I don’t know about you all, but if I was fixing to create some virus to harm my enemies, I would sure as heck make sure it killed everyone it touched, not .001% or whatever the heck the death rate is, no?
They keep harping about cases, yet scarcely any deaths FROM COVID ALONE.
But hey, let’s shut everything down. Exact same thing as climate change alarmist cult. If you don’t go along with it, you are ridiculed as an idiot, anti science, to the point where telling the truth is politically suicidal. So they go along with it to appease the loudmouth scaredy cats who hide in their basements and call the shots.
The virus is real, certainly. But the scare it is made out to be is fake. Just like climate change, which had lost its lustre. Appalling. A grand test drive as well to see just how much influence govnt can get away with. In a society with precious little common sense left, go to Costco and sneeze with no mask, and see where that gets you. Society will look back with a whole lot of embarrassment over this, at how we were taken for a ride. Well, some of us will see it, others will claim the masks helped! Lol
They keep harping about cases, yet scarcely any deaths FROM COVID ALONE.
But hey, let’s shut everything down. Exact same thing as climate change alarmist cult. If you don’t go along with it, you are ridiculed as an idiot, anti science, to the point where telling the truth is politically suicidal. So they go along with it to appease the loudmouth scaredy cats who hide in their basements and call the shots.
The virus is real, certainly. But the scare it is made out to be is fake. Just like climate change, which had lost its lustre. Appalling. A grand test drive as well to see just how much influence govnt can get away with. In a society with precious little common sense left, go to Costco and sneeze with no mask, and see where that gets you. Society will look back with a whole lot of embarrassment over this, at how we were taken for a ride. Well, some of us will see it, others will claim the masks helped! Lol