Me thinks you protest too much! A lot of chattter for something you don't think is important. Singling out someone because they have different views from the majority of the posters on this site does not make your case.
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Blaithin, If you want to fix Agriville when have you spoken Up about the blatant misogyny, racism and bigotry apparent in many posts?
Their is a constant stream of personal attacks against Liberals especially Liberal women cabinet ministers. Show us an example of when you called this out.
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostI am not expecting to change the mind of the flat earthers ever. But it is useful to point out their Thinking is completely flawed because it makes it difficult for them to say much in public when they know their arguments fall apart quickly when scrutinized.
To each their own. If you don’t like the Wild West of social media then I suggest shutting it off.
I’m just offering advice. You want to be listened to, have discussions, then adjust your approach.
You want to preach... well you already do that. I don’t know about you but I always zone out around preachers. They don’t tend to get their message across.
People can disagree with one another without it turning into mudslinging events.
Rather amusing that your advice is to ignore you, and when I say Oh don’t worry, I usually do that, but also offer up a conversation alternative to ignoring, you suggest maybe I should leave the internet? Do you not like being ignored or you don’t like the idea of self change when it pertains to yourself?
Look, you don’t want to adjust your approach that’s your prerogative. I’m fine carrying on as I have been. But the irony of suggesting I quit the internet because you don’t like my view on the matter... well maybe you should just ignore me
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostBlaithin, If you want to fix Agriville when have you spoken Up about the blatant misogyny, racism and bigotry apparent in many posts?
Their is a constant stream of personal attacks against Liberals especially Liberal women cabinet ministers. Show us an example of when you called this out.
Not often in political posts as I try not to read those and you don’t usually frequent the ones I’m active it, but it does happen occasionally.
However, as I said, I’m here to discuss ag. It’s a fact of life that I personally experience almost weekly, that women, especially young women, are looked down on in the industry. So if I want to have ag discussions I do not constantly bring up misogyny or racism or bigotry. That won’t get me any discussions with anyone, it will get me left standing alone in a corner.
Consider my approach to be more subtle. I have no desire to have a full frontal attack on people for things that the majority of the time they don’t even realize they’re doing. Every man who stares at my chest instead of my eyes when talking would be in for a real ear full if that was the case, and I have little doubt you’d be different Chuck. I’ve been told it’s a “subconscious reflex†or something like that haha
So instead of getting a fight on with the guys here about how I think they speak very derogatorily about female cabinet ministers, I would rather prove by example that women can offer up intelligent conversation, even if they have different political ideals or opinions opposite to the current trend.
Yourself or agstar are more passionate in your proclamations, against racism particularly. Can’t say I’ve ever seen you come to the defence of women. You seem very judgemental in the idea that if people aren’t as vociferous as yourselves than they must not believe as you do. But there’s a lot of area between mask wearing, racist and judgemental prig. Most of us are going to fall somewhere in the middle, rarely condemning others, simply focusing on our own worlds and our own selves. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all form different relationships with different people and some of those relationships are not conducive to constantly calling out discrimination.
Don’t make the mistake in thinking that because someone doesn’t start brouhahas over certain subjects on here, they don’t feel strongly about something. There are times and places for those kinds of discussions and I personally don’t think brouhahas accomplish anything anyway.
And who said anything about fix Agriville? I’d just be happy with a restructuring so it’s easier to find the things I want to read about.Last edited by Blaithin; Oct 3, 2020, 10:42.
Originally posted by agstar77 View PostMe thinks you protest too much! A lot of chattter for something you don't think is important. Singling out someone because they have different views from the majority of the posters on this site does not make your case.
Originally posted by agstar77 View PostNot to mention the conspiracy theories , blatant falsehoods and the constant bashing of anyone who disagrees as a commie etc. Joe Mcarthy would have been proud.
The FACT that very few of your posts on Agriville have realistic 'Commodity Marketing' perspectives gives great weight to the arguments that you folks troll.
Commodity Management with appropriate risk management suggestions[with agricultural overtones and connections; outside the 'box' insights that give a long term view of future where AG trends could head...are helpful, as are short term AG trends and statistics being reported. Thank you to those who contribute to these attributes here.
Be safe and I hope the weather co-operates with those who need good weather to finish up their harvest! Still lots of Canola Fabas and Soy out in NE Alberta! Prayers and Blessings!
We know why our posts and participation is being singled out as a problem and others get away with much worse. It’s pretty obvious.
Blaithin I know you are a moderate on most issues and reluctant to get into mud slinging. But this site has always been about mud slinging and personal criticism if you say something the mob disagrees with!
Being fair doesn’t work. Most of the hard asses on agrisilly arent interested in fair and respectable discussion, so let’s put that myth to rest! LOL
If you want to fix Agriville then focus on all the problems, not just my repetitive posts and sometimes unconstructive contributions. When I see that happening I might take your advice! Hahah
I haven’t had a problem having reasonable discussions on here 🤷*â™€ï¸ For the most part if one side doesn’t devolve into childish behaviour, the other side comes up to par.
Look at you, we can count your LOLs on this page on one hand. I don’t think that’s ever happened before. Isn’t it fun, this no mudslinging! And we aren’t even agreeing with one another yet the conversation is still civil.
Originally posted by TOM4CWB View PostAgstar and Chuck,
The FACT that very few of your posts on Agriville have realistic 'Commodity Marketing' perspectives gives great weight to the arguments that you folks troll.
Commodity Management with appropriate risk management suggestions[with agricultural overtones and connections; outside the 'box' insights that give a long term view of future where AG trends could head...are helpful, as are short term AG trends and statistics being reported. Thank you to those who contribute to these attributes here.
Be safe and I hope the weather co-operates with those who need good weather to finish up their harvest! Still lots of Canola Fabas and Soy out in NE Alberta! Prayers and Blessings!
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