based on a rolling stack average system. The positive feedback received by the bulk handling company has prompted them to widen the scope of dynamic binning to include Malt barley varieties for the 2019/20 season.

                Dynamic binning will now be available for ASW1, APW1, H2 and H1 wheat grades, as well as Malt1 grades including Planet, Scope, Spartacus and Compass as well as Feed1 (F1).

                How does dynamic binning work?

                Dynamic binning allows grain that is just outside of the required receival standard the chance to be upgraded, this provides growers with greater flexibility and the potential to access a higher grade. To receive the upgrade four criteria components, need to be met:

                Classification results fall within the specified tolerances (see table below)
                Load meets all other quality requirements, including variety contaminants and MRLs
                The higher grade segregation is available at the delivery site
                The rolling stack average of the higher grade segregation meets the Grain Trade Australia (GTA) receival standards
                Last edited by malleefarmer; Sep 15, 2020, 04:41.


                  Originally posted by bucket View Post
                  Mandatory sales reporting would help the Canadian industry.
                  Again what do your farmer organisations do there,we have the above, we have shipping schedules in advance months what grades tonnes and which ports there loading from.

                  All grain in elevators known grade tonnes sold and unsold, buyers tenders always available.

                  Glen at Sask wheat development commission would be pushing for all the above he’s ahead of the pack he keeps telling us.

                  Guess marketing when single desk was removed was welcomed and growers marketers end users all moved ahead together almost.

                  Recent survey here about singlecdesk Australian wheat board something crazy 98% in favour of open market. At time of change was about 85%.

                  And we also had fully deregulated domestic market for I think 6 years so wasn’t a huge change when export market freed up.

                  Malt premiums two things beer consumption lowering all the time and two latest state of the art brewery’s can extract decent malt from almost any barley as long as protein is correct nothing more nothing less. So huge premiums for malt almost a fallacy now.

                  There is one malt barley here in Australia outdated 15 yrs ago like me but breweries pay overs for it like $60 plus per tonne but not many grow it but that ones the exception.

                  Anyway enough waffle from me have a good night


                    There are 355 primary elevators on the prairies and farmers don't have a clue exactly how much is in any of them.
                    There is a weekly report of stocks by province, but not by grade.
                    Export terminals do report stocks by grade and volume at each port, but not by individual terminal.
                    The Canadian system is nothing like the Australian one when it comes to transparency. Canadian farmers are flying in a fog with a dollar store compass for navigation.


                      Thanks 101

                      Why can’t you change it for betterment of all? Dumb question I guess. Seems at times your at war with grain co’s

                      Different mindset than here


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