There's definitely a lot of conflicting information bombarding people about this virus.
This article from the US Library of Medicine explains aerosols and droplets sizes regarding virus transmission.
You can get bogged down quickly with eye glze, but #5 tries to explain masks and efficiency against covid-19.
My take from this is,
-surgical masks restrict virus transmission from the wearer to others.
-N95 masks restrict the wearer from inhaling the virus from others.
this may be one of the reasons why the infection rate in some Asian countries is lower, if everyone wears a mask, its filtered twice, exhaling and inhaling.
This article from the US Library of Medicine explains aerosols and droplets sizes regarding virus transmission.
You can get bogged down quickly with eye glze, but #5 tries to explain masks and efficiency against covid-19.
My take from this is,
-surgical masks restrict virus transmission from the wearer to others.
-N95 masks restrict the wearer from inhaling the virus from others.
this may be one of the reasons why the infection rate in some Asian countries is lower, if everyone wears a mask, its filtered twice, exhaling and inhaling.