Originally posted by the big wheel
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I am with you about the conversations though. Any farmer I talk to spends about 5 minutes on the crops, the next 5 on the weather and then the rest goes off into politics or pseudo politics. Which it should because politics of the day is a far more serious threat to our business than low wheat weights.
Most people have their agronomy pretty much down. There isnt much new under the sun there. A few are trying the odd snake oil, some chasing varieties but most know what works and dont veer too far. large experiments can be costly. Mostly tinkering at the edges now.
Most commodities are range bound and have been for yrs but the economics stuff is always interesting because it gives you some forewarning whats coming down the line.
I disagree with klauses song that we are all in the same boat. There is a group of people in this country (not on this forum) that are actively paddling the other way and some trying to tip the boat right over.